109 research outputs found

    Le domande più frequenti sui terremoti

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    Le domande più frequenti sui terremoti messe in rete in occasione del Terremoto di Colfiorito sulla base dei mail degli utenti che arrivavano sul sito web dell'IN

    Transient anomaly in fault-zone trapped waves during the preparatory phase of the 6 April 2009, Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake

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    Fault-zone trapped waves generated by repeating earthquakes of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence show a sudden, up to 100% increase of spectral amplitudes seven days before the mainshock. The jump occurs ten to twenty hours after the ML 4.1, 30 March 2009 largest foreshock. The amplitude increase is accompanied by a loss of waveform coherence in the fault-trapped wavetrain. Other geophysical and seismological parameters are known to have shown a sudden change after the 30 March foreshock. The concomitance of a consistent change in the fault-zone trapped waves leads us to interpret our observation as due to a sudden temporal variation of the velocity contrast between the fault damage zone and hosting rocks in the focal volume. Fault-zone trapped waves thus provide a refined time resolution for changes occurring near the rupture nucleation, with the indication of a strong variation in one day

    Seismicity and stress field in the Sannio-Matese area

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    In this study we discuss the available data on seismicity and focal mechanisms in the Sannio-Matese area in order to obtain information on the stress field acting in the area. Background seismicity of the area is characterized by isolated events, with magnitude generally less than 2.5, on which is superimposed a swarm and seismic sequence activity of low magnitude (max magnitude 4.1). The epicentral distribution of both isolated events and seismic sequences, disclose NE-SW striking active faults that fall in between the fault segments of the large historical earthquakes which occurred in the area. The available information on the stress field deducible from the focal mechanisms of the area agrees that a general extensional stress regime is acting. Locally both NE-SW and NNW-SSE extensions are observed. The large scale stress regime deduced from the focal mechanisms of strong instrumental earthquakes which occurred in the Apennines supports the local NE-SW extension but cannot explain the normal movements related to a NW-SE extension. The local longitudinal extension observed, supported by GPS data, can be explained utilizing large scale geodynamic models

    Normal faults and thrusts re-activated by deep fluids: the 6 April 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake, central Italy.

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    On April 6 2009, a Mw=6.3 earthquake occurred in the central Apennines (Italy) damaging L’Aquila city and the surrounding country. We relocate the October 2008-April 6 2009 foreshocks and about 2000 aftershocks occurred between April 6 and April 30 2009, by applying a double-difference technique and determine the stress field from focal mechanisms. The events concentrate in the upper 15 km of the crust. Three main NW-SE to NNW-SSE striking, 30°-45° and 80°-90° dipping faults activate during the seismic sequence. Among these, a normal fault and a thrust were re-activated with dip-slip movements in response to NE-SW extension. The structural maturity of the seismogenic fault system is lower than that displayed by other systems in southern Apennines, because of the lower strain rate of the central sector of the chain with respect to the southern one. VP/VS increases progressively from October 2008 to the April 6 2009 mainshock occurrence along a NW-SE strike due to an increment in pore fluid pressure along the fault planes. Pore pressure diffusion controls the space-time evolution of aftershocks. A hydraulic diffusivity of 80 m2/s and a seismogenic permeability of about 10-12 m2 suggest the involvement of gas-rich (CO2) fluids within a highly fractured medium. Suprahydrostatic, high fluid pressure (about 200 MPa at 10 km of depth) within overpressurized traps, bounded by pre-existing structural and/or lithological discontinuities at the lower-upper crust boundary, are required to activate the April 2009 sequence. Traps are the storage zone of CO2-rich fluids uprising from the underlying, about 20 km deep, metasomatized mantle wedge. These traps easily occur in extensional regimes like in the axial sector of Apennines, but are difficult to form in strike-slip regimes, where sub-vertical faults may cross the entire crust. In the Apennines, fluids may activate faults responsible for earthquakes up to Mw=5-6. Deep fluids more than tectonic stress may control the seismotectogenesis of accretionary wedges

    Fault-trapped waves depict continuity of the fault system responsible for the 6 April 2009 MW 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake, central Italy

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    We investigate fault-trapped waves observed at a permanent broad-band station (FAGN) installed on the San Demetrio Fault, about 20 km southeast of L'Aquila. This fault has the same strike of the Paganica Fault which was responsible for the MW 6.3, 6 April 2009 earthquake. The two faults display an en-echelon pattern with a few km offset. We have found that events causing efficient trapped waves are clustered at the northwestern and southeastern bottom ends of the ruptured Paganica fault plane. The efficiency of trapped waves at FAGN, which is located about 5 km far from the ruptured fault plane, indicates that the two faults are linked at depth. This suggests that fault segments in the study area can be part of a longer and continuous fault system which controls the seismic hazard of the region. Moreover, we have found that the two earthquake clusters generating the most efficient trapped waves occur in portions of the fault system with the highest fluid pressure


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    Negli anni 1997-1998, durante la sequenza dell’Umbria-Marche, la stazione accelerometrica di Nocera Umbra superò ripetutamente, per terremoti di magnitudo > 5, il picco di accelerazione di 0.5 g. Tali valori furono i maggiori mai registrati in Italia, e apparvero subito inusuali per terremoti di faglia normale a magnitudo moderate. Una serie di studi del sito della stazione permise di attribuire l’ampiezza anomala a un forte effetto di amplificazione locale prodotto dalle variazioni verticali della velocità delle onde di taglio nella roccia danneggiata di una faglia sub-verticale in prossimità della stazione. Anche durante i terremoti della sequenza Aquilana si sono trovate evidenze di effetti analoghi. La stazione a banda larga FAGN, in prossimità della faglia di San Demetrio, ha mostrato una accentuata variabilità dell’ampiezza delle sue registrazioni, con valori che superano fino ad un fattore 10 le ampiezze delle stazioni vicine. Mediante un’analisi su 350 terremoti si è trovato che le massime amplificazioni avvengono per terremoti localizzati a sud-ovest della stazione, in posizione favorevole alla propagazione nella zona di faglia dalla sorgente al ricevitore. Utilizzando metodi sia analitici che numerici è stato possibile attribuire gli effetti osservati alle eterogeneità di una zona di faglia larga 300-400 m e profonda 3 km, approssimativamente, con una riduzione di velocità di circa il 30% rispetto alla roccia non deformata. Anche il forte impulso di spostamento di 40 cm picco-picco registrato durante la scossa principale a Castello d’Ocre da una stazione GPS (CADO) con campionamento a 10 Hz non trova giustificazione plausibile se non modellando un effetto di risonanza in prossimità dello strumento. In questo caso è possibile generare modelli che riproducano l’osservazione usando valori della larghezza della zona di faglia di qualche centinaio di metri con forti riduzioni della velocità delle onde di taglio rispetto ai blocchi rigidi adiacenti. Queste osservazioni confermano la potenziale pericolosità del territorio in prossimità delle zone di faglia, nonostante non siano emerse durante il terremoto dell’Aquila chiare evidenze di anomalie del danno persistenti lungo le faglie. Recenti studi in California sembrano mettere in luce l’estrema variabilità delle onde intrappolate nelle zone di faglia, per cui l’effetto appare sporadicamente sia per quanto riguarda le stazioni di registrazione lungo la faglia che per quanto riguarda le zone-sorgenti nella faglia capaci di generare onde intrappolate.PublishedPrato3.1. Fisica dei terremotiope

    The 2012 Emilia seismic sequence (Northern Italy): Imaging the thrust fault system by accurate aftershock location

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    Starting from late May 2012, the Emilia region (Northern Italy) was severely shaken by an intense seismic sequence, originated from a ML 5.9 earthquake on May 20th, at a hypocentral depth of 6.3 km, with thrusttype focal mechanism. In the following days, the seismic rate remained high, counting 50 ML ≥ 2.0 earthquakes a day, on average. Seismicity spreads along a 30 km east–west elongated area, in the Po river alluvial plain, in the nearby of the cities Ferrara and Modena. Nine days after the first shock, another destructive thrust-type earthquake (ML 5.8) hit the area to the west, causing further damage and fatalities. Aftershocks following this second destructive event extended along the same east-westerly trend for further 20 km to the west, thus illuminating an area of about 50 km in length, on thewhole. After the first shock struck, on May 20th, a dense network of temporary seismic stations, in addition to the permanent ones, was deployed in the meizoseismal area, leading to a sensible improvement of the earthquake monitoring capability there. A combined dataset, including threecomponent seismic waveforms recorded by both permanent and temporary stations, has been analyzed in order to obtain an appropriate 1-D velocity model for earthquake location in the study area. Here we describe the main seismological characteristics of this seismic sequence and, relying on refined earthquakes location, we make inferences on the geometry of the thrust system responsible for the two strongest shocks

    The 2012 Emilia seismic sequence (Northern Italy): Imaging the thrust fault system by accurate aftershock location

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    Starting from late May 2012, the Emilia region (Northern Italy) was severely shaken by an intense seismic sequence, originated from a ML 5.9 earthquake on May 20th, at a hypocentral depth of 6.3 km, with thrusttype focal mechanism. In the following days, the seismic rate remained high, counting 50 ML ≥ 2.0 earthquakes a day, on average. Seismicity spreads along a 30 km east–west elongated area, in the Po river alluvial plain, in the nearby of the cities Ferrara and Modena. Nine days after the first shock, another destructive thrust-type earthquake (ML 5.8) hit the area to the west, causing further damage and fatalities. Aftershocks following this second destructive event extended along the same east-westerly trend for further 20 km to the west, thus illuminating an area of about 50 km in length, on thewhole. After the first shock struck, on May 20th, a dense network of temporary seismic stations, in addition to the permanent ones, was deployed in the meizoseismal area, leading to a sensible improvement of the earthquake monitoring capability there. A combined dataset, including threecomponent seismic waveforms recorded by both permanent and temporary stations, has been analyzed in order to obtain an appropriate 1-D velocity model for earthquake location in the study area. Here we describe the main seismological characteristics of this seismic sequence and, relying on refined earthquakes location, we make inferences on the geometry of the thrust system responsible for the two strongest shocks.Published44-552T. Tettonica attivaJCR Journalope


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    In the last years the Apennines-Calabrian arc boundary has been affected by intense seismicity concentrated in the Pollino mountain region. The Pollino is located at the northernmost edge of the Calabrian Arc, the last remnant of subduction along the Africa- Eurasian boundary. The area is subject to Northeast- Southwest extension, which results in a complex system of normal faults striking Northwest-Southeast, nearly parallel to the Apenninic mountain range. The Italian Seismic Network between 2010 and 2014 detected more than 5500 earthquakes in the area (Italian Seismological Instrumental and Parametric Data- Base; http:// iside .rm .ingv .it). In 2010 and 2011 the earthquake rate has been variable, with increasing and decreasing phases and maximum magnitudes below M=4. On May 28th 2012, a shallow event with local magnitude of 4.3 struck, about 5 kilometers east of the previous swarm. The seismic activity remained concentrated in the M=4.3 source region until early August. At that time seismicity jumped back westward to the previous area, with several earthquakes of magnitude larger than 3, culminating with a M=5.0 earthquake on 25 October 2012. The seismic rate remained high for some months, but aftershock magnitudes did not exceed magnitude 3.7. The seismic rate then suddenly decreased at the beginning of 2013 and stayed quite low for the rest of the year up to the beginning of 2014. During these years several temporary seismic stations were deployed in the area, improving the detecting threshold of the Italian Seismic Network and giving us the opportunity to refine the location of the earthquakes hypocenters. A combined dataset, including three-component seismic waveforms recorded by both permanent and temporary stations, has been analyzed in order to obtain an appropriate 1-D and 3D velocity model for earthquake location in the study area. Here we describe the main seismological characteristics of this seismic sequence and, relying on refined earthquakes location, we make inferences on the geometry of the fault system responsible for the two strongest shocks. Swarm activity seems to occur on a diffuse crustal volume more than on fault planes. To yield a better understanding of the origin of the ongoing seismic activity in the Pollino area, using thousand of seismograms, we analyze vp and vp/vs models and anisotropic parameters in the crust. The main goal of this study is to increase the understanding of the physical mechanisms behind the seismic swarm and its influence on the seismic hazard of the Apennines- Calabrian arc boundary region.EAEE - ESCPublishedIstanbul - August 24-29 20142T. Tettonica attivaope