9 research outputs found

    Deconstructing Dad

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    Fatherhood is seen as a natural right—a transition that is the ultimate sign that a man is virile, and bestows concomitant status, rights and privileges. The demographic, social, and economic changes across the last few decades have led to increased scrutiny of parenthood. Much of the focus is on fertility trends and the impact of childlessness for women. However, although there are more childless men than childless women, there is very little research literature on the impact of male involuntary childlessness


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    Gecementeerde suprastructuren op implantaten hebben ten opzichte van verschroefde constructies als nadeel dat zij niet verwijderbaar zijn als er bijvoorbeeld breuk optreedt. Vaakmoet hierdoor de gehele constructie worden verwijderd of moet op zoek worden gegaan naar de abutmentschroef. Helaas leidt dit tot ernstige schade aan het porselein en de onderstructuur, of zelfs tot verlies van de gehele suprastructuur -met als gevolg veel ongemak voor de patiënt, grote tijdsinvestering van de behandelaar en kosten voor de tandtechnicus. In deze casus wordt het repareren beschreven van een gecementeerde implantaatbrug doormiddel van een minimaal belastende en kostenbesparendemethode

    Humaan papillomavirus-vaccinatie nu ook beschikbaar voor jongens: informatie voor mondzorgverleners

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    Recently, the Dutch National Immunization Programme has started to offer the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination to boys as well as girls from the age of 10. The vaccine protects against long-term HPV infection, which can lead to cervical, anogenital and oropharyngeal cancer. Besides malignant disorders, a HPV infection can also lead to certain disorders of the skin and oral cavity. Since the national HPV vaccination campaign has probably resulted in more awareness among patients about the relation between HPV and oropharyngeal cancer, patients may consult oral healthcare professionals with questions about HPV infection. Oral healthcare professionals are thus able to play a role in preventing HPV related disorders by counseling their patients on HPV. They can also contribute to early diagnosis of HPV related oral and oropharyngeal disorder, although the possibility of detecting oropharyngeal cancer during routine dental examination is limited

    Efficacy of glandular irrigation and sialendoscopy in salivary glands affected by Sjögren's syndrome

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    Sjögren’s syndrome is a progressive disease characterized by a gradual and irreversible decrease in both the quantity and quality of saliva that eventually leads to xerostomia. Hyposalivation can increase susceptibility to dental caries, dental erosion, fungal and bacterial infections, digestive disorders, loss of taste, and difficulty in swallowing, which reduces the quality of life in patients. To date, no ideal medications have been available to treat hyposalivation and xerostomia effectively, and consequently, there is still a need for development of therapeutic agents and strategies. Recently, ductal irrigation and sialendoscopy of the parotid and submandibular glands have gained popularity for its efficacy as palliative treatments. In glandular irrigation, Stensen’s ducts in the parotid glands and Wharton’s ducts in the submandibular glands are irrigated with, for example, saline or corticosteroids by using a cannula. In sialendoscopy, endoscopes that are small enough to be introduced into the salivary ducts of the major salivary glands are utilized. Through these endoscopes, the ducts can be irrigated under direct visualization, blockages can be removed, and strictures can be dilated. An overview of both techniques and their efficacy in relieving symptoms of xerostomia and hyposalivation in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome is presented

    Therapeutic potential of ectopic olfactory and taste receptors

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