114 research outputs found

    Relation between the notes of dishes served in collective restauration and the NORECOIN notation (statistical study)

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    Les 126 notes Norecoin trimestrielles de 9 groupes de restaurants ont été examinées statistiquement en relation avec les pourcentages de plats cui sinés non conformes et de plats autres non satisfaisants. La corrélation exis tante a permis d’établir un modèle qui explique 86 % des variations de la note Norecoin.The 126 quateriy Norecoin notes from 9 groups of restaurants were examined statistically in relation with the percentages of no conform cooked dishes and not satisfactory other dishes. The correlation observed permitted to build a model which explained 86 % of variations of Norecoin note

    Statistical study of NORECOIN notation in social collective restauration

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    Les 27 notes NORECOIN quadrimestrielles de 3 groupes de restau rants ont été examinées statistiquement en relation avec les pourcentages de plats cuisinés non conformes et de plats autres non satisfaisants. La corrélation existante a permis d’établir un modèle qui explique 99,2 % des variations de la note NORECOIN. Une étude théorique globale de ce problème est maintenant possible.The 27 quadrimestrial NORECOIN notes from 3 groups of restaurants were examined statistically in relation with the percentages of no conform cooked dishes and not satisfactory other dishes. The correlation observed permitted to build a model which explained 99.2% of variations of NORE COIN note. A global théorie study of this problem is possible now

    Extracellular Vesicles from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Suppress MHC-Related Molecules in Human Lung Macrophages

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-negative bacterium, is one of the most common pathogens colonizing the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. P. aeruginosa secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs) that contain LPS and other virulence factors that modulate the host\u27s innate immune response, leading to an increased local proinflammatory response and reduced pathogen clearance, resulting in chronic infection and ultimately poor patient outcomes. Lung macrophages are the first line of defense in the airway innate immune response to pathogens. Proper host response to bacterial infection requires communication between APC and T cells, ultimately leading to pathogen clearance. In this study, we investigate whether EVs secreted from P. aeruginosa alter MHC Ag expression in lung macrophages, thereby potentially contributing to decreased pathogen clearance. Primary lung macrophages from human subjects were collected via bronchoalveolar lavage and exposed to EVs isolated from P. aeruginosa in vitro. Gene expression was measured with the NanoString nCounter gene expression assay. DNA methylation was measured with the EPIC array platform to assess changes in methylation. P. aeruginosa EVs suppress the expression of 11 different MHC-associated molecules in lung macrophages. Additionally, we show reduced DNA methylation in a regulatory region of gene complement factor B (CFB) as the possible driving mechanism of widespread MHC gene suppression. Our results demonstrate MHC molecule downregulation by P. aeruginosa-derived EVs in lung macrophages, which is consistent with an immune evasion strategy employed by a prokaryote in a host-pathogen interaction, potentially leading to decreased pulmonary bacterial clearance

    Relation flore potentielle-flore réelle de sols agricoles de Côte-d'Or

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    L'estimation du stock semencier au semis de cultures d'automne et le dénombrement des levées au cours du cycle cultural ont été réalisés dans 35 parcelles agricoles de la plaine de Dijon (Côte-d'Or). La valeur médiane du stock semencier viable est estimée à 2 864 semences par mètre carré, et le taux moyen de levée à 5,54 % du nombre de semences viables. Ce taux de levée varie en fonction des espèces de 0,9 % chez Kickxia spuria à 32,8 % chez Polygonum persicaria. La dynamique des levées est influencée par les conditions climatiques, et un hiver froid et prolongé favorise des levées de printemps au détriment des levées d'automne pour les espèces à germination automnale préférentielle.Relationship between the seedbank and the actual weed flora in agricultural soils in the Côted'Or. The weed seedbank was estimated at the time of autumn crop sowing and the emergence of seedlings was counted during the cultural cycle in 35 fields on the Dijon plain (Côte-d'Or). The median value for the viable seedbank was estimated at 2 864 seeds/m2 and the average rate of emergence at 5.54% of viable seed content. This average rate varies from 0.9% for Kickxia spuria to 32.8% for Polygonum persicaria. The dynamics of seedlings emergence was influenced by the climatic conditions, and cold and prolonged winter favoured the emergence of spring seedlings to the detriment of the autumn seedlings for species with preferential autumn germinating

    Relation flore potentielle-flore réelle de sols agricoles de Côte-d'Or

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    L'estimation du stock semencier au semis de cultures d'automne et le dénombrement des levées au cours du cycle cultural ont été réalisés dans 35 parcelles agricoles de la plaine de Dijon (Côte-d'Or). La valeur médiane du stock semencier viable est estimée à 2 864 semences par mètre carré, et le taux moyen de levée à 5,54 % du nombre de semences viables. Ce taux de levée varie en fonction des espèces de 0,9 % chez Kickxia spuria à 32,8 % chez Polygonum persicaria. La dynamique des levées est influencée par les conditions climatiques, et un hiver froid et prolongé favorise des levées de printemps au détriment des levées d'automne pour les espèces à germination automnale préférentielle.Relationship between the seedbank and the actual weed flora in agricultural soils in the Côted'Or. The weed seedbank was estimated at the time of autumn crop sowing and the emergence of seedlings was counted during the cultural cycle in 35 fields on the Dijon plain (Côte-d'Or). The median value for the viable seedbank was estimated at 2 864 seeds/m2 and the average rate of emergence at 5.54% of viable seed content. This average rate varies from 0.9% for Kickxia spuria to 32.8% for Polygonum persicaria. The dynamics of seedlings emergence was influenced by the climatic conditions, and cold and prolonged winter favoured the emergence of spring seedlings to the detriment of the autumn seedlings for species with preferential autumn germinating

    Evaluating field-scale sampling methods for the estimation of mean plant densities of weeds

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    Evaluating field-scale sampling methods for the estimation of mean plant densities of weeds

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    Diversité des communautés de mauvaises herbes des cultures annuelles de Côte-d'Or (France)

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    Diversity of weed communities of annual crops in Cote-d'Or, France. Weed flora of annual crops in Cote-d'Or, France, were characterized in three successive growing seasons by measuring species frequencies and abundance over 245 fields. A total of 210 species in 143 genera were recorded representing a total of 43 families with Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Brassicaceae, Lamiaceae and Caryophyllaceae predominating. More than half of the species occurred in less than 5/ of the sampled plots (fields x years) and only 9 species (namely Galium aparine L., Polygonum aviculare L., Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A. Loeve, Alopecurus myosuroides Hudson, Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Convolvulus arvensis L., Sinapis arvensis L., Veronica persica Poiret and Anagallis arvensis L.) occurred in more than 50/ of the plots. The maximum plot density was greater than 20 plants per square metre for more than one third of the species. Meanwhile, the plots where the density exceeded 20 plants per square metre, were rare and represented, for the most abundant species (A. myosuroides), less than 16/ of the plots. The total number of weed species per plots varied from 4 to 65 with a median species number of 20. In most of the plots, the weed community was mainly composed of species having a small density (less than one plant per square metre) and was dominated by only one or two species in half of the plots
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