1,417 research outputs found

    Precision Farming: Barriers of Variable Rate Technology Adoption in Italy

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    Research dealing with the adoption of various precision agriculture technologies has shown that guidance and recording tools are more widespread than reactive ones (such as variable rate technology), with much lower utilization rates in European case studies. This study aims to analyze the propensity to innovate variable rate technologies among young Italian farmers. A cluster analysis was carried out revealing four groups. The first two groups represent non-adopters who think technological innovation is very complex from a technical point of view, as well as not very accessible as capital-intensive technology. The third and fourth groups represent adopters. The third reports an early level of adoption, still considering the cost of access a major barrier to technology implementation. The fourth, on the other hand, shows a more intensive level and considers the lack of institutional support a major limitation. The cluster with the most intensive adoption is characterized by the youngest age group, the farms with the largest size, and a prevalence of female entrepreneurs. The need for management training in day-to-day business operations upon adoption is detected for all groups. This paper identified relevant drivers and barriers in characterizing the adopting farm of variable rate technologies. Results may offer insights to the policy maker to better calibrate support interventions

    A typological classification for assessing farm sustainability in the Italian Bovine dairy sector

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    Italy is among the most important countries in Europe for milk production. The new European policies encourage a transition towards sustainability and are leading European dairy farms to follow new trajectories to increase their economic efficiency, reduce their environmental impact, and ensure social sustainability. Few studies have attempted to classify dairy farms by analyzing the relationships between the structural profiles of farms and the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability. This work intends to pursue this aim through an exploratory analysis in the Italian production context. The cluster analysis technique made it possible to identify three types of dairy farms, which were characterized on the basis of indicators that represented the three dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic sustainability) and the emerging structural relationships based on the structural characteristics of the dairy farms. The classification made it possible to describe the state of the art of the Italian dairy sector in terms of sustainability and to understand how different types of farms can respond to the new European trajectories

    A Typological Classification for Assessing Farm Sustainability in the Italian Bovine Dairy Sector

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    open5noItaly is among the most important countries in Europe for milk production. The new European policies encourage a transition towards sustainability and are leading European dairy farms to follow new trajectories to increase their economic efficiency, reduce their environmental impact, and ensure social sustainability. Few studies have attempted to classify dairy farms by analyzing the relationships between the structural profiles of farms and the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability. This work intends to pursue this aim through an exploratory analysis in the Italian production context. The cluster analysis technique made it possible to identify three types of dairy farms, which were characterized on the basis of indicators that represented the three dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic sustainability) and the emerging structural relationships based on the structural characteristics of the dairy farms. The classification made it possible to describe the state of the art of the Italian dairy sector in terms of sustainability and to understand how different types of farms can respond to the new European trajectories.openMasi, Margherita; Vecchio, Yari; Pauselli, Gregorio; Di Pasquale, Jorgelina; Adinolfi, FeliceMasi, Margherita; Vecchio, Yari; Pauselli, Gregorio; Di Pasquale, Jorgelina; Adinolfi, Felic

    Public health risk management during the Covid-19 pandemic, new amendments in the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to meet fishers’ needs

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    The recent COVID-19 emergency has shaped economic performance across all sectors, and the fisheries and aquaculture sector did not come out unscathed. The need to protect against risks has always been primary for economic operators, but COVID-19 has accentuated the need to obtain coverage for health risks. In this regard, the European Union has moved quickly with an amendment art. 35 of European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (Regulation [EU] No. 508/2014), including “public health crises” among the causes considered valid for compensation in mutual funds. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of Regulation 508, focusing on Article 35 and its most recent amendments, to understand if the new reform is adherent to the needs of the fisheries sector in Italy, one of the only two States that have documented in their Operational Plans the intention to implement mutual funds. The work involved an empirical analysis through the use of multivariate statistics carried out on 61 Italian stakeholders. Several company profiles were identified and then the likelihood of subscribing to a mutual fund was estimated based on their focus on health crises. The work underlines that the amendments meet the demands of the sector for improved mutual fund clauses, but it's not yet an attractive tool for the Italian market

    Ibuprofen modulates allosterically NO dissociation from ferrous nitrosylated human serum heme-albumin by binding to three sites

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    Human serum albumin (HSA) is a monomeric allosteric protein. Here, the effect of ibuprofen on denitrosylation kinetics (k(off)) and spectroscopic properties of HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO is reported. The k(off) value increases from (1.4 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) s(-1), in the absence of the drug, to (9.5 +/- 1.2) x 10(-3) s(-1), in the presence of 1.0 x 10(-2) M ibuprofen, at pH 7.0 and 10.0 degrees C. From the dependence of k(off) on the drug concentration, values of the dissociation equilibrium constant for ibuprofen binding to to HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO (K-1 = (3.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(-7) M, K-2= (1.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) M. and K-3 (2.2 +/- .2) x 10(-3) M) were determined. The K-3 value corresponds to the HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO determined by monitoring drug-dependent absorbance spectroscopic changes (H = (2.6 +/- 0.3) x 10(-3) M). Present data indicate that ibuprofen binds to the FA3-FA4 cleft (Sudlow's site II), to the FA6 site, and possibly to the FA2 pocket, inducing the hexa-coordination of HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO and triggering the heme-ligand dissociation kinetics. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A cross-sectional study in Mediterranean European countries to support stakeholders in addressing future market demands: Consumption of farmed fish products

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    Aquaculture is now a viable alternative to help depleted wild fish stocks and encourage the production of alternative animal protein sources. However, studies have shown that farmed fish has a less positive image in consumers than wild fish. The present study investigates the aspects that most influence the consumption choices of some of the most farmed species in the Mediterranean, sea bass and sea bream. The objective is to analyse the habits and preferences of consumers of these products in Mediterranean countries to identify homogeneous and transversal behaviours in the four countries under analysis in order to recognise common marketing actions and levers. To achieve it, a direct survey was conducted on a representative sample of 6117 consumers from France, Spain, Greece and Italy. The cluster analysis carried out for the four countries revealed 11 well-defined consumer profiles. They showed that different socio-economic characteristics, purchasing habits and product attributes explain a significant part of consumption choices and offer key information for exploring food consumer attitudes. In addition, the role of labelling in consumer behaviour is important to understand which aspects consumers pay more attention to when making their choices, representing a discriminating factor in segmenting respondents' profiles. Understanding these preferences, and the importance of certain information, can be useful to intercept and respond to market demands and to improve consumer confidence in farmed fish products
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