4 research outputs found

    Diagnostico de los sistemas de producción en la cuenca alta del rio cumbaza-San Martín-Perú

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    Presently work of investigation titled "Diagnosis of the Practiced Systems of Production for the Farmers from the High Cuenca of the river Cumbaza", the design was used totally at random with 10 observations (farmers) for community, m parcels of the families of farmers seated in the communities of Aviación, Chiricyacu, San Roque (County of you Lick) and San Antonio (County of San Martín). The objectives were: to characterize the systems of agricultura! production and to define the main restrictive factors of the agricultura! production. They took into account ecological aspects, climate (PP°, T', altitude), area of life, vegetation, organic matter, slope, rocky blooming, cultivations (annual, semiperennes, perennial), socio-economic (population, level of life, services, yiclds and financia! analysis. The conclusions were: The native communities of Aviación and Chiricyacu develop a system agroforestal of 80 and 90 respectively low% the diversified modality and disordcrcd with a grcat varicty of associatc and inscrtcd spccics, without earth movement neither the agroqufmicos use being translated this way to a bigger accumulation of organic matter of high level and biomass for area unit prcscrving thc floors and thc ccosystcm. However in the mestizo communities of San Roque (50%) and San Antonio (60%) the monocultivo prevails this system evidently it is a restrictive factor from thc cconomic point of vicw, bcing a dcmanding systcm, togcthcr to thc topography of the floor (high slopes, rocky blooming, organic matter, sour floors, shortage of earth of agricultural aptitude) and the clima te, they favor the loss of agricultural floor for erosion impacting in the production and productivity of the cultivations.En el presente trabajo de investigación titulado "Diagnóstico de los Sistemas de Producción Practicado por los Agricultores de la Cuenca Alta del rio Cumbaza", se utilizó el disef'io completamente al azar con 1 O observaciones (agricultores) por comunidad, en parcelas de las familias de agricultores asentados en las comunidades de Aviación, Chiricyacu, San Roque (Provincia de Lamas) y San Antonio (Provincia de San Martín). Los objetivos fueron: caracterizar los sistemas de producción agrfco1a y definir los principales factores limitantes de la producción agricola. Se tomaron en cuenta aspectos ecológicos, clima (PP,º r>, altitud), zona de vida, vegetación, materia orgánica, pendiente, afloramiento rocoso, cultivos (anuales, semiperennes, perennes), socio-económicos (población, nivel de vida, servicios, rendimientos y análisis financiero. Las conclusiones fueron: Las comunidades nativas de Aviación y Chiricyacu desarrollan un sistema agroforestal de 80 y 90% respectivamente bajo la modalidad diversificada y desordenada con una gran variedad de especies asociadas e intercaladas, sin movimiento de tierra ni el uso de agroquímicos traduciéndose de esta manera a una mayor acumulación de materia orgánica de nivel alto y biomasa por unidad de área preservando los suelos y el ecosistema. Sin embargo en las comunidades mestizas de San Roque· (50%) y San .. • Antonio (60%) prevalece el monocultivo evidentemente este sistema es un factor limitante desde el punto de vista económico, siendo un sistema exigente, unido a la topografia del suelo (pendientes elevadas, afloramiento rocoso, materia orgánica, suelos ácidos, escasez de tierra de aptitud agrícola) y el clima, favorecen la pérdida de suelo agricola por erosión y por ende inciden en la producción y productividad de los cultivos.Tesi

    DiBiCoo: Biogas Markets and Frameworks in Argentina, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, and South Africa

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    In Argentina, the biogas market has gained a solid foothold over the last five years and is massively industrial. However, its growth is slowing down. In 2015, Argentina has developed 100 biogas plants and has grown exponentially until 2020 through the RenovAr Programme. In 2015, INTA and PROBIOMASA have conducted a survey assessing 80 of the 100 plants built nationwide. INTA and PROBIOMASA have found that from the 80 plants surveyed, 76 of the 80 biogas plants developed up until 2015 were installed for environmental purposes, while 11 of the 80 biogas plants surveyed were utilised for energy development, consisting of large bio-digestion plants (1MW-2MW), consisting mostly of covered lagoon and mixed technologies utilising digesters, double membrane reactor, and a co-generation unit i.e. combined heat and power (CHP). It must be noted that at that time biogas was not widely used as a source of energy, rather, it was used for environmental purposes. The relatively slow growth of the biogas market until 2015 is also indicated by the low rate of biogas utilisation for the means of energy security. It is also worth highlighting that the dominating feedstock utilised for biogas in Argentina is industrial waste, followed by organic waste and virgin biomass. To accelerate the growth of the biogas market, Argentina has been implementing governmentled programs. The most notable program is the series of RenovAr programs i.e. round 1, round 1.5, and round 2) that was started from 2016 and continues until today with RenovAr 3 being implemented in August 2019. According to the World Bank IFC, RenovAR has succeeded in reaching 2.4 GW capacity of combined renewable energy alternatives in the end of 2016 and 4.4 GW of renewable energy projects in August 2017. The tenders foresee a minimum of 0.5 MW and a maximum of 10 MW of electricity capacity from each biogas project to achieve the overall goal. All in all, this program and national goal shows that biogas is seen as an important renewable energy alternative in Argentina. It must also be noted that each country included in this report elaborates on a minimum of four variables of the PESTLE’s framework depending on the degree of its relevancy and influence it has for the biogas sector.Instituto de Ingeniería RuralFil: Rahmatzafran, Avila. Resilience Development Initiative (RDI). Sustainable Development; IndonesiaFil: Rosslee, Dwight. Selectra Watertech; SudáfricaFil: Rianawati, Elisabeth. Resilience Development Initiative (RDI); IndonesiaFil: Hafiz Loeksmanto, Ichsan. Resilience Development Initiative (RDI); IndonesiaFil: Hilbert, Jorge Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Ingeniería Rural; ArgentinaFil: Alemmu, Sinshaw. Iceaddis; EtiopíaFil: Mohammed. Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solution (ISEES); GhanaFil: Bogale, Wondwossen. Iceaddis; EtiopíaFil: Salie, Yaseen. Greencape; Sudáfric

    Challenging chains to change: Gender equity in agricultural value chain development

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    Often efforts to improve value chains miss out half of the population – the female half. How can this be changed? Drawing on dozens of cases, and covering a wide range of crops and livestock products, this book explains how development organisations and private entrepreneurs have found ways to improve the position of women in value chains. In bringing together the fields of gender and value chains, the title offers compelling arguments to improve value chain performance – with both women and men able to enjoy the benefits