69 research outputs found

    Himpunan Semi Buka Dalam Ruang Topologi

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    For study this paper we required about topological space, in particular the topology on the real numbers, while for assessing semi-open set are expected to know about an open set, closed set, closure (closure) set, interior sets, etc

    Hubungan Bentuk-bentuk Khusus K-aljabar Hiper Implikatif

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    .Setiap K-aljabar hiper dapat dipandang sebagai BCK-aljabar dimana peran operasi biner pada BCK-aljabar diambil alih oleh operasi hiper yang berlaku pada K-aljabar hiper. Operasi hiper merupakan pemetaaan dari himpunan ke keluarga himpunan sehingga operasi hiper yang berlaku pada K-aljabar merupakan generalisasi dari operasi biner yang berlaku pada BCK-aljabar. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, akan dijelaskan Definition-Definition dan teorema-teorema dalam K-aljabar hiper, K-aljabar hiper implikatif, K-aljabar hiper implikatif kuat dan K-aljabar hiper implikatif lemah serta hubungan antara ketiganya

    Analisis Hubungan Antara Persamaan Riccati Dan Persamaan Integral Volterra Tipe Dua

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    In this paper, a method for finding solution of the Riccati equation is introduced. The Riccatiequation is the first order inhomogeneous nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) that can always be transformed into a second order homogeneous linear ODE. Since, every initial value problem (IVP) of the second order linear ODEs can be transformed into a Volterra integral equation (IE) of the second type, evaluate this equation by approximate technique by means, the approximate solution of the Riccati equation can be found. The approximate technique of the Voterra IE has been describe before, is based on the Taylor series expansion and it's modification of the method. Behind the Cramer's rule, an approximate solution of the 2nd type Volterra IE is easily can be determine and so, the approximate solution of the Riccati equation can be found. Test example is given to get conclusion about accuracy of the method

    Model Economic Production Quantity (Epq) Untuk Perencanaan Terkoordinasi Pada Produk Dengan Backorder Parsial Dan Komponennya

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    Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) used to determined policy and oversee inventory levels. This article discussed on EPQ models for planed of product with partial backordered and its component. The final product is assummed have m component and coordinated planning used to coordinate component of product and final product which is the components used for basic EPQ models and for final product planned using partial backorder EPQ. Numerical simulation given based data on UD. Adi Mulya

    Model Dinamika Penyebaran Dbd Dengan Menerapkan Tiga Strategi Pengendaliannya

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    The information of the dynamic of dengue fever is needed to build the model of its controlling strategy. Therefore, this research is aimed to develop a mathematical model such that the effectiveness of several controlling strategy for example 3M campaign, treatment to the infected people, andthe applying ofinsecticide can be evaluated. This mathematical model is constructed by classifying the human population into three class that are Suspectible (S), Infected (I) and Removed (R) while the vector population (aedes aegypti mosquito) is assumed belongs to the Infected (I) class. The effectiveness of the controlling strategy is analyzed using maximum Pontryagin principle. The result of this analysis shows that the 3M campaign affects the size of the suspect population

    Metode Urutan Parsial Untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Program Linier Fuzzy Tidak Penuh

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    Not fully fuzzylinear programming problem have two shapes of objecyive function. that is triangular fuzzy number and trapezoidal fuzzy number. The decision variables and constants right segment only has a triangular fuzzy number. Partial order method can be used to solve not fully fuzzy linear programming problem with decision variables and constants right segment are triangular fuzzy number. The crisp optimal objective function value generated from the partial order method
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