17,537 research outputs found

    Scaling limit for a drainage network model

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    We consider the two dimensional version of a drainage network model introduced by Gangopadhyay, Roy and Sarkar, and show that the appropriately rescaled family of its paths converges in distribution to the Brownian web. We do so by verifying the convergence criteria proposed by Fontes, Isopi, Newman and Ravishankar.Comment: 15 page

    Fitting isochrones to open cluster photometric data III. Estimating metallicities from UBV photometry

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    The metallicity is a critical parameter that affects the correct determination fundamental characteristics stellar cluster and has important implications in Galactic and Stellar evolution research. Fewer than 10 % of the 2174 currently catalog open clusters have their metallicity determined in the literature. In this work we present a method for estimating the metallicity of open clusters via non-subjective isochrone fitting using the cross-entropy global optimization algorithm applied to UBV photometric data. The free parameters distance, reddening, age, and metallicity simultaneously determined by the fitting method. The fitting procedure uses weights for the observational data based on the estimation of membership likelihood for each star, which considers the observational magnitude limit, the density profile of stars as a function of radius from the center of the cluster, and the density of stars in multi-dimensional magnitude space. We present results of [Fe/H] for nine well-studied open clusters based on 15 distinct UBV data sets. The [Fe/H] values obtained in the ten cases for which spectroscopic determinations were available in the literature agree, indicating that our method provides a good alternative to determining [Fe/H] by using an objective isochrone fitting. Our results show that the typical precision is about 0.1 dex

    A new form of the rotating C-metric

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    In a previous paper, we showed that the traditional form of the charged C-metric can be transformed, by a change of coordinates, into one with an explicitly factorizable structure function. This new form of the C-metric has the advantage that its properties become much simpler to analyze. In this paper, we propose an analogous new form for the rotating charged C-metric, with structure function G(\xi)=(1-\xi^2)(1+r_{+}A\xi)(1+r_{-}A\xi), where r_\pm are the usual locations of the horizons in the Kerr-Newman black hole. Unlike the non-rotating case, this new form is not related to the traditional one by a coordinate transformation. We show that the physical distinction between these two forms of the rotating C-metric lies in the nature of the conical singularities causing the black holes to accelerate apart: the new form is free of torsion singularities and therefore does not contain any closed timelike curves. We claim that this new form should be considered the natural generalization of the C-metric with rotation.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Larval condition and growth of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879): preliminary results from laboratory studies

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    Brazilian sardine, the most important resource along the southeastern Brazilian coast, presented great variations and declines in its stocks. The main factors contributing to this are: oceanographic structure changes; recruitment failures; excessive catches of juveniles and increase in fishery effort. In spite of this, no alterations in the density-dependent parameters were detected. Consequently, methods analysing the condition of the larvae coupled with methods determining growth using sagittae otolith increment width were applied to evaluate growth under experimental conditions. The results of the readings on the sagittae were compared with the age of the laboratory-reared sardine larvae and confirmed that increments are formed on a daily basis. Under poor feeding conditions, sardine larvae showed a low growth expressed by dry weight, RNA/DNA ratio and tryptic enzyme activity and by the narrow and low contrast increments in the otoliths. The results of the biochemical indices showed an unexpected decline in the feeding group coupled with a decrease in width of increment numbers 8 and 10. Other factors than food availability were affecting the condition of the larvae and might be indicative of physiological processes and ontogenetic changes occurring in sardine larvae

    National industry cluster templates and the structure of industry output dynamics: a stochastic geometry approach

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    Cluster analysis has been widely used in an Input-Output framework, with the main objective of uncover the structure of production, in order to better identify which sectors are strongly connected with each other and choose the key sectors of a national or regional economy. There are many empirical studies determining potential clusters from interindustry flows directly, or from their corresponding technical (demand) or market (supply) coefficients, most of them applying multivariate statistical techniques. In this paper, after identifying clusters this way, and since it may be expected that strongly (interindustry) connected sectors share a similar growth and development path, the structure of sectoral dynamics is uncovered, by means of a stochastic geometry technique based on the correlations of industry outputs in a given period of time. An application is made, using Portuguese input-output data, and the results do not clearly support this expectation.Clusters, Input-output analysis, Industry output dynamics

    Closing the SU(3)LU(1)XSU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_X Symmetry at Electroweak Scale

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    We show that some models with SU(3)CSU(3)LU(1)XSU(3)_C\otimes SU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_X gauge symmetry can be realized at the electroweak scale and that this is a consequence of an approximate global SU(2)L+RSU(2)_{L+R} symmetry. This symmetry implies a condition among the vacuum expectation value of one of the neutral Higgs scalars, the U(1)XU(1)_X's coupling constant, gXg_X, the sine of the weak mixing angle sinθW\sin\theta_W, and the mass of the WW boson, MWM_W. In the limit in which this symmetry is valid it avoids the tree level mixing of the ZZ boson of the Standard Model with the extra ZZ^\prime boson. We have verified that the oblique TT parameter is within the allowed range indicating that the radiative corrections that induce such a mixing at the 1-loop level are small. We also show that a SU(3)L+RSU(3)_{L+R} custodial symmetry implies that in some of the models we have to include sterile (singlets of the 3-3-1 symmetry) right-handed neutrinos with Majorana masses, being the see-saw mechanism mandatory to obtain light active neutrinos. Moreover, the approximate SU(2)L+RSU(3)L+RSU(2)_{L+R}\subset SU(3)_{L+R} symmetry implies that the extra non-standard particles of these 3-3-1 models can be considerably lighter than it had been thought before so that new physics can be really just around the corner.Comment: 32 pages, no figure, RevTeX. Some typos correcte

    Chemical analysis of NGC 6528: one of the most metal-rich bulge globular cluster

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    The Bulge Globular Clusters (GCs) are key tracers of this central ancient component of our Galaxy. It is essential to understand their formation and evolution to study that of the bulge, as well as their relationship with the other Galactic GC systems (halo and disk GCs). Our main goals are to obtain detailed abundances for a sample of seven red giant members of NGC 6528 in order to characterize its chemical composition and study the relationship of this GC with the bulge, and with other bulge, halo and disk GCs. Moreover, we analyze this cluster's behavior associated with the Multiple Populations (MPs) phenomenon. We obtained the stellar parameters and chemical abundances of light elements (Na, Al), iron-peak elements (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu), {\alpha}-elements (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) and heavy elements (Zr, Ba, Eu) in seven red giant members of NGC 6528 using high resolution spectroscopy from FLAMES-UVES. We obtained in six stars of our sample a mean iron content of [Fe/H]=-0.14+/-0.03 dex, in good agreement with other studies. We found no significant internal iron spread. We detected one candidate variable star, which was excluded from the mean in iron content, we derived a metallicity in this star of [Fe/H]=-0.55+/-0.04 dex. Moreover, we found no extended O-Na anticorrelation but instead only an intrinsic Na spread. In addition, NGC 6528 does not exhibit a Mg-Al anticorrelation, and no significant spread in either Mg or Al. The {\alpha} and iron-peak elements show good agreement with the bulge field star trend. The heavy elements are slightly dominated by the r-process. The chemical analysis suggests an origin and evolution similar to that of typical old Bulge field stars. Finally, we find remarkable agreement in the chemical patterns of NGC 6528 and another bulge GC, NGC 6553, suggesting a similar origin and evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 12 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    Banco de tecidos dos HUC/CHUC: casuística e atividades clínicas

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    O Banco de Tecidos dos HUC/CHUC iniciou as suas atividades em 1982 e, até dezembro de 2011, disponibilizou 6319 aloenxertos do aparelho locomotor para aplicação clínica em cirurgia ortopédica reconstrutiva, cirurgia maxilo-facial, Neurocirurgia, cirurgia dentária e cirurgia oftalmológica. Pretende-se apresentar os diversos tipos de aloenxertos preparados e conservados no Banco de Tecidos e analisar os critérios que levaram à não validação de 248 aloenxertos que foram colhidos entre janeiro de 2006 e dezembro de 2011. Os aloenxertos são colhidos em condições de assépsia cirúrgica em dadores não vivos, no contexto da colheita multiorgânica, e em dadores vivos, cabeças femorais excisadas no decurso das artroplastias da anca. O método de conservação mais usado é a criopreservação no vapor do azoto líquido, até -196º C. O Banco preserva também tecidos a -80º C. Nesse período de tempo foram colhidos 2459 aloenxertos, 2291 em 207 dadores não vivos, em paragem circulatória (colheitas multiorgânicas) e 168 em dadores vivos (cabeças femorais na condição de resíduo cirúrgico). Invalidaram-se 248 aloenxertos (10% do total) provenientes de 19 colheitas em dadores não vivos e de 41 colheitas de cabeças femorais, o que corresponde a uma inutilização de 24,4 % dos enxertos colhidos nos dadores vivos e 9 % dos enxertos colhidos nos dadores não vivos. Nos dadores não vivos as causas da invalidação total dos aloenxertos de 18 colheitas foram: culturas microbiológicas positivas - staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus coagulase (-), streptococus viridans – (12 colheitas); serologia duvidosamente positiva para o antigénio do VIH (1); anticorpo positivo para VHB (1); falta de quarentena (3) e rejeição de aloenxerto renal vascularizado (1). Um aloenxerto ósseo não foi validado por danificação da embalagem. Nos dadores vivos as causas da invalidação foram: culturas microbiológicas positivas - staphylococcus aureus, corynebacterium – (2);. serologia positiva para o VHC (12), para o anticorpo do VHB (8 ) e para o HTLV1/2 (4); falta de quarentena (2); protocolos laboratoriais insuficientes (10); adenocarcinoma (2) e doença de Guillan-Barré (1). A preocupação maior dos Bancos de Tecidos é disponibilizar tecidos de origem humana biologicamente seguros e íntegros. Nesta série, registou-se uma alta taxa de invalidação de aloenxertos, mormente nos provenientes dos dadores vivos