10,648 research outputs found

    Boundary critical behavior at m-axial Lifshitz points for a boundary plane parallel to the modulation axes

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    The critical behavior of semi-infinite dd-dimensional systems with nn-component order parameter ϕ\bm{\phi} and short-range interactions is investigated at an mm-axial bulk Lifshitz point whose wave-vector instability is isotropic in an mm-dimensional subspace of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. The associated mm modulation axes are presumed to be parallel to the surface, where 0md10\le m\le d-1. An appropriate semi-infinite ϕ4|\bm{\phi}|^4 model representing the corresponding universality classes of surface critical behavior is introduced. It is shown that the usual O(n) symmetric boundary term ϕ2\propto \bm{\phi}^2 of the Hamiltonian must be supplemented by one of the form λ˚α=1m(ϕ/xα)2\mathring{\lambda} \sum_{\alpha=1}^m(\partial\bm{\phi}/\partial x_\alpha)^2 involving a dimensionless (renormalized) coupling constant λ\lambda. The implied boundary conditions are given, and the general form of the field-theoretic renormalization of the model below the upper critical dimension d(m)=4+m/2d^*(m)=4+{m}/{2} is clarified. Fixed points describing the ordinary, special, and extraordinary transitions are identified and shown to be located at a nontrivial value λ\lambda^* if ϵd(m)d>0\epsilon\equiv d^*(m)-d>0. The surface critical exponents of the ordinary transition are determined to second order in ϵ\epsilon. Extrapolations of these ϵ\epsilon expansions yield values of these exponents for d=3d=3 in good agreement with recent Monte Carlo results for the case of a uniaxial (m=1m=1) Lifshitz point. The scaling dimension of the surface energy density is shown to be given exactly by d+m(θ1)d+m (\theta-1), where θ=νl4/νl2\theta=\nu_{l4}/\nu_{l2} is the anisotropy exponent.Comment: revtex4, 31 pages with eps-files for figures, uses texdraw to generate some graphs; to appear in PRB; v2: some references and additional remarks added, labeling in figure 1 and some typos correcte

    Stratospheric cruise emission reduction program

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    A recently implemented NASA effort specifically aimed at reducing cruise oxides of nitrogen from high-altitude aircraft is discussed. The desired emission levels and the combustor technology required to achieve them are discussed. A brief overview of the SCERP operating plan is given. Lean premixed-prevaporized combustion and some of the potential difficulties that are associated with applying this technique to gas turbine combustors are examined. Base technology was developed in several key areas. These fundamental studies are viewed as a requirement for successful implementation of the lean premixed combustion technique

    Boundary critical behaviour at mm-axial Lifshitz points: the special transition for the case of a surface plane parallel to the modulation axes

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    The critical behaviour of dd-dimensional semi-infinite systems with nn-component order parameter ϕ\bm{\phi} is studied at an mm-axial bulk Lifshitz point whose wave-vector instability is isotropic in an mm-dimensional subspace of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Field-theoretic renormalization group methods are utilised to examine the special surface transition in the case where the mm potential modulation axes, with 0md10\leq m\leq d-1, are parallel to the surface. The resulting scaling laws for the surface critical indices are given. The surface critical exponent ηsp\eta_\|^{\rm sp}, the surface crossover exponent Φ\Phi and related ones are determined to first order in \epsilon=4+\case{m}{2}-d. Unlike the bulk critical exponents and the surface critical exponents of the ordinary transition, Φ\Phi is mm-dependent already at first order in ϵ\epsilon. The \Or(\epsilon) term of ηsp\eta_\|^{\rm sp} is found to vanish, which implies that the difference of β1sp\beta_1^{\rm sp} and the bulk exponent β\beta is of order ϵ2\epsilon^2.Comment: 21 pages, one figure included as eps file, uses IOP style file

    Topology by dissipation

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    Topological states of fermionic matter can be induced by means of a suitably engineered dissipative dynamics. Dissipation then does not occur as a perturbation, but rather as the main resource for many-body dynamics, providing a targeted cooling into a topological phase starting from an arbitrary initial state. We explore the concept of topological order in this setting, developing and applying a general theoretical framework based on the system density matrix which replaces the wave function appropriate for the discussion of Hamiltonian ground-state physics. We identify key analogies and differences to the more conventional Hamiltonian scenario. Differences mainly arise from the fact that the properties of the spectrum and of the state of the system are not as tightly related as in a Hamiltonian context. We provide a symmetry-based topological classification of bulk steady states and identify the classes that are achievable by means of quasi-local dissipative processes driving into superfluid paired states. We also explore the fate of the bulk-edge correspondence in the dissipative setting, and demonstrate the emergence of Majorana edge modes. We illustrate our findings in one- and two-dimensional models that are experimentally realistic in the context of cold atoms.Comment: 61 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of surfaces on resistor percolation

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    We study the effects of surfaces on resistor percolation at the instance of a semi-infinite geometry. Particularly we are interested in the average resistance between two connected ports located on the surface. Based on general grounds as symmetries and relevance we introduce a field theoretic Hamiltonian for semi-infinite random resistor networks. We show that the surface contributes to the average resistance only in terms of corrections to scaling. These corrections are governed by surface resistance exponents. We carry out renormalization group improved perturbation calculations for the special and the ordinary transition. We calculate the surface resistance exponents \phi_{\mathcal S \mathnormal} and \phi_{\mathcal S \mathnormal}^\infty for the special and the ordinary transition, respectively, to one-loop order.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Dissipation-induced d-Wave Pairing of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice

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    We show how dissipative dynamics can give rise to pairing for two-component fermions on a lattice. In particular, we construct a "parent" Liouvillian operator so that a BCS-type state of a given symmetry, e.g. a d-wave state, is reached for arbitrary initial states in the absence of conservative forces. The system-bath couplings describe single-particle, number conserving and quasi-local processes. The pairing mechanism crucially relies on Fermi statistics. We show how such Liouvillians can be realized via reservoir engineering with cold atoms representing a driven dissipative dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Replaced with the published versio

    Large-n expansion for m-axial Lifshitz points

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    The large-n expansion is developed for the study of critical behaviour of d-dimensional systems at m-axial Lifshitz points with an arbitrary number m of modulation axes. The leading non-trivial contributions of O(1/n) are derived for the two independent correlation exponents \eta_{L2} and \eta_{L4}, and the related anisotropy index \theta. The series coefficients of these 1/n corrections are given for general values of m and d with 0<m<d and 2+m/2<d<4+m/2 in the form of integrals. For special values of m and d such as (m,d)=(1,4), they can be computed analytically, but in general their evaluation requires numerical means. The 1/n corrections are shown to reduce in the appropriate limits to those of known large-n expansions for the case of d-dimensional isotropic Lifshitz points and critical points, respectively, and to be in conformity with available dimensionality expansions about the upper and lower critical dimensions. Numerical results for the 1/n coefficients of \eta_{L2}, \eta_{L4} and \theta are presented for the physically interesting case of a uniaxial Lifshitz point in three dimensions, as well as for some other choices of m and d. A universal coefficient associated with the energy-density pair correlation function is calculated to leading order in 1/n for general values of m and d.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to: J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., special issue dedicated to Lothar Schaefer on the occasion of his 60th birthday. V2: References added along with corresponding modifications in the text, corrected figure 3, corrected typo

    Relations between generalized and transverse momentum dependent parton distributions

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    Recent work suggests non-trivial relations between generalized parton distributions on the one hand and (naive time-reversal odd) transverse momentum dependent distributions on the other. Here we review the present knowledge on such type of relations. Moreover, as far as spectator model calculations are concerned, the existing results are considerably extended. While various relations between the two types of parton distributions can be found in the framework of spectator models, so far no non-trivial model-independent relations have been established.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures; Eq. (B17) and typos corrected, identical with journal versio