75 research outputs found

    Client experience of core energetics body pshychotherapy

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA- Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.This study aims to understand and describe a subjective experience of four clients who chose to follow Core Energetics body psychotherapy, a model of body psychotherapy based on the theory of work-based psychoanalysis of psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, follower of Sigmund Freud. The study aims to understand the client's experience during their psychotherapeutic process through Core energetics, which uses the body as an instrument of individual character analysis, approached in four specific steps, described throughout this work. The applied method fits into the qualitative research of phenomenological nature, in Giorgi's phenomenological model adapted to psychology. The application of the methodology follows the objective of reaching a final structure of the essential and invariable constituents of this subjective experience. The sample consists of participants from Core Energetics' experience in the context of individual and group psychotherapy. The findings are in line with several similar themes that have emerged from previous studies related to the “experience of using the body in therapy” and having complete “freedom of self-expression in a reliable therapeutic and relational environment” that utilizes “selfconfrontation to reinforce personal responsibility”, changing the “perspective of victimization”. Other emerging themes have added new insights related to the "effective change in cognitive, emotional and behavioral dysfunctional patterns," raising additional questions for future studies on the possible beneficial implications of the Core Energetics experience.O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender e descrever uma experiência subjetiva de quatro clientes que optaram por psicoterapia Core Energetics, um modelo de psicoterapia corporal fundamentado na teoria da psicanálise baseada no trabalho do psicanalista Wilhelm Reich, seguidor de Sigmund Freud. O estudo pretende compreender a experiência do cliente durante o seu processo psicoterapêutico através de Core energetics, que usa o corpo como instrumento da análise de caráter individual, abordada em quatro etapas específicas, descritas no decorrer deste trabalho. O método aplicado enquadra-se na investigação qualitativa de natureza fenomenológica, no modelo fenomenológico de Giorgi adaptado à psicologia. A aplicação da metodologia segue o objetivo de alcançar uma estrutura final dos constituintes essenciais e invariáveis desta experiência subjetiva. A amostra é composta por participantes da experiência da Core Energetics no contexto da psicoterapia individual e em grupo. Os resultados vão ao encontro de vários temas semelhantes que emergiram em estudos prévios, relacionados à experiência do experiência de “usar o corpo em terapia e ter total liberdade de auto-expressão em um ambiente terapêutico e relacional confiável” que utiliza o “autoconfrontação para reforçar a responsabilidade pessoal”, mudando “a perspectiva da vitimização”. Outros temas emergentes acrescentaram novos “insights” relacionados à “mudança efetiva nos padrões disfuncionais cognitivos, emocionais e comportamentais”, levantar questões adicionais para estudos futuros sobre as possíveis implicações benéficas da experiência da Core Energetics


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    A will is the unilateral, personal and revocable judicial act through which a person, called a testator, rules for the time when he is no longer alive. A specific form of will regulated by law is the authentic will. It is characterized by the fact that the will of the testator is drawn up in authentic form, the testator is advised, and thus the will acquires the specific force of the authentic act. What differentiates the authentic will from other forms of will is the authentication procedure, which is described within this article. This procedure ensures the protection of the testator’s will, the full understanding of the effects of a legal act with death cause

    Responsible Commercial Activity Of Smes And Specific Values Of Sustainable Development In Terms Of The European Excellence Model

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    The paper underlines part of the value of the research based on survey results conducted on SMEs in Romania, in 2007-2008, within the national research project IDEAS 856 "Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs in Romania by implementing a model evaluation and improvement of their performance in accordance with the European model of quality management.” One of the research objectives was the assessment of the satisfaction degree of requirements relating to protection of human health and environmental protection by SMEs from Romania, including those in trade, in terms of an integrated approach to sustainable development values within the European Excellence Model as defined by the European Foundation for Quality Management - EFQM). As a consequence of the study it appears that there is a correlation between the degree of meeting these requirements and mature quality management system of enterprises. Thus, it was found that for SMEs in trade, whose interests in implementing a quality management system is in its early stages, the degree of satisfaction of the requirements of society, from the perspective of an integrated approach to sustainable development values in the EFQM Excellence Model, is relatively low. On the other hand, research carried out showed that data obtained by SMEs in trade in the process of evaluating and monitoring the impact on the environment are used mainly to establish corrective actions, following the complaints occurred, and less to define continuous improvement programs to meet these requirements.responsible commercial activity, sustainable development, demands of society, social responsibility, SMEs in trade, the EFQM excellence model


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    This study investigated the alterations in the activities of several antioxidant enzymesin the gills of the freshwater fish Carassius auratus gibelio exposed to deltamethrin.To get this goal, groups of 10 individuals were exposed for one, two, three, sevenand fourteen days to sublethal concentration of deltamethrin (2 g/L). Anothergroup was used as control. The activities of catalase, gluthatione peroxidase andgluthatione reductase were significantly decreased, while the glutathione-Stransferasewas up-regulated. All fish, exposed to 2glL deltamethrin revealed gillsmorphological alterations after 48h of exposure which were accentuated after 14days. In the gills hyperemia, fusion of secondary lamellae, epithelial layer ruptureand chloride cells proliferation were observed. These results suggest that animmediate adaptive response to the oxidative stress appeared, demonstratingalterations in the antoxidant defense mechanism in the gills of deltamethrinintoxicated fish

    Patentable Formula Based on Essential Oils with a Protective Effect Against Rhizobium Vitis

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    The crown gall of grapevines is an economic importance bacteriosis caused by Rhizobium vitis strains. Five essential oils (EO’s) were tested against the autochthonous 2btm strain of R. vitis for their capacity to inhibit the phytopathogen growth, by in vitro and in planta tests. The measurements regarding in vitro inhibition zone were performed. Subsequently, the ability of patentable formula based on essential oils to prevent/reduce tumor formation in tomato and vine plants has been tested. After 30 days for tomato plants, the evaluation of disease incidence and effectiveness of treatments applied at two points in time (T0 and T30), were determined. In vine plants, tumorigenesis is initiated up to 9 months after inoculation, so the results are being processed. Efficacy values of 94.7% at both T0 and T30   and, a very low disease incidence of 5% compared to positive control were recorded. Also, the tumor of EO’s treated tomato plants were smaller in size and did not form a complete ring as positive control plants. The use of patentable formula as prevented treatment, reduced the number of plants developing crown gall symptoms and tumor size compared to positive control plants

    Quality of Education in Romania. Case Study – School Results

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    Education is an important area of training the individual’s personality for a better individual life, contributes to the well-being of society by developing a set of skills that can be applied throughout life, can trigger the emergence of innovative ideas that benefit society as a whole. Lack of education creates problems such as domestic violence, poor health and especially low living standards. That is why without a good education, a better society cannot be formed. The quality of education is given by all the characteristics of the education system. One of the indicators that can highlight the quality of education is represented by the students’ school results. Therefore, the emphasis is on students’ results and the added value of the school. „Education is increasingly becoming a public service, a provider of quality, which is evaluated and self-evaluated as an organization, based on standards and whose management must ensure the satisfaction of customer requirements, in terms of efficiency and maximizing added value ( Preda & Diaconescu, 2013, p.5). Quality in the educational environment is a mirror of performance in knowledge-based educational institutions that tend to be compatible with education systems around the world. And lack of education is a root cause of poverty

    Mental health at different stages of cancer survival: a natural language processing study of Reddit posts

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    IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to use text-based social media content analysis from cancer-specific subreddits to evaluate depression and anxiety-loaded content. Natural language processing, automatic, and lexicon-based methods were employed to perform sentiment analysis and identify depression and anxiety-loaded content.MethodsData was collected from 187 Reddit users who had received a cancer diagnosis, were currently undergoing treatment, or had completed treatment. Participants were split according to survivorship status into short-term, transition, and long-term cancer survivors. A total of 72524 posts were analyzed across the three cancer survivor groups.ResultsThe results showed that short-term cancer survivors had significantly more depression-loaded posts and more anxiety-loaded words than long-term survivors, with no significant differences relative to the transition period. The topic analysis showed that long-term survivors, more than other stages of survivorship, have resources to share their experiences with suicidal ideation and mental health issues while providing support to their survivor community.DiscussionThe results indicate that Reddit texts seem to be an indicator of when the stressor is active and mental health issues are triggered. This sets the stage for Reddit to become a platform for screening and first-hand intervention delivery. Special attention should be dedicated to short-term survivors

    Promising Hydrogels-Based Dressings for Optimal Treatment of Cutaneous Lesions

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    Worldwide, cutaneous lesions care represents a daily challenge for the medical system, with an increasing prevalence from year to year (from ~5 million in 2005 to about 8 million in 2018) and high costs for their treatment (between ~28billionand  28 billion and ~97 billion). Injuries are the most frequent and destructive form of skin damage, affecting patients’ quality of life. To promote wound healing, an ideal treatment involves proper dressings that can manage the local pain, inflammation, or infection. Passive or dry traditional dressings, such as cotton, gauze, or lint, have limited therapeutic actions and demand periodic replacement of the dressing. Therefore, an optimal alternative for advanced wound care is represented by hydrogels, one of the five classes of modern dressings, which assure excellent local moisture, due to their high ability to absorb a large volume of water inside their three-dimensional networks. Moreover, hydrogels possess suitable biocompatibility, biodegradability, porosity, elasticity, flexibility, and biological properties similar to the extracellular matrix. This chapter presents the main characteristics of the hydrogels and the recent research regarding the development of new hydrogel dressings, based on natural, semi-synthetic, or synthetic biopolymers, loaded with varied therapeutic agents to stimulate the tissue regeneration of different etiologies cutaneous lesions

    Touch, feel, heal. The use of hospital green spaces and landscape as sensory-therapeutic gardens: a case study in a university clinic

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    It has been documented that patients with mental or physical disabilities can benefit from being placed within the setting of a natural environment. Consequently, the concept of creating spaces that can enhance health preservation or patient recovery, while also augmenting environmental and aesthetic value, has merged as a contemporary discourse. Green areas around hospitals can offer a great opportunity to incorporate healing gardens to benefit their patients and not only. The aim of this paper is to propose a design for a sensory-therapeutic garden based on key principles derived from selected academic literature, focusing on the application of these principles in a healthcare setting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The design was informed also by onsite data collection and analysis, and it aims to create a healing landscape that addresses the needs of patients, healthcare providers, and visitors. This study seeks to augment the discourse in the field by demonstrating the practical application of key therapeutic garden design principles in a specific context and how these principles impacted the design process

    Research and Science Today Supplement No.1(3)/2012

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    Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the country and abroad. We want to offer the participants the opportunity to present their scientific works in the following areas: Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Education Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Sport. This journal provides students the opportunity to create and / or to improve their abilities to write scientific papers. So each appearance (two appearances per year at which we can add supplements) contains a number of papers written by students, masters and doctoral from the faculties from the country or / and abroad. The journal promotes original studies contributing to the progress of knowledge and it is motivated by the need to address issues of theory and practice in the areas mentioned above. The Journal is a training means of the factors involved in the conceptualization, development, implementation and evaluation , aiming the formation of creative personalities who could be able to adapt through the changing conditions of life. Journal wants to be a forum for debates disciplinaries and interdisciplinaries theoretical topics, to become a research support, to leverage this work at regional, national and international levels. We believe that this gathering will enjoy the support from both parts of the researchers and of the practitioners, and will provide appropriate training sources held professional through the current problems