129 research outputs found

    Who knows best? A Q methodology study to explore perspectives of professional stakeholders and community participants on health in low-income communities

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    Abstract Background Health inequalities in the UK have proved to be stubborn, and health gaps between best and worst-off are widening. While there is growing understanding of how the main causes of poor health are perceived among different stakeholders, similar insight is lacking regarding what solutions should be prioritised. Furthermore, we do not know the relationship between perceived causes and solutions to health inequalities, whether there is agreement between professional stakeholders and people living in low-income communities or agreement within these groups. Methods Q methodology was used to identify and describe the shared perspectives (‘subjectivities’) that exist on i) why health is worse in low-income communities (‘Causes’) and ii) the ways that health could be improved in these same communities (‘Solutions’). Purposively selected individuals (n = 53) from low-income communities (n = 25) and professional stakeholder groups (n = 28) ranked ordered sets of statements – 34 ‘Causes’ and 39 ‘Solutions’ – onto quasi-normal shaped grids according to their point of view. Factor analysis was used to identify shared points of view. ‘Causes’ and ‘Solutions’ were analysed independently, before examining correlations between perspectives on causes and perspectives on solutions. Results Analysis produced three factor solutions for both the ‘Causes’ and ‘Solutions’. Broadly summarised these accounts for ‘Causes’ are: i) ‘Unfair Society’, ii) ‘Dependent, workless and lazy’, iii) ‘Intergenerational hardships’ and for ‘Solutions’: i) ‘Empower communities’, ii) ‘Paternalism’, iii) ‘Redistribution’. No professionals defined (i.e. had a significant association with one factor only) the ‘Causes’ factor ‘Dependent, workless and lazy’ and the ‘Solutions’ factor ‘Paternalism’. No community participants defined the ‘Solutions’ factor ‘Redistribution’. The direction of correlations between the two sets of factor solutions – ‘Causes’ and ‘Solutions’ – appear to be intuitive, given the accounts identified. Conclusions Despite the plurality of views there was broad agreement across accounts about issues relating to money. This is important as it points a way forward for tackling health inequalities, highlighting areas for policy and future research to focus on

    Self-assembled photosystem-I biophotovoltaics on nanostructured TiO2 and ZnO

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    The abundant pigment-protein membrane complex photosystem-I (PS-I) is at the heart of the Earth’s energy cycle. It is the central molecule in the “Z-scheme” of photosynthesis, converting sunlight into the chemical energy of life. Commandeering this intricately organized photosynthetic nanocircuitry and re-wiring it to produce electricity carries the promise of inexpensive and environmentally friendly solar power. We here report that dry PS-I stabilized by surfactant peptides functioned as both the light-harvester and charge separator in solar cells self-assembled on nanostructured semiconductors. Contrary to previous attempts at biophotovoltaics requiring elaborate surface chemistries, thin film deposition, and illumination concentrated into narrow wavelength ranges the devices described here are straightforward and inexpensive to fabricate and perform well under standard sunlight yielding open circuit photovoltage of 0.5 V, fill factor of 71%, electrical power density of 81 µW/cm2 and photocurrent density of 362 µA/cm2, over four orders of magnitude higher than any photosystem-based biophotovoltaic to date

    FRAP Analysis on Red Alga Reveals the Fluorescence Recovery Is Ascribed to Intrinsic Photoprocesses of Phycobilisomes than Large-Scale Diffusion

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    BACKGROUND: Phycobilisomes (PBsomes) are the extrinsic antenna complexes upon the photosynthetic membranes in red algae and most cyanobacteria. The PBsomes in the cyanobacteria has been proposed to present high lateral mobility on the thylakoid membrane surface. In contrast, direct measurement of PBsome motility in red algae has been lacking so far. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we investigated the dynamics of PBsomes in the unicellular red alga Porphyridium cruentum in vivo and in vitro, using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). We found that part of the fluorescence recovery could be detected in both partially- and wholly-bleached wild-type and mutant F11 (UTEX 637) cells. Such partial fluorescence recovery was also observed in glutaraldehyde-treated and betaine-treated cells in which PBsome diffusion should be restricted by cross-linking effect, as well as in isolated PBsomes immobilized on the glass slide. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: On the basis of our previous structural results showing the PBsome crowding on the native photosynthetic membrane as well as the present FRAP data, we concluded that the fluorescence recovery observed during FRAP experiment in red algae is mainly ascribed to the intrinsic photoprocesses of the bleached PBsomes in situ, rather than the rapid diffusion of PBsomes on thylakoid membranes in vivo. Furthermore, direct observations of the fluorescence dynamics of phycoerythrins using FRAP demonstrated the energetic decoupling of phycoerythrins in PBsomes against strong excitation light in vivo, which is proposed as a photoprotective mechanism in red algae attributed by the PBsomes in response to excess light energy

    Esophageal perforation in South of Sweden: Results of surgical treatment in 125 consecutive patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For many years there has been a debate as to which is the method of choice in treating patients with esophageal perforation. The literature consists mainly of small case series. Strategies for aiding patients struck with this disease is changing as new and less traumatic treatment options are developing. We studied a relatively large consecutive material of esophageal perforations in an effort to evaluate prognostic factors, diagnostic efforts and treatment strategy in these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>125 consecutive patients treated at the University Hospital of Lund from 1970 to 2006 were studied retrospectively. Prognostic factors were evaluated using the Cox proportional hazards model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pre-operative ASA score was the only factor that significantly influenced outcome. Neck incision for cervical perforation (n = 8) and treatment with a covered stent with or without open drainage for a thoracic perforation (n = 6) had the lowest mortality. Esophageal resection (n = 8) had the highest mortality. A CAT scan or an oesophageal X-ray with oral contrast were the most efficient diagnostic tools. The preferred treatment strategy changed over the course of the study period, from a more aggressive surgical approach towards using covered stents to seal the perforation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pre-operative ASA score was the only factor that significantly influenced outcome in this study. Treatment strategies are changing as less traumatic options have become available. Sealing an esophageal perforation with a covered stent, in combination with open or closed drainage when necessary, is a promising treatment strategy.</p

    Early Colonization with a Group of Lactobacilli Decreases the Risk for Allergy at Five Years of Age Despite Allergic Heredity

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    Background: Microbial deprivation early in life can potentially influence immune mediated disease development such as allergy. The aims of this study were to investigate the influence of parental allergy on the infant gut colonization and associations between infant gut microbiota and allergic disease at five years of age. Methods and Findings: Fecal samples were collected from 58 infants, with allergic or non-allergic parents respectively, at one and two weeks as well as at one, two and twelve months of life. DNA was extracted from the fecal samples and Real time PCR, using species-specific primers, was used for detection of Bifidobacterium (B.) adolescentis, B. breve, B. bifidum, Clostridium (C.) difficile, a group of Lactobacilli (Lactobacillus (L.) casei, L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus) as well as Staphylococcus (S.) aureus. Infants with non-allergic parents were more frequently colonized by Lactobacilli compared to infants with allergic parents (p = 0.014). However, non-allergic five-year olds acquired Lactobacilli more frequently during their first weeks of life, than their allergic counterparts, irrespectively of parental allergy (p = 0.009, p = 0.028). Further the non-allergic children were colonized with Lactobacilli on more occasions during the first two months of life (p = 0.038). Also, significantly more non-allergic children were colonized with B. bifidum at one week of age than the children allergic at five years (p = 0.048). Conclusion: In this study we show that heredity for allergy has an impact on the gut microbiota in infants but also that earl

    Mapping Peptidergic Cells in Drosophila: Where DIMM Fits In

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    The bHLH transcription factor DIMMED has been associated with the differentiation of peptidergic cells in Drosophila. However, whether all Drosophila peptidergic cells express DIMM, and the extent to which all DIMM cells are peptidergic, have not been determined. To address these issues, we have mapped DIMM expression in the central nervous system (CNS) and periphery in the late larval stage Drosophila. At 100 hr after egg-laying, DIMM immunosignals are largely congruent with a dimm-promoter reporter (c929-GAL4) and they present a stereotyped pattern of 306 CNS cells and 52 peripheral cells. We assigned positional values for all DIMM CNS cells with respect to reference gene expression patterns, or to patterns of secondary neuroblast lineages. We could assign provisional peptide identities to 68% of DIMM-expressing CNS cells (207/306) and to 73% of DIMM-expressing peripheral cells (38/52) using a panel of 24 markers for Drosophila neuropeptide genes. Furthermore, we found that DIMM co-expression was a prevalent feature within single neuropeptide marker expression patterns. Of the 24 CNS neuropeptide gene patterns we studied, six patterns are >90% DIMM-positive, while 16 of 22 patterns are >40% DIMM-positive. Thus most or all DIMM cells in Drosophila appear to be peptidergic, and many but not all peptidergic cells express DIMM. The co-incidence of DIMM-expression among peptidergic cells is best explained by a hypothesis that DIMM promotes a specific neurosecretory phenotype we term LEAP. LEAP denotes Large cells that display Episodic release of Amidated Peptides

    Progress and Research Needs of Plant Biomass Degradation by Basidiomycete Fungi

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    The role of tenascin-C in tissue injury and tumorigenesis

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    The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C is highly expressed during embryonic development, tissue repair and in pathological situations such as chronic inflammation and cancer. Tenascin-C interacts with several other extracellular matrix molecules and cell-surface receptors, thus affecting tissue architecture, tissue resilience and cell responses. Tenascin-C modulates cell migration, proliferation and cellular signaling through induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oncogenic signaling molecules amongst other mechanisms. Given the causal role of inflammation in cancer progression, common mechanisms might be controlled by tenascin-C during both events. Drugs targeting the expression or function of tenascin-C or the tenascin-C protein itself are currently being developed and some drugs have already reached advanced clinical trials. This generates hope that increased knowledge about tenascin-C will further improve management of diseases with high tenascin-C expression such as chronic inflammation, heart failure, artheriosclerosis and cancer