609 research outputs found

    Using \u3cem\u3eClicker\u3c/em\u3e 5 to Enhance Emergent Literacy in Young Learners

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    Best practices in emergent literacy instruction for young children acknowledge and facilitate the smooth progression between children’s early engagement with print materials and subsequent fuller literacy mastery. In so doing, model programs target five key emergent literacy skills. The rapid rise in the breadth and depth of educational technology, including computer software, is offering early childhood education professionals new and powerful tools in teaching early literacy. This paper offers a brief review of best practices in emergent literacy, notes the growth of technology in this instruction, and examines the potential contributions of one specific software program, Clicker 5, in helping diverse emergent literacy learners acquire and practice initial reading and writing skills

    Sources and metal pollution of sediments from a coastal area of the central western adriatic sea (Southern Marche region, Italy)

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    Sediments represent a critical compartment of marine coastal ecosystems due to the toxic and long-lasting effects of the contaminants buried therein. Here, we investigated the properties of surficial sediments in front of the Southern Marche Region coast (Central Adriatic Sea, Italy). The grain size of the surficial sediments was determined by X-ray sedigraphy. TN and OC contents were determined by elemental analysis. The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mg, K, S, Ca, Ti, P, Na, Mn, Mg, Li, As, Ba, Ga, Pb, Sr, and Zn were determined by ICP-OES to evaluate their spatial patterns and temporal trends. A Q-mode Factor Analyses was applied and resulted in the identification of three compositional facies (Padanic, Coastal, and Residual) characterized by common biogeochemical, mineralogical, sedimentological properties, transport pathway, and source. Some pollution indica-tors, such as the enrichment factor, the geoaccumulation index, and the pollution load index were calculated to assess the deviation from the natural background levels. The results showed a pollution by As and Ba due to the human activities in the 20th century. Furthermore, a general decreasing of Al, Ti, P, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ni, Pb, Sc, V, and Y concentrations from the background levels suggested a change in the sedimentation processes during the last decades

    MIcrogreens: Functional food with antiproliferative cancer properties influenced by light

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    The anti-proliferative/pro-oxidant efficacy of green pea, soybean, radish, Red Rambo radish, and rocket microgreens, cultivated under either fluorescent lighting (predominant spectral peaks in green and orange) or combination light-emitting diode (LED, predominant spectral peak in blue) was investigated using Ewing sarcoma lines, RD-ES and A673, respectively. All aqueous microgreen extracts significantly reduced cell proliferation (cancer prevention effect) to varying extents in two-dimensional sarcoma cell cultures. The effect of the polyphenol fraction in the aqueous food matrix was unrelated to total polyphenol content, which differed between species and light treatment. Only Pisum sativum (LED-grown) extracts exercised anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in both three-dimensional RD-ES and A673 spheroids (early tumor progression prevention), without cytotoxic effects on healthy L929 fibroblasts. A similar anti-tumor effect of Red Rambo radish (LED and fluorescent-grown) was evident only in the RD-ES spheroids. Aside from the promising anti-tumor potential of the polyphenol fraction of green pea microgreens, the latter also displayed favorable growth quality parameters, along with radish, under both light treatments over the 10 day cultivation period

    Natural versus anthropic influence on north adriatic coast detected by geochemical analyses

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    This study focused on the geochemical and sedimentological characterization of recent sediments from two marine sites (S1 and E1) located in the North Adriatic Sea, between the Po River prodelta and the Rimini coast. Major and trace metal concentrations reflect the drainage area of the Po River and its tributaries, considered one of the most polluted areas in Europe. Sediment geochemistry of the two investigated sites denote distinct catchment areas. High values of Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn detected in sediments collected in the Po River prodelta (S1 site) suggest the Po River supply, while lower levels of these elements characterize sediments collected in front of the Rimini coast (E1 site), an indication of Northern Apennines provenance. Historical trends of Pb and Zn reconstructed from the sedimentary record around the E1 site document several changes that can be correlated with the industrialization subsequent to World War II, the implementation of the environmental policy in 1976 and the effects of the Comacchio dumping at the end of 1980. At the S1 site, the down core distributions of trace elements indicate a reduction of contaminants due to the introduction of the Italian Law 319/76 and the implementation of anti-pollution policies on automotive Pb (unleaded fuels) in the second half of the 1980s

    Processing and structural properties of random oriented lead lanthanum zirconate titanate thin films

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    Polycrystalline lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) thin films have been prepared by a polymeric chemical route to understand the mechanisms of phase transformations and map the microstructure and elastic properties at the nanoscale in these films. X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ultrasonic force microscopy (UFM) have been used as investigative tools. On one side, PLZT films with mixed-phase show that the pyrochlore phase crystallizes predominantly in the bottom film-electrode interface while a pure perovskite phase crystallizes in top film surface. On the contrary, pyrochlore-free PLZT films show a non-uniform microstrain and crystallite size along the film thickness with a heterogeneous complex grainy structure leading to different elastic properties at nanoscale

    Differences in ozone retrieval in MIPAS channels A and AB: a spectroscopic issue

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    Discrepancies in ozone retrievals in MIPAS channels A (685–970cm−1) and AB (1020–1170cm−1) have been a long-standing problem in MIPAS data analysis, amounting to an interchannel bias (AB–A) of up to 8% between ozone volume mixing ratios in the altitude range 30–40km. We discuss various candidate explanations, among them forward model and retrieval algorithm errors, interchannel calibration inconsistencies and spectroscopic data inconsistencies. We show that forward-modelling errors as well as errors in the retrieval algorithm can be ruled out as an explanation because the bias can be reproduced with an entirely independent retrieval algorithm (GEOFIT), relying on a different forward radiative transfer model. Instrumental and calibration issues can also be refuted as an explanation because ozone retrievals based on balloon-borne measurements with a different instrument (MIPAS-B) and an independent level-1 data processing scheme produce a rather similar interchannel bias. Thus, spectroscopic inconsistencies in the MIPAS database used for ozone retrieval are practically the only reason left. To further investigate this issue, we performed retrievals using additional spectroscopic databases. Various versions of the HITRAN database generally produced rather similar channel AB–A differences. Use of a different database, namely GEISA-2015, led to similar results in channel AB, but to even higher ozone volume mixing ratios for channel A retrievals, i.e. to a reversal of the bias. We show that the differences in MIPAS channel A retrievals result from about 13% lower air-broadening coefficients of the strongest lines in the GEISA-2015 database. Since the errors in line intensity of the major lines used in MIPAS channels A and AB are reported to be considerably lower than the observed bias, we posit that a major part of the channel AB–A differences can be attributed to inconsistent air-broadening coefficients as well. To corroborate this assumption we show some clearly inconsistent air-broadening coefficients in the HITRAN-2008 database. The interchannel bias in retrieved ozone amounts can be reduced by increasing the air-broadening coefficients of the lines in MIPAS channel AB in the HITRAN-2008 database by 6%–8%

    Models of the SL9 Impacts II. Radiative-hydrodynamic Modeling of the Plume Splashback

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    We model the plume "splashback" phase of the SL9 collisions with Jupiter using the ZEUS-3D hydrodynamic code. We modified the Zeus code to include gray radiative transport, and we present validation tests. We couple the infalling mass and momentum fluxes of SL9 plume material (from paper I) to a jovian atmospheric model. A strong and complex shock structure results. The modeled shock temperatures agree well with observations, and the structure and evolution of the modeled shocks account for the appearance of high excitation molecular line emission after the peak of the continuum light curve. The splashback region cools by radial expansion as well as by radiation. The morphology of our synthetic continuum light curves agree with observations over a broad wavelength range (0.9 to 12 microns). A feature of our ballistic plume is a shell of mass at the highest velocities, which we term the "vanguard". Portions of the vanguard ejected on shallow trajectories produce a lateral shock front, whose initial expansion accounts for the "third precursors" seen in the 2-micron light curves of the larger impacts, and for hot methane emission at early times. Continued propagation of this lateral shock approximately reproduces the radii, propagation speed, and centroid positions of the large rings observed at 3-4 microns by McGregor et al. The portion of the vanguard ejected closer to the vertical falls back with high z-component velocities just after maximum light, producing CO emission and the "flare" seen at 0.9 microns. The model also produces secondary maxima ("bounces") whose amplitudes and periods are in agreement with observations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures (figs 3 and 4 in color), accepted for Ap.J. latex, version including full figures at: http://oobleck.tn.cornell.edu/jh/ast/papers/slplume2-20.ps.g

    Agronomic, nutritional and nutraceutical aspects of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars under low input agricultural management

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    Among cereals, durum wheat has a central role in the Italian diet and economy, where there is a historical tradition of pasta making. In the present study, we evaluated the nutrient and nutraceutical properties of 2 old and 6 modern durum wheat varieties grown under low input agricultural management. Considering the lack of available data on the adaptability of existing durum wheat varieties to the low input and organic sectors, the research aimed at providing a complete description of the investigated genotypes, considering the agronomic performance as well as the nutrient and phytochemical composition. The experimental trials were carried out at the same location (Bologna, Northern Italy) for two consecutive growing seasons (2006/2007, 2007/2008). No clear distinction between old and modern varieties was observed in terms of grain yield (mean values ranging from 2.5 to 4.0 t/ha), highlighting that the divergence in productivity, normally found between dwarf and non-dwarf genotypes, is strongly reduced when they are cropped under low input management. All durum wheat varieties presented high protein levels and, in addition, provided remarkable amounts of phytochemicals such as dietary fibre, polyphenols, flavonoids and carotenoids. Some of the investigated genotypes, such as Senatore Cappelli, Solex, Svevo and Orobel, emerged with intriguing nutritional and phytochemical profiles, with the highest levels of dietary fibre and antioxidant compounds. The study provided the basis for further investigations into the adaptability of the durum wheat genotypes to low input management, for the selection of genotypes characterised by higher yield and valuable nutrient and nutraceutical quality

    Butterflies as bioindicators of metal contamination

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    Anthropogenic trace metal contamination has significantly increased and has caused many hazardous consequences for the ecosystems and human health. The Terni basin valley (Central Italy) shows a heavy load of pollutants from industrial activities, while the characteristic orography structure of the valley favours air stagnation, thus limiting air pollution dispersal. The present study conducted in 2014 aimed to determine the concentration of ten metals in five species of butterflies at nine sites in the Terni valley along a 21-km-long transect, including both relatively pristine and industrial areas. At sites where soil contamination was high for a given metal, such as for chromium as in the case of site 4 (the closest to the steel plant) and for lead as in the case of site 2 (contaminated by a firing range), higher levels of contamination were observed in the tissues of butterflies. We found a correlation between soil contamination and the concentration of Cr, Al and Sr in the tissues of some species of butterflies. The sensitivity to contamination differed among the five species; in particular, Coenonympha pamphilus was generally the species that revealed the highest concentrations of all the ten trace metals at the sites closer to the industrial area. It is known that C. pamphilus is a sedentary species and that its host plants are the Poaceae, capable of accumulating high quantities of metals in their rhizosphere region, thus providing the link with soil contamination. Therefore, monitoring the metal concentration levels in butterflies might be a good indicator and a control tool of environmental quality, specifically in areas affected by high anthropogenic pollution loads linked to a specific source
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