25 research outputs found

    Number of Nevi at a Specific Anatomical Site and Its Relation to Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma

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    The risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is strongly associated with total number of nevi. Scanty information is available on the association between CMM at a specific anatomical site and number of nevi at the same site. We analyzed data from a case–control study conducted in Italy between 1992 and 1994, on 542 cases of CMM and 538 hospital controls. Cases and controls were examined by trained dermatologists who counted the number of melanocytic nevi. We derived multivariate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) of site-specific risk of CMM for high versus low number of nevi at the corresponding site. The ORs of CMM for the highest versus the lowest tertile of number of nevi at the corresponding site was 1.4 (95% CIs: 0.7–2.8) at face and neck, 2.3 (95% CIs: 1.1–4.9) at anterior trunk, 4.9 (95% CIs: 2.9–8.4) at posterior trunk, 2.9 (95% CIs: 1.2–6.6) at upper limbs and 5.0 (95% CIs: 2.9–8.5) at lower limbs. In a case–case analysis, comparing CMM cases at a specific site and CMM cases at all other sites, the only excess risk was found for the posterior trunk, the ORs being 2.1 (95% CIs: 1.2–3.6) for the highest versus the lowest tertile of number of nevi. Our data do not support the hypothesis of a specific effect of nevi at each single anatomical site

    Agreement on classification of clinical photographs of pigmentary lesions: exercise after a training course with young dermatologists.

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    Smartphone apps may help promoting the early diagnosis of melanoma. The reliability of specialist judgment on lesions should be assessed. Hereby, we evaluated the agreement of 6 young dermatologists, after a specific training. Clinical judgment was evaluated during 2 online sessions, 1 month apart, on a series of 45 pigmentary lesions. Lesions were classified as highly suspicious, suspicious, non-suspicious or not assessable. Cohen's and Fleiss' kappa were used to calculate intra- and inter-rater agreement. The overall intra-rater agreement was 0.42 (95% confidence interval - CI: 0.33-0.50), varying between 0.12-0.59 on single raters. The inter-rater agreement during the first phase was 0.29 (95% CI: 0.24-0.34). When considering the agreement for each category of judgment, kappa varied from 0.19 for not assessable to 0.48 for highly suspicious lesions. Similar results were obtained in the second exercise. The study showed a less than satisfactory agreement among young dermatologists. Our data point to the need for improving the reliability of the clinical diagnoses of melanoma especially when assessing small lesions and when dealing with thin melanomas at a population level

    Risk Factors for Histological Types and Anatomic Sites of Cutaneous Basal-Cell Carcinoma: An Italian Case–Control Study

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    Different clinico-pathologic subtypes and anatomic sites of basal-cell carcinoma (BCC) may display distinct characteristics and mechanisms of development. However, scanty information exists on potential differences in etiological factors for BCC according to histotype and anatomic location. Thus, we analyzed data from an Italian case–control study, including 528 subjects with newly diagnosed, histologically confirmed BCC and 512 controls admitted to the same hospitals with acute conditions. The multivariate odds ratio (OR) of nodular (OR=1.53) but not superficial (OR=0.71) BCC was increased for occupational exposure to sunlight. Considering the anatomic site of BCC, the corresponding values were 1.46 for head/neck and 0.74 for truncal location. Direct associations were observed with recreational sunlight exposure, eye color, red hair, and number and early age of severe sunburn episodes, along with some differences in risk between histotypes and anatomic sites. This study confirmed the role of (intermittent) sun exposure and phenotypic characteristics as risk factors for BCC, and suggested etiological differences between nodular and superficial histotypes and between head/neck and truncal locations

    Sviluppo di un sistema di teledermatologia per la diagnosi precoce del melanoma. L’esperienza pilota del progetto Clicca il neo

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    INTRODUCTION Cutaneous melanoma is a significant cause of mortality, and since the skin is easily accessible for inspection, it is amenable to interventions of education and promotion of early diagnosis through the use of telemedicine systems. METHODS Clicca il neo is a programme for the early diagnosis of skin cancer employing tools of teledermatology with a store-and-forward modality. The system uses a web form for data collection and upload of skin photographs taken by users. The target geographic area in which the pilot phase of the project was conduced has been the province of Bergamo (1,100,000 inhabitants according to data from ISTAT 2011) with an incidence of melanoma of approximately 14 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Two main result indicators were adopted: 1) the proportion of assessable images over the total (expected threshold more than 75%); 2) the identification during the study period of at least one melanoma. RESULTS Between July 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015, a total of 302 images of skin lesions were sent to the system -Clicca il neo, by people resident in the province of Bergamo. Of the images sent, 256 (84.7%) were of sufficient quality for evaluation, and of these, 11 (4.3%) were considered as images of highly suspicious lesions, 4 (1.6%) of a suspected squamous cell carcinoma and 6 (2.3%) of a suspected melanoma. Two of the 4 suspected squamous cell carcinomas and 3 of the 6 suspected melanomas received a diagnostic confirmation after surgical excision and histological examination. Remarkably, the excised melanomas were in 2 cases thin melanomas (thickness less than 1 mm) and, in 1 case, a melanoma in situ. DISCUSSION This pilot project demonstrates the technical feasibility and potential utility of a teledermatology system to promote early detection of skin cancers. Several aspects remain to define including accessibility, reliability, and preventive effectiveness in reducing melanoma mortality and morbidity by early diagnosis

    Efficacy and Safety of a Hyaluronic Acid-Containing Gauze Pad in the Treatment of Chronic Venous or Mixed-Origin Leg Ulcers: A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    International audienceIntroduction: Hyaluronic acid (HA)-containing formulations routinely are utilized along with standard therapy to promote faster healing of chronic wounds; evidence to guide clinical decisions on the use of topical HA in the healing of vascular leg ulcers is limited.Objective: This study compared the efficacy and safety of an HA-impregnated gauze pad with an identical gauze pad without HA in the treatment of chronic leg ulcers of vascular origin.Materials and methods: A prospective, multicenter, multinational, parallel-group, randomized, double-blind, clinical study was conducted between June 13, 2017, and December 31, 2018. Adults with 1 or more chronic leg ulcers of venous or mixed origin between 2 months and 4 years' duration were eligible to participate. Participants were randomized to treatment consisting of standard care (ie, ulcer cleansing, debridement/anesthesia as necessary, and optimized compression) and either application of a gauze pad containing 0.05% HA or a neutral comparator once daily for a maximum of 20 weeks. The primary efficacy endpoint was complete ulcer healing (100% reepithelialization of the wound area centrally assessed by 1 independent and experienced assessor blinded with respect to the treatment applied, as shown on digital photographs taken under standardized conditions at or before 20 weeks and confirmed 3 weeks later). Secondary efficacy endpoints included the percentage of completely healed target ulcers, residual area of target ulcer relative to baseline, the condition of the periulcerous skin, the total amount of analgesics used, the incidence of infection at the ulcer site of the target ulcer, patient adherence to treatment, time to achieve complete healing as centrally assessed, and pain intensity as measured by a visual analog scale.Results: Among the 168 participants (82 in the HA gauze pad group and 86 in the neutral gauze pad group), 33 (39.8%) in the HA group experienced complete healing of the target ulcer, which was significantly higher than the neutral comparator group (15, 18.5%; P = .002). Results in the full analysis and per-protocol sets were consistent with the primary results; no significant difference was noted in outcomes when participants' wounds were stratified according to baseline ulcer size.Conclusions: HA delivered in a gauze pad formulation could be a beneficial treatment for chronic leg ulcers of venous or mixed origin

    Improving sun-protection behavior among children: results of a cluster-randomized trial in Italian elementary schools. The "SoleSi SoleNo-GISED" project

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    none9Cluster-randomized trial of an educational intervention to reduce sunburn rates and improve sun-protection behaviour in scholchildren. 122 Italian primary school were randomized for the studynoneNaldi L.; Chatenoud L.; Bertuccio P.; Zinetti C.; Di Landro A.; Scotti L.; La Vecchia C.; Virgili A.; GISEDNaldi, L.; Chatenoud, L.; Bertuccio, P.; Zinetti, C.; Di Landro, A.; Scotti, L.; La Vecchia, C.; Virgili, Anna; Gised