5,241 research outputs found

    Seven lessons from manyfield inflation in random potentials

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    We study inflation in models with many interacting fields subject to randomly generated scalar potentials. We use methods from non-equilibrium random matrix theory to construct the potentials and an adaption of the ‘transport method’ to evolve the two-point correlators during inflation. This construction allows, for the first time, for an explicit study of models with up to 100 interacting fields supporting a period of ‘approximately saddle-point’ inflation. We determine the statistical predictions for observables by generating over 30,000 models with 2–100 fields supporting at least 60 efolds of inflation. These studies lead us to seven lessons: i) Manyfield inflation is not single-field inflation, ii) The larger the number of fields, the simpler and sharper the predictions, iii) Planck compatibility is not rare, but future experiments may rule out this class of models, iv) The smoother the potentials, the sharper the predictions, v) Hyperparameters can transition from stiff to sloppy, vi) Despite tachyons, isocurvature can decay, vii) Eigenvalue repulsion drives the predictions. We conclude that many of the ‘generic predictions’ of single-field inflation can be emergent features of complex inflation models

    O Hospital e o Adolescente Uma Visão Num Hospital Pediátrico

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    Com o objectivo de conhecer as opiniões e expectativas dos adolescentes acerca das condições de atendimento hospitalar, os autores aplicaram um auto-questionário, de resposta facultativa e anónima, aos utentes desse grupo etário em Março de 1995. Obtiveram-se 207 respostas no ambulatório e 33 no internamento; apenas 17% frequentavam a consulta pela primeira vez e, 26% utilizavam-na há mais de 5 anos; 64% dos inquiridos já tinham internamentos anteriores dos quais 78% neste hospital. Em caso de necessidade de internamento 59% preferia o hospital pediátrico e, 56,5% gostaria de uma consulta específica para o seu grupo etário. Quanto às condições de internamento 88,8% desejava ter apenas jovens da sua idade na enfermaria e, sublinham a importância da sua privacidade. Concluem pela necessidade de melhorar as condições de atendimento e internamento e promover a discussão sobre o funcionamento de unidades hospitalares para adolescentes

    Iguais ou diferentes? Cuidados de saúde materno-infantil a uma população de imigrantes

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    Os concelhos de Amadora e Sintra constituem um território de fortes características de identidade na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa que resultam, entre outros aspectos, da elevada densidade populacional (sobretudo Amadora), do marcado crescimento na última década (sobr etudo Sintra, onde a população residente aumentou cerca de 40% entre 1991 e 2001) e, principalmente, da sua diversidade social, cultural e étnica. D e facto, a proporção de imigrantes nestes concelhos atinge um dos v alores mais elevados do país. A equidade na pr estação de cuidados tem sido demonstrada como factor de r edução das disparidades na saúde que determina a morbilidade e a mortalidade decorrentes da assimetria das populações. Na Unidade de Saúde D (Hospital Fernando Fonseca e 9 Centr os de Saúde da Amadora e Sintra), não tinha ainda sido desenvolvida uma investigação científica estruturada sobre os níveis de saúde e o acesso e utilização dos serviços e que sustentem políticas ajustadas às vulnerabilidades deste grupo. Este conhecimento possibilita a reorganização dos serviços de cuidados de saúde e é fundamental para (r e)pensar processos de planeamento e modelos de inter venção que culminem numa integração de sucesso para o século XXI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Centrality Dependence of Hadron Multiplicities in Nuclear Collisions in the Dual Parton Model

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    We show that, even in purely soft processes, the hadronic multiplicity in nucleus-nucleus interactions contains a term that scales with the number of binary collisions. In the absence of shadowing corrections, this term dominates at mid rapidities and high energies. Shadowing corrections are calculated as a function of impact parameter and the centrality dependence of mid-rapidity multiplicities is determined. The multiplicity per participant increases with centrality with a rate that increases between SPS and RHIC energies, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Analysis of drugs returned by inpatient services after unit dose distribution in a portuguese public hospital

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    Unit-dose has been considered the most effective dispensing system in hospital pharmacy, however not all drugs are administered, are then returned to the pharmacy. The analysis of non-administered drugs might provide important data regarding pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, but also regarding pharmacy management decisions. The present study aims at depicting the drugs returned to the pharmacy following their previous unit-dose dispensing. Methods: During a period of 45 days, the unused returned drugs of five different inpatient clinical services were analyzed regarding the state of conservation, justification for return, inpatient clinical service provenance, and dosage regimen. Of a total of 65280 unit-dose dispensed drugs, 25.2% were returned (n=16431) and 74.9% of SOS (i.e. medications prescribed as needed) drugs (n=6583) were unused. Excluding SOS drugs, more than a half of the returned drugs (52.4%, n=4967), were probably returned due to unintended omission of administration, after excluding patients that were not physically on the unit and patients whose treatments were modified. The large majority of returned drugs (98.6%, n=16201) were suitable for reintroduction in the medication circuit. In order to accomplish the basic principles of unit-dose dispensing genesis, the returned drugs must be kept to a minimum. Therefore, the suspension of dispensing SOS drugs by unit-dose should be considered. Additionally, the careful analysis of returned drugs should be promoted, in order to avoid, as much as possible, the omission of administration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time to go global: a consultation on global health competencies for postgraduate doctors

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    BACKGROUND: Globalisation is having profound impacts on health and healthcare. We solicited the views of a wide range of stakeholders in order to develop core global health competencies for postgraduate doctors. METHODS: Published literature and existing curricula informed writing of seven global health competencies for consultation. A modified policy Delphi involved an online survey and face-to-face and telephone interviews over three rounds. RESULTS: Over 250 stakeholders participated, including doctors, other health professionals, policymakers and members of the public from all continents of the world. Participants indicated that global health competence is essential for postgraduate doctors and other health professionals. Concerns were expressed about overburdening curricula and identifying what is 'essential' for whom. Conflicting perspectives emerged about the importance and relevance of different global health topics. Five core competencies were developed: (1) diversity, human rights and ethics; (2) environmental, social and economic determinants of health; (3) global epidemiology; (4) global health governance; and (5) health systems and health professionals. CONCLUSIONS: Global health can bring important perspectives to postgraduate curricula, enhancing the ability of doctors to provide quality care. These global health competencies require tailoring to meet different trainees' needs and facilitate their incorporation into curricula. Healthcare and global health are ever-changing; therefore, the competencies will need to be regularly reviewed and updated

    Extraction and Fractionation of Pigments from Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus, 2006) Using an Ionic Liquid plus Oil plus Water System

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    There is a strong industrial interest in the development of greener and more sustainable processes based on the use of renewable resources, and a biorefinery based on marine resources, such as macroalgae, stands as a major opportunity toward that end. In this work, Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus), a brown macroalga, was used as a source of pigments to develop an integrated platform that is able to promote the extraction and separation of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin in one single step. The process was studied, and its operational conditions were optimized with yields of extraction of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin of 4.93 ± 0.22 mgchl·gdry biomass–1 and 1956 ± 84 μgfuco·gdry biomass–1, respectively. These results were achieved with extraction systems composed of 84% of an aqueous solution of a tensioactive phosphonium-based ionic liquid (IL) at 350 mM + 16% of sunflower oil, during 40 min, using a solid–liquid ratio of 0.017 gdry biomass·mLsolvent–1. After the separation of both aqueous IL-rich and oil-rich phases, the IL content in both phases was investigated, the oil phase being free of IL. Envisioning the industrial potential of the process developed in this work, the recovery of the IL from the aqueous IL-rich phase of the initial system was attempted by a back-extraction using organic solvents immiscible in water, being shown that 82% of the IL can be recovered and reused in new cycles of extraction. The environmental and economic impacts of the final process proposed for the extraction and fractionation of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin were evaluated. Different scenarios were considered, but summing up the main results, the solvents’ recycling allowed better results, proving the economic and environmental viability of the overall process

    Doença de Kikuchi

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    A doença de Kikuchi-Fugimoto é uma doença rara, autolimitada e de origem desconhecida. O quadro clínico manifesta-se mais frequentemente por adenomegálias cervicais, febre e astenia mas a apresentação pode ser variável. Descrevem-se dois casos desta entidade em adolescentes de 14 e 12 anos, do sexo feminino, cujas apresentações clínicas foram distintas. Ambas apresentavam anemia normocítica, leucopenia e elevação da velocidade de sedimentação. O estudo da autoimunidade revelou anticorpos positivos e os achados histológicos da biópsia ganglionar conduziram ao diagnóstico de doença de Kikuchi-Fugimoto. A doença de Kikuchi-Fugimoto deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de febre e adenomegálias de etiologia desconhecida. A possível associação com lupus eritematoso sistémico torna necessário o seguimento acompanhamento e vigilância destas doentes a longo prazo