829 research outputs found

    Chiral Generations on Intersecting 5-branes in Heterotic String Theory

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    We show that there exist two 27 and one 27 bar of E6, net one D=4, N=1 chiral matter supermultiplet as zero modes localized on the intersection of two 5-branes in the E8 x E8 heterotic string theory. The smeared intersecting 5-brane solution is used via the standard embedding to construct a heterotic background, which provides, after a compactification of some of the transverse dimensions, a five-dimensional Randall-Sundrum II like brane-world set-up in heterotic string theory. As a by-product, we present a new proof of anomaly cancellation between those from the chiral matter and the anomaly inflow onto the brane without small instanton.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; references added, typo correcte

    Multiple dynamical time-scales in networks with hierarchically nested modular organization

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    Many natural and engineered complex networks have intricate mesoscopic organization, e.g., the clustering of the constituent nodes into several communities or modules. Often, such modularity is manifested at several different hierarchical levels, where the clusters defined at one level appear as elementary entities at the next higher level. Using a simple model of a hierarchical modular network, we show that such a topological structure gives rise to characteristic time-scale separation between dynamics occurring at different levels of the hierarchy. This generalizes our earlier result for simple modular networks, where fast intra-modular and slow inter-modular processes were clearly distinguished. Investigating the process of synchronization of oscillators in a hierarchical modular network, we show the existence of as many distinct time-scales as there are hierarchical levels in the system. This suggests a possible functional role of such mesoscopic organization principle in natural systems, viz., in the dynamical separation of events occurring at different spatial scales.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Super Weyl invariance: BPS equations from heterotic worldsheets

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    It is well-known that the beta functions on a string worldsheet correspond to the target space equations of motion, e.g. the Einstein equations. We show that the BPS equations, i.e. the conditions of vanishing supersymmetry variations of the space-time fermions, can be directly derived from the worldsheet. To this end we consider the RNS-formulation of the heterotic string with (2,0) supersymmetry, which describes a complex torsion target space that supports a holomorphic vector bundle. After a detailed account of its quantization and renormalization, we establish that the cancellation of the Weyl anomaly combined with (2,0) finiteness implies the heterotic BPS conditions: At the one loop level the geometry is required to be conformally balanced and the gauge background has to satisfy the Hermitean Yang-Mills equations.Comment: 1+31 pages LaTeX, 5 figures; final version, discussion relation Weyl invariance and (2,0) finiteness extended, typos correcte

    D-Branes on the Conifold and N=1 Gauge/Gravity Dualities

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    We review extensions of the AdS/CFT correspondence to gauge/ gravity dualities with N=1 supersymmetry. In particular, we describe the gauge/gravity dualities that emerge from placing D3-branes at the apex of the conifold. We consider first the conformal case, with discussions of chiral primary operators and wrapped D-branes. Next, we break the conformal symmetry by adding a stack of partially wrapped D5-branes to the system, changing the gauge group and introducing a logarithmic renormalization group flow. In the gravity dual, the effect of these wrapped D5-branes is to turn on the flux of 3-form field strengths. The associated RR 2-form potential breaks the U(1) R-symmetry to Z2MZ_{2M} and we study this phenomenon in detail. This extra flux also leads to deformation of the cone near the apex, which describes the chiral symmetry breaking and confinement in the dual gauge theory.Comment: Based on I.R.K.'s lectures at the Les Houches Summer School Session 76, ``Gravity, Gauge Theories, and Strings'', August 2001, 42 pages, v2: clarifications and references adde

    Evaluating the Viscoelastic Properties of Tissue from Laser Speckle Fluctuations

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    Most pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis, cancer, neurodegenerative, and orthopedic disorders are accompanied with alterations in tissue viscoelasticity. Laser Speckle Rheology (LSR) is a novel optical technology that provides the invaluable potential for mechanical assessment of tissue in situ. In LSR, the specimen is illuminated with coherent light and the time constant of speckle fluctuations, τ, is measured using a high speed camera. Prior work indicates that τ is closely correlated with tissue microstructure and composition. Here, we investigate the relationship between LSR measurements of τ and sample mechanical properties defined by the viscoelastic modulus, G*. Phantoms and tissue samples over a broad range of viscoelastic properties are evaluated using LSR and conventional mechanical testing. Results demonstrate a strong correlation between τ and |G*| for both phantom (r = 0.79, p <0.0001) and tissue (r = 0.88, p<0.0001) specimens, establishing the unique capability of LSR in characterizing tissue viscoelasticity

    Inference of hidden structures in complex physical systems by multi-scale clustering

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    We survey the application of a relatively new branch of statistical physics--"community detection"-- to data mining. In particular, we focus on the diagnosis of materials and automated image segmentation. Community detection describes the quest of partitioning a complex system involving many elements into optimally decoupled subsets or communities of such elements. We review a multiresolution variant which is used to ascertain structures at different spatial and temporal scales. Significant patterns are obtained by examining the correlations between different independent solvers. Similar to other combinatorial optimization problems in the NP complexity class, community detection exhibits several phases. Typically, illuminating orders are revealed by choosing parameters that lead to extremal information theory correlations.Comment: 25 pages, 16 Figures; a review of earlier work

    Bandgap-universal passivation enables stable perovskite solar cells with low photovoltage loss

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    The efficiency and longevity of metal-halide perovskite solar cells are typically dictated by nonradiative defect-mediated charge recombination. In this work, we demonstrate a vapor-based amino-silane passivation that reduces photovoltage deficits to around 100 millivolts (>90% of the thermodynamic limit) in perovskite solar cells of bandgaps between 1.6 and 1.8 electron volts, which is crucial for tandem applications. A primary-, secondary-, or tertiary-amino–silane alone negatively or barely affected perovskite crystallinity and charge transport, but amino-silanes that incorporate primary and secondary amines yield up to a 60-fold increase in photoluminescence quantum yield and preserve long-range conduction. Amino-silane–treated devices retained 95% power conversion efficiency for more than 1500 hours under full-spectrum sunlight at 85°C and open-circuit conditions in ambient air with a relative humidity of 50 to 60%

    Composite structural motifs of binding sites for delineating biological functions of proteins

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    Most biological processes are described as a series of interactions between proteins and other molecules, and interactions are in turn described in terms of atomic structures. To annotate protein functions as sets of interaction states at atomic resolution, and thereby to better understand the relation between protein interactions and biological functions, we conducted exhaustive all-against-all atomic structure comparisons of all known binding sites for ligands including small molecules, proteins and nucleic acids, and identified recurring elementary motifs. By integrating the elementary motifs associated with each subunit, we defined composite motifs which represent context-dependent combinations of elementary motifs. It is demonstrated that function similarity can be better inferred from composite motif similarity compared to the similarity of protein sequences or of individual binding sites. By integrating the composite motifs associated with each protein function, we define meta-composite motifs each of which is regarded as a time-independent diagrammatic representation of a biological process. It is shown that meta-composite motifs provide richer annotations of biological processes than sequence clusters. The present results serve as a basis for bridging atomic structures to higher-order biological phenomena by classification and integration of binding site structures.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Evaluation of the current knowledge limitations in breast cancer research: a gap analysis

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    BACKGROUND A gap analysis was conducted to determine which areas of breast cancer research, if targeted by researchers and funding bodies, could produce the greatest impact on patients. METHODS Fifty-six Breast Cancer Campaign grant holders and prominent UK breast cancer researchers participated in a gap analysis of current breast cancer research. Before, during and following the meeting, groups in seven key research areas participated in cycles of presentation, literature review and discussion. Summary papers were prepared by each group and collated into this position paper highlighting the research gaps, with recommendations for action. RESULTS Gaps were identified in all seven themes. General barriers to progress were lack of financial and practical resources, and poor collaboration between disciplines. Critical gaps in each theme included: (1) genetics (knowledge of genetic changes, their effects and interactions); (2) initiation of breast cancer (how developmental signalling pathways cause ductal elongation and branching at the cellular level and influence stem cell dynamics, and how their disruption initiates tumour formation); (3) progression of breast cancer (deciphering the intracellular and extracellular regulators of early progression, tumour growth, angiogenesis and metastasis); (4) therapies and targets (understanding who develops advanced disease); (5) disease markers (incorporating intelligent trial design into all studies to ensure new treatments are tested in patient groups stratified using biomarkers); (6) prevention (strategies to prevent oestrogen-receptor negative tumours and the long-term effects of chemoprevention for oestrogen-receptor positive tumours); (7) psychosocial aspects of cancer (the use of appropriate psychosocial interventions, and the personal impact of all stages of the disease among patients from a range of ethnic and demographic backgrounds). CONCLUSION Through recommendations to address these gaps with future research, the long-term benefits to patients will include: better estimation of risk in families with breast cancer and strategies to reduce risk; better prediction of drug response and patient prognosis; improved tailoring of treatments to patient subgroups and development of new therapeutic approaches; earlier initiation of treatment; more effective use of resources for screening populations; and an enhanced experience for people with or at risk of breast cancer and their families. The challenge to funding bodies and researchers in all disciplines is to focus on these gaps and to drive advances in knowledge into improvements in patient care