3,684 research outputs found

    Image analysis with the computer vision system and the consumer test in evaluating the appearance of Lucanian dry sausage

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    The object of the investigation was the Lucanian dry sausage appearance, meant as color and visible fat ratio. The study was carried out on dry sausages produced in 10 different salami factories and seasoned for 18 days on av- erage. We studied the effect of the raw material origin (5 producers used meat bought from the market and other 5 producers used meat from pigs bred in their farms) and of the salami factories or brands on meat color, fat color and visible fat ratio in dry sausages. The sausages slices were photographed and the images were analysed with the computer vision system to measure the changes in the colorimetric characteristics L*, a*, b*, hue and chroma and in the visible fat area ratio. The last parameter was assessed on the slice surface using image binarization. A consumer test was conducted to determine the relationship between the perception of visible fat on the sausage slice surface and acceptability and preference of this product. The consumers were asked to look carefully at the 6 sausages slices in a photo, minding the presence of fat, and to identify (a) the slices they considered unacceptable for consumption and (b) the slice they preferred. The results show that the color of the sausage lean part varies in relation to the raw material employed and to the producer or brand (P b 0.001). Besides, the sausage meat color is not uniform in some salami factories (P b 0.05–0.001). In all salami factories the sausages show a high unifor- mity in fat color. The visible fat ratio of the sausages slices is higher (P b 0.001) in the product from salami facto- ries without pig-breeding farm. The fat percentage is highly variable (P b 0.001) among the sausages of each salami factory. On the whole, the product the consumers consider acceptable and is inclined to eat has a low fat percentage (P b 0.001). Our consumers (about 70%) prefer slices which are leaner (P b 0.001). Women, in particular, show a higher preference for the leanest (P b 0.001)

    Time dynamics of background noise in geoelectrical and geochemical signals: an application in a seismic area of Southern Italy

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    We analyse geoelectrical and geochemical time series jointly measured by means of a multiparametric automatic station close to an anomalous fluid emission in Val d’Agri (Basilicata, Italy). The investigated area is located on Southern Apennine chain that in past and recent years was interested by destructive earthquakes. After a complete pre-processing of time series, we analyse the fluctuations triggered by the seasonal cycles and focus our attention on the possible link between geoelectrical and geochemical signals. In order to extract quantitative dynamical information from experimental time series, we detect scaling laws in power spectra that are typical fingerprints of fractional Brownian processes. After this analysis, the problem of the identification of extreme events in the time series has been approached. We consider significant anomalous patterns only when more consecutive values are above/below a fixed threshold in almost two of the time series jointly measured. We give the first preliminary results about the comparison between anomalous patterns detected in geoelectrical and geochemical parameters and the local seismic activity and, finally, analyse the implications with the earthquake prediction problem

    Characterisation of AMS H35 HV-CMOS monolithic active pixel sensor prototypes for HEP applications

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    Monolithic active pixel sensors produced in High Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) technology are being considered for High Energy Physics applications due to the ease of production and the reduced costs. Such technology is especially appealing when large areas to be covered and material budget are concerned. This is the case of the outermost pixel layers of the future ATLAS tracking detector for the HL-LHC. For experiments at hadron colliders, radiation hardness is a key requirement which is not fulfilled by standard CMOS sensor designs that collect charge by diffusion. This issue has been addressed by depleted active pixel sensors in which electronics are embedded into a large deep implantation ensuring uniform charge collection by drift. Very first small prototypes of hybrid depleted active pixel sensors have already shown a radiation hardness compatible with the ATLAS requirements. Nevertheless, to compete with the present hybrid solutions a further reduction in costs achievable by a fully monolithic design is desirable. The H35DEMO is a large electrode full reticle demonstrator chip produced in AMS 350 nm HV-CMOS technology by the collaboration of Karlsruher Institut f\"ur Technologie (KIT), Institut de F\'isica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), University of Liverpool and University of Geneva. It includes two large monolithic pixel matrices which can be operated standalone. One of these two matrices has been characterised at beam test before and after irradiation with protons and neutrons. Results demonstrated the feasibility of producing radiation hard large area fully monolithic pixel sensors in HV-CMOS technology. H35DEMO chips with a substrate resistivity of 200Ω\Omega cm irradiated with neutrons showed a radiation hardness up to a fluence of 101510^{15}neq_{eq}cm−2^{-2} with a hit efficiency of about 99% and a noise occupancy lower than 10−610^{-6} hits in a LHC bunch crossing of 25ns at 150V

    Synergistic interaction of fatty acids and oxysterols impairs mitochondrial function and limits liver adaptation during nafld progression

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    The complete mechanism accounting for the progression from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has not been elucidated. Lipotoxicity refers to cellular injury caused by hepatic free fatty acids (FFAs) and cholesterol accumulation. Excess cholesterol autoxidizes to oxysterols during oxidative stress conditions. We hypothesize that interaction of FAs and cholesterol derivatives may primarily impair mitochondrial function and affect biogenesis adaptation during NAFLD progression. We demonstrated that the accumulation of specific non-enzymatic oxysterols in the liver of animals fed high-fat+high-cholesterol diet induces mitochondrial damage and depletion of proteins of the respiratory chain complexes. When tested in vitro, 5α-cholestane-3ÎČ,5,6ÎČ-triol (triol) combined to FFAs was able to reduce respiration in isolated liver mitochondria, induced apoptosis in primary hepatocytes, and down-regulated transcription factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis. Finally, a lower protein content in the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes was observed in human non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. In conclusion, hepatic accumulation of FFAs and non-enzymatic oxysterols synergistically facilitates development and progression of NAFLD by impairing mitochondrial function, energy balance and biogenesis adaptation to chronic injury

    Robust Satellite Techniques for Volcanic and Seismic Hazards Monitoring

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    Several satellite techniques have been proposed to monitor events related to seismic and volcanic activity. A selfadaptive approach (RAT, Robust AVHRR Techniques) has recently been proposed which seems able to recognise space-time anomalies, differently related to such events, also in the presence of highly variable contributions from atmospheric (transmittance), surface (emissivity and morphology) and observational (time/season, but also solar and satellite zenithal angles) conditions. On the basis of NOAA-AVHRR data, the RAT aprroach has already been applied to Mount Etna volcanic ash cloud monitoring in daytime, and to seismic area monitoring in Southern Italy. This paper presents the theoretical basis for the extension of RAT approach also to nighttime volcanic ash cloud detection, together with its possible implementation to lava flow monitoring. One example of successful forecasting (few days before) of a new lava vent opening during the Mount Etna eruption of July 2001 will be discussed in some detail. Progress on the use of the same approach on seismically active area monitoring will be discussed by comparison with previous results achieved on the Irpinia-Basilicata earthquake (MS = 6.9), which occurred on November 23rd 1980 in Southern Italy

    The Effect of Three Different Ketogenic Diet Protocols on Migraine and Fatigue in Chronic and High-Frequency Episodic Migraine: A Pilot Study

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    Aims: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of three different ketogenic diets on migraine and fatigue in chronic and high-frequency episodic migraineurs. Methods: 76 patients with migraine were treated with the KD for at least three months. Three different KD protocols were used (2:1 KD, LGID, and VLCKD). We evaluated the fatigue severity scale (FSS), migraine frequency, migraine intensity, MIDAS, and HIT-6 at the baseline and 3-month follow-up, and we compared the results. We also correlated the mean FSS reduction with the mean migraine frequency, migraine intensity, BMI, fat mass, free-fat mass, MIDAS, and HIT-6 reduction. Results: FSS improved from 4.977 ± 1.779 to 3.911 ± 1.779 at the 3-month follow-up (p < 0.001). This improvement was significant in both high-frequency and chronic migraineurs. Moreover, the three KD protocols effectively improved migraine intensity, frequency, MIDAS, and HIT-6. There was a mild correlation between mean FSS reduction (p < 0.001), mean MIDAS (p = 0.001), and HIT-6 (p = 0.002) reduction. Conclusions: The VLCKD, LGID, and 2:1 KD may improve migraine intensity, frequency, and fatigue in chronic and high-frequency episodic migraineurs

    Novel highly potent and selective sigma1 receptor antagonists effectively block the binge eating episode in female rats

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    In this paper, the benzo-cracking approach was applied to the potent sigma1 (σ1) receptor antagonist 1 to afford the less conformationally constrained 1,3-dioxane derivatives 2 and 3. To evaluate the effect of the increase in the distance between the two hydrophobic structural elements that flank the basic function, the cis and trans diastereomers of 4 and 5 were also prepared and studied. Compounds 2 and 3 showed affinity values at the σ1 receptor significantly higher than that of the lead compound 1. In particular, 3 displayed unprecedented selectivity over the σ2 receptor, the phencyclidine site of the NMDA receptor, and opioid receptor subtypes, as well as over the dopamine transporter. Docking results supported the structure-activity relationship studies. Due to its interesting biological profile, derivative 3, selected for an in vivo study in a validated preclinical model of binge eating, was able to counteract the overeating of palatable food only in binging rats, without affecting palatable food intake in the control group and anxiety-like and depression-related behaviors in female rats. This result strengthened the involvement of the σ1 receptor in the compulsive-like eating behavior and supported the σ1 receptor as a promising target for the management of eating disorders

    Role of the mucins in pathogenesis of COPD: implications for therapy.

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    Introduction: Evidence accumulated in the last decade has started to reveal the enormous complexity in the expression, interactions and functions of the large number of different mucins present in the different compartments of the human lower airways. This occurs both in normal subjects and in COPD patients in different clinical phases and stages of severity.Areas covered: We review the known physiological mechanisms that regulate mucin production in human lower airways of normal subjects, the changes in mucin synthesis/secretion in COPD patients and the clinical efficacy of drugs that modulate mucin synthesis/secretion.Expert opinion: It is evident that the old simplistic concept that mucus hypersecretion in COPD patients is associated with negative clinical outcomes is not valid and that the therapeutic potential of 'mucolytic drugs' is under-appreciated due to the complexity of the associated molecular network(s). Likewise, our current knowledge of the effects of the drugs already available on the market that target mucin synthesis/secretion/structure in the lower airways is extremely limited and often indirect and more well-controlled clinical trials are needed in this area

    Radioisotopic purity and imaging properties of cyclotron-produced 99mTc using direct 100Mo(p,2n) reaction

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    Evaluation of the radioisotopic purity of technetium-99m (99mTc) produced in GBq amounts by proton bombardment of enriched molibdenum-100 (100Mo) metallic targets at low proton energies (i.e. within 15\u201320 MeV) is conducted. This energy range was chosen since it is easily achievable by many conventional medical cyclotrons already available in the nuclear medicine departments of hospitals. The main motivation for such a study is in the framework of the research activities at the international level that have been conducted over the last few years to develop alternative production routes for the most widespread radioisotope used in medical imaging. The analysis of technetium isotopes and isomeric states (9xTc) present in the pertechnetate saline Na99mTcO4 solutions, obtained after the extraction/purification procedure, reveals radionuclidic purity levels basically in compliance with the limits recently issued by European Pharmacopoeia 9.3 (2018 Sodium pertechnetate (99mTc) injection 4801\u20133). Moreover, the impact of 9xTc contaminant nuclides on the final image quality is thoroughly evaluated, analyzing the emitted high-energy gamma rays and their influence on the image quality. The spatial resolution of images from cyclotron-produced 99mTc acquired with a mini-gamma camera was determined and compared with that obtained using technetium-99m solutions eluted from standard 99Mo/99mTc generators. The effect of the increased image background contribution due to Compton-scattered higher-energy gamma rays (E \u3b3 \u2009\u2009>\u2009\u2009200\u2009keV), which could cause image-contrast deterioration, was also studied. It is concluded that, due to the high radionuclidic purity of cyclotron-produced 99mTc using 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction at a proton beam energy in the range 15.7\u201319.4 MeV, the resulting image properties are well comparable with those from the generator-eluted 99mTc
