61 research outputs found

    Automutilação de dedos e lábio em paciente esquizofrênico

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    CONTEXTO: Episódios de automutilação grave são raramente observados na prática psiquiá­trica. Ocorrem principalmente em pacientes psicóticos, sendo o principal diagnóstico a esquizofrenia. As regiões mais comumente automutiladas são o pênis e os olhos. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos o caso de um paciente portador de esquizofrenia paranóide que desenvolveu quadro de auto-amputação de lábios e falanges secundário a alucinações auditivas de comando e delírios místico-religiosos. CONCLUSÃO: Episódios de automutilação são eventos raros em pacientes esquizofrênicos. Deve-se nestes casos identificar pródromos ou fatores desencadeantes destes episódios para se instituir rapidamente abordagens para prevenir ou diminuir o risco de sua ocorrência nestes pacientes.CONTEXT: Severe self-mutilation episodes are rare in psychiatric practice. Most patients are psychotic during such acts and the main diagnosis is schizophrenia. The regions most commonly self-mutilated are the penis and the eyes. CASE REPORT: A patient previously diagnosed with schizophrenia started self-mutilating his lip and phalanxes secondary to command auditory hallucinations and influenced by mystic-religious delusions. CONCLUSION: Self-mutilation episodes are rare in schizophrenic patients. In such case, it should be identified prodrome symptoms or provoking situations in order to promptly institute strategies to prevent or lessen the risk of new episodes

    Nível educacional e idade no desempenho no Miniexame do Estado Mental em idosos residentes na comunidade

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    BACKGROUND: Low educational level is common among Brazilian elderly and can affect the results of usual cognitive testing. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of age, and educational level on MMSE performance, in a community-dwelling sample of elderly individuals. METHODS: A community sample was obtained, based on the public health program "BH Vida", Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Home visits were done between August 2001 and June 2002. A Portuguese version of the MMSE was administered to the elderly during home visits. RESULTS: Our sample was composed of 176 individuals, aged 65-97 years old (median = 71). Educational level ranged from no formal education to 13 years of education (median = 3). The MMSE scores ranged from 1 to 30 (median = 23). Both age and educational level had a statistically significant influence in MMSE (p < 0.001 e p < 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSION: Even in the low educational level elderly, length of formal education was a factor significant influencing MMSE score. Increasing age predicted lower total MMSE score.CONTEXTO: Baixo nível educacional é comum na população idosa brasileira e isso pode afetar a avaliação cognitiva pelos métodos usuais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto do nível educacional e da idade no desempenho no MEEM em idosos residentes na comunidade. MÉTODOS: Visitas domiciliares foram realizadas, entre agosto de 2001 e junho de 2002, numa comunidade de Belo Horizonte. Nessas visitas, o MEEM foi aplicado a indivíduos com idade acima de 65 anos. RESULTADOS: Foram examinados 176 indivíduos. A idade variou de 65 a 97 anos (mediana = 71 anos). O nível educacional variou do analfabetismo a 13 anos de escolaridade (mediana = 3 anos); a pontuação no MEEM variou de 1 a 30 (mediana = 23 pontos). Tanto a idade quanto o nível educacional produziram influência estatisticamente significante na pontuação no MEEM (p < 0,001 e p < 0,0001, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: Em idosos com baixo nível educacional, quanto maior a escolaridade do indivíduo, melhor é o seu desempenho no MEEM. Ao mesmo tempo, quanto maior a sua idade, pior é a sua pontuação no MEEM

    Abnormal expression of cortical cell cycle regulators underlying anxiety and depressive-like behavior in mice exposed to chronic stress

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    BackgroundThe cell cycle is a critical mechanism for proper cellular growth, development and viability. The p16INK4a and p21Waf1/Cip1 are important regulators of the cell cycle progression in response to internal and external stimuli (e.g., stress). Accumulating evidence indicates that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is particularly vulnerable to stress, where stress induces, among others, molecular and morphological alterations, reflecting behavioral changes. Here, we investigated if the p16INK4a and p21Waf1/Cip1 expression are associated with behavioral outcomes.MethodsPrefrontal cortex mRNA and protein levels of p16INK4A and p21Waf1/Cip1 of mice (six independent groups of C57BL/6J, eight mice/group, 50% female) exposed from 0 to 35 days of chronic restraint stress (CRS) were quantified by qPCR and Western Blot, respectively. Correlation analyses were used to investigate the associations between cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) expression and anxiety- and depression-like behaviors.ResultsOur results showed that the PFC activated the cell cycle regulation pathways mediated by both CKIs p16INK4A and p21Waf1/Cip1 in mice exposed to CRS, with overall decreased mRNA expression and increased protein expression. Moreover, correlation analysis revealed that mRNA and protein levels are statistically significant correlated with anxiety and depressive-like behavior showing a greater effect in males than females.ConclusionOur present study extends the existing literature providing evidence that PFC cells respond to chronic stress exposure by overexpressing CKIs. Furthermore, our findings indicated that abnormal expression of p16INK4A and p21Waf1/Cip1 may significantly contribute to non-adaptive behavioral responses

    Benefits of psychodynamic group therapy on depression, burden and quality of life of family caregivers to Alzheimer’s disease patients

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    Abstract Background Family members providing continuous care to demented patients suffer from severe burden that impairs quality of life and often evolves to depression. Objective This study aims to evaluate the effect of psychodynamic group psychotherapy (PGT) compared to body awareness therapy (BAT) on caregiver burden, depressive symptoms, and quality of life among family caregivers to Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. Methods Thirty-seven healthy family caregivers were randomly allocated to receive PGT (n = 20) or BAT (n = 17). Interventions were administered in the format of 14 weekly group sessions. Outcome measures were: modification of scores on Zarit Burden Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and WHO-QoL Scale. Results Participants in the PGT group displayed significant reduction on burden (p = 0.01) and depression scores (p = 0.005), and improved quality of life (p = 0.002), whereas those in the BAT group showed improvements in burden of care (p = 0.001) and quality of life (p = 0.01), but not on depressive symptoms (p = 0.13). Discussion Psychodynamic psychotherapy was associated with amelioration of depressive symptoms, but overall benefits on burden of care and quality of life were similar irrespective of the type of intervention, i.e., psychologically-oriented or not. We hypothesize that these interventions can be complementary to improve depression and burden of care among family caregivers of AD patients

    Self-perception of health and cognitive performance in community-dwelling elderly

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    CONTEXTO: A autopercepção de saúde contempla vários aspectos da saúde física, cognição e capacidade funcional. OBJETIVO: Comparar idosos com e sem evidência de declínio cognitivo/demência quanto a autopercepção de saúde e variáveis sociodemográficas, destacando as variáveis associadas à autopercepção de saúde positiva e negativa dentro destes grupos. MÉTODOS: Noventa e oito idosos residentes na comunidade foram avaliados em visitas domiciliares para este trabalho. A avaliação cognitiva e funcional foi feita por meio da aplicação do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), do Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR), da Escala de Demência de Blessed (EDB) e do Questionário do Informante de Declínio Cognitivo em Idosos (IQCODE). A autopercepção da saúde foi avaliada por intermédio de um questionário adaptado do Brazil Old Age Schedule. RESULTADOS: Vinte e seis idosos (26%) apresentaram quadro de declínio cognitivo. Autopercepção de saúde negativa e menor participação em atividades físicas e recreativas se associaram significativamente a declínio cognitivo nesta amostra (p = 0,006, p = 0,05, p = 0,03, respectivamente). No grupo de sujeitos sem evidência de declínio cognitivo, a história prévia de eventos cerebrovasculares se relacionou à maior frequência de autopercepção negativa da saúde. CONCLUSÃO: A autopercepção negativa da saúde está relacionada ao provável diagnóstico de demência. Nos idosos com declínio cognitivo, a autopercepção positiva de saúde associa-se a quadros mais graves, refletindo possivelmente menor insight quanto ao estado mórbido.BACKGROUND: The self-perception of health can approach several aspects of physical health, cognition and functional abilities. OBJECTIVE: To compare elderly subjects wit and without evidence of cognitive decline in relation to health self-perception and socio-demographic variables, highlighting the variables associated with positive or negative health self-perception in these groups. METHODS: Ninety eight community-dwelling subjects were assessed in this study. Cognitive and functional abilities were tested using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), the Blessed Dementia Scale (BDS), and the Informant Questionnaire of Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE). Self-perception of health evaluation was performed with the use of an adapted questionnaire of the Brazil Old Age Schedule. RESULTS: Twenty-six subjects (26%) had evidence of cognitive decline in this sample. Negative health self-perception and lower levels of physical and leisure activity were significantly associated with cognitive decline in this sample (p = 0.006, p = 0.05, p = 0.03, respectively). In the group of subjects without evidence of dementia, history of cerebrovascular disease was associated with negative health perception. DISCUSSION: Dementia was associated with worse health self-perception evaluation. In addition, elders with evidence of dementia and good health self-perception evaluation had higher IQCODE scores, suggesting lack of judgment regarding health status.Brasil - CapesFapemigPROE

    Comprometimento cognitivo leve: rastreio cognitivo ou avaliação neuropsicológica?

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the neuropsychological profile of mild cognitive impairment subtypes (amnestic, non-amnestic and multiple-domain) of a clinical sample. We further address the diagnostic properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Cambridge Cognitive Examination for the identification of the different mild cognitive impairment subtypes in clinical practice. METHOD: Cross-sectional clinical and neuropsychological evaluation of 249 elderly patients attending a memory clinic at a university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RESULTS: The performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment was heterogeneous across the different subtests of the neuropsychological battery, with a trend towards an overall worse performance for amnestic (particularly multiple domain) mild cognitive impairment as compared to non-amnestic subtypes. Screening tests for dementia (Mini-Mental State Examination and Cambridge Cognitive Examination) adequately discriminated cases of mild Alzheimer's disease from controls, but they were not accurate to discriminate patients with mild cognitive impairment (all subtypes) from control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The discrimination of mild cognitive impairment subtypes was possible only with the aid of a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. It is necessary to develop new strategies for mild cognitive impairment screening in clinical practice.OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil neuropsicológico dos subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve, amnéstico, não-amnéstico e múltiplos domínios, de uma amostra clínica. Além disto, avaliou-se as propriedades diagnósticas do Mini-exame do Estado Mental e do Cambridge Cognitive Examination na identificação dos diferentes subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve na prática clínica. MÉTODO: Avaliação clínica e neuropsicológica transversal de 249 idosos em uma clínica de memória de um hospital universitário em São Paulo, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Testes de rastreio para demência (Mini-exame do Estado Mental e Cambridge Cognitive Examination) identificam corretamente casos de doença de Alzheimer leve, mas não apresentam boa acurácia para diferenciar os diversos subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve. A performance dos sujeitos portadores de comprometimento cognitivo leve foi heterogênea nos diferentes testes da bateria neuropsicológica, com uma tendência a uma pior performance global nos pacientes com o subtipo amnéstico (especialmente os com envolvimento de múltiplos domínios cognitivos) em relação ao comprometimento cognitivo leve não-amnéstico. CONCLUSÕES: A discriminação dos diferentes subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve foi possível somente a partir de uma avaliação neuropsicológica detalhada. Desta maneira, é necessário o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de rastreio para esta condição na prática clínica

    Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta (GSK-3B) activity in elderly patients with major depressive disorder: association with clinical, psychopathological and cognitive aspects

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    Apesar da elevada prevalência dos transtornos depressivos em idosos, os mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes a estes quadros são pouco conhecidos. Atualmente, o principal foco dos estudos sobre a fisiopatologia da depressão geriátrica são as alterações cerebrovasculares associadas a estes quadros. Outros mecanismos fisiopatológicos têm sido estudados, como as alterações em cascatas neurotróficas e inflamatórias. A enzima glicogênio sintase quinase 3 beta (GSK-3B) tem sido implicada na patogênese de diversos transtornos mentais, em especial os transtornos afetivos (i.e. depressão maior e o transtorno afetivo bipolar) e doenças neurodegenerativas (i.e. doença de Alzheimer). Entretanto, não há estudos que avaliam o papel desta enzima nos pacientes idosos com depressão maior. Desta maneira, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar a atividade da GSK-3B em pacientes idosos com depressão maior. A hipótese deste estudo é que a atividade enzimática está aumentada nos pacientes idosos deprimidos em relação a idosos saudáveis. Para este estudo, recrutamos 40 idosos com depressão maior (de acordo com os critérios diagnósticos do DSM-IV) e que não estavam em uso de antidepressivos. O grupo comparativo foi constituído por 13 idosos saudáveis, sem evidências de transtornos cognitivos ou do humor. A gravidade da sintomatologia depressiva foi avaliada pela escala de depressão de Hamilton de 21 itens (HAM-D); o desempenho cognitivo dos pacientes e controles foi avaliado pelo teste cognitivo de Cambridge (CAMCOG) e pelo mini-exame do estado mental (MEEM). A expressão da GSK-3B foi determinada em plaquetas através de ensaio imunoenzimático (EIA), sendo estabelecido os níveis totais da GSK-3B (T-GSK-3B) e de sua forma fosforilada (P-GSK-3B), inativa. A atividade enzimática foi inferida indiretamente pela razão P-GSK- 3B / T-GSK-3B. Nos pacientes idosos com depressão maior, observou-se uma redução significante dos níveis P-GSK-3B (p=0,03) e da razão da GSK- 3B (p=0,03). Os pacientes com sintomatologia depressiva mais grave (HAMD > 21) e déficits cognitivos mais intensos (CAMCOG < 86) apresentaram maior atividade enzimática (p=0,03 e teste, p=0,01, respectivamente). Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que a atividade da GSK-3B está significantemente aumentada em pacientes idosos com depressão maior e que está alteração é mais pronunciada nos pacientes com sintomatologia depressiva e déficits cognitivos mais graves. Neste contexto, a atividade da GSK-3B pode ser considerada um marcador de estado em pacientes idosos com episódios depressivos mais graves e ser um importante alvo para o desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas para estes quadrosDespite the high prevalence of depressive disorders in the elderly, its main physiopathological mechanisms are largely unknown. In the recent years, most of the research efforts focused on the association between cerebrovascular changes and geriatric depression. Nonetheless, other mechanisms have been studied, such as changes in neurotrophic and inflammatory cascades. The enzyme glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK- 3B) has been implicated in many mental disorders, in particular affective disorders (i.e. major depression and bipolar disorder) and neurodegenerative disorders (i.e. Alzheimers disease). However, there is no study so far that addressed the role of this enzyme in elderly patients with major depression. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate if GSK-3B activity is changed in elderly patients with major. The working hypothesis is that enzyme activity is significantly increased in elderly patients with major depression as compared to elderly controls. We recruited 40 elderly patients with current major depressive episode (according to the DSM-IV criteria) that was not under antidepressant treatment. The comparison group included 13 healthy elderly subjects with no evidence of cognitive impairment or major psychiatric disorder. The severity of depressive symptoms was assessed by the Hamilton Depression Scale 21 items; cognitive performance was assessed by the Cambridge Cognitive test (CAMCOG) and the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE). The levels of total and phosphorylated GSK-3B (T-GSK-3B and P-GSK-3B, respectively) levels were determined in platelets by immunoenzymatic assay (EIA). Enzyme activity was indirectly inferred by the ratio P-GSK-3B / T-GSK-3B. Elderly patients with major depression had a significant reduction in the P-GSK-3B levels (p = 0.03) and GSK-3B ratio (p= 0.03). The patients with severe depressive episode (HAM-D scores above 21 points) and cognitive impairment (CAMCOG scores below 86 points) presented the more significant reduction of GSK-3B ratio (p = 0.03 and p = 0.01, respectively). These data altogether suggest that GSK-3B activity is significantly increased in elderly patients with major depression, in particular in those with more severe depressive episode and worse cognitive performance. In this context, the increased enzyme activity may be regarded as a state marker of severe depressive episodes and may an important target to the development of therapeutic strategies to this disorde

    Circulating levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor: correlation with mood, cognition and motor function

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is the most widely distributed neurotrophin in the CNS, where it plays several pivotal roles in synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival. As a consequence, BDNF has become a key target in the physiopathology of several neurological and psychiatric diseases. Recent studies have consistently reported altered levels of BDNF in the circulation (i.e., serum or plasma) of patients with major depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer`s disease, Huntington`s disease and Parkinson`s disease. Correlations between serum BDNF levels and affective, cognitive and motor symptoms have also been described. BDNF appears to be an unspecific biomarker of neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by neurodegenerative changes