19 research outputs found

    Serum Profile of Thyroid Hormones from Birth to Puberty in Buffalo Calves and Heifers

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    In tropical countries, unlike other dairy animals the buffalo presents the farmers with problems of growth and late maturity, which reduces their total life time productivity. The exotic buffalo heifers have been reported to reach puberty at the age of 15 - 16 months and 15 - 17 months in Italy and Egypt, respectively. In contrast, our indigenous buffalo breeds, namely, Nili-Ravi, Surti and Mehsana reach puberty at an age of 26, 28.2 and 30.1 months, respectively. Murrah buffaloes exhibit delayed maturity even more, which limits their productive life. The study investigated the serum thyroid patterns in female Murrah buffalo calves and heifers from birth to puberty. TSH concentration did not differ and remained almost the same from birth to 4 - 6 mths. The TSH then gradually increased and reached a highest value at 24 - 30 mths. The TSH concentration recorded at 21 - 24 mths and 24 - 30 mths i.e. at the age of attaining the puberty, was about 3 - 4 times higher than recorded at birth. The T3 concentration recorded at 0 - 7 days of age was significantly higher than recorded for other age groups, except at 18 - 21 mths, 21 - 24 mths and 24 - 30 mths. The T3 concentration did not exhibit specific trend during the ages 16 days - 1 mth to 15 - 18 mths. The highest T4 concentration was recorded in 0 - 7 days old buffalo calves. The concentration decreased to lower value at 1 - 2 mths. The T4 concentration from 2 - 4 mths of age increased significantly and the values remained almost similar with minor fluctuations upto 24 -30 mths. The T4 : T3 ratio recorded at different ages did not exhibit specific trend

    Voluntary intake, digestibility and nutritive value of coastal bermuda grass (cynodon dactylon) employed as sole feed for rabbits

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    [EN] Nutritional evaluation of Coastal Bermuda grass as a sole feed was undertaken in adult male N"Z>N rabbits. There was a constant decrease (- 18g/day) in body weight of rabbits during_ the three weeks experimental period. Daily DM intake was very low (31g). Digestibilig of all the nutrients especially that of cruda protein CP) and structural carbohydrates was low : DM 52.6 %, P 48.9 % and crude fibra 26.4 %. For rabbits, digestible CP content was 5.7g in 1 OOg of DM of Coastal Bermuda grass, and calculated DE content was 2.11 Mcal/kg DM. The results of the study indicate that Coastal Bermuda grass had very poor nutritiva value for adult rabbits and could not supply adequate nutrients even for maintenance.[FR] L 'évaluation nutritionnelle du gros chiendent a été faite avec des lapins NZW adultes máles. Durant la période expérimentale de 3 semaines le poids vif des animaux a diminué constamment (- 18g/jour). La matiere sache ingérée par jour était tres faible (31g). La digestibilité de tous les éléments nutritifs, en particulier ce/le des proteines et des carbohydrates structuraux, était tres faible : MS 52,6 %, proteines 48,9 % et cellulose brute 26,4 %. Pour le lapin, la teneur en proteines digestibles de C. dactylon est de 5. 7 g/1 OOg de MS. Sa teneur en énergie digestible calculée est de 2110 kcal/kg MS. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que le Cynodon dactylon a une tres faible valeur nutritiva pour des lapins adultas et ne peut pas fournir les éléments nutritifs nécessaires a la cowerture de leurs besoins d'entretien.Deshmukh, S.; Pathak, N.; Randhe, S.; Deshmukh, S. (1993). Voluntary intake, digestibility and nutritive value of coastal bermuda grass (cynodon dactylon) employed as sole feed for rabbits. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1993.202SWORD01

    Observation of Hypotrichidium¬¬¬¬ tetranucleatum sp.nov. (Ciliophora: Strichotrichida) from Aurangabad, M.S., India

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    A new species Hypotrichidium tetranucleatum sp.nov. is observed belonging to the genus Hypotrichidium from the fresh water body in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. This is the free living form of ciliate protozoa found in water. The new species is characterized by elongate body shape with Adoral zone of membranelle running one-third the body length, four macronuclei, four micronuclei and one contractile vacuole located at the posterior left of the body


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    [EN] Nutritiva value of mulberry leaves as a sole ration for adult rabbits was determinad by feeding mulberry leaves to 1 O New Zealand White rabbits ( 1540 ± 62g, 35 weeks old). In DM mulberry leaves had CP 22.13, EE 3.90, CF 5.90, Ash 13.35, NFE 54. 72, NDF 36.35, ADF 31.52, Ca 3.30 and P 1.43 %. Except EE, all nutrients had fairly good digestible coefficients. The DM intake was 68.52g/day, 5.30g/1 OOg body weight and 59.1 g/kg wo. 75. Average daily intake of digestible crude protein (DCP) (11.2 g) and of digestible energy (175 kcal) was adequate for maintenance of body weights of rabbits. In each 100g DM, mulberry leaves had 16.38 ± 0.45g DCP for rabbits. Calculated DE/kg DM was found to be 2580 kcal. The results suggested that the mulbery leaves can be used as single feed for adult rabbits and may help in economic rabbit production.[FR] La va/eur nutritive des feuilles de mürier comme seul aliment pour des lapins adultes a été étudiée en nourrissant avec ces feuilles 10 lapins Néo-Zélandais Blancs d'un poids vif moyen de 1540 ± 62g, agés de 35 semaines. La matiere seche des feuil/es de mürier était composée de Protéines 22, 13 , Matieres grasses 3,90 , Cellulose brute 5,90 , Cendres 13,35, ENA 54,72, NDF 36,35, ADF 31,52, Calcium 3,30 et Phosphore 1,43 %. Hormis les matieres grasses tous les composants avaient un excellent coefficient de digestibilité. La matiere seche ingérée par jour était de 68,52g, soit 5,30g pour 100g de poids vif et 59, 1g/kg de poids metabolique. L 'ingéré moyen journalier de protéines digestibles (11, 15 ± 0,52g) et d'énergie digestible (175 kcal) étaient capables de couvrir les besoins d'entretien des lapins. Dans 1 OOg de matiere seche de feuilles de mürier les lapins ont trouvé 16,38 ± 0.45g de Protéines brutes digestibles. L 'énergie digestible par kilo de matiere seche a été estimée a 2850 kcal. Ces resultats permettent de penser que les feuilles de mürier peuvent etre utilisées comme seul aliment pour des lapins adultes et contribuer a un production économique de lapins.Deshmukh, S.; Pathak, N.; Takalikar, D.; Digraskar, S. (1993). NUTRITIONAL EFFECT OF MULBERRY ("MORUS ALBA") LEAVES AS SOLE RATION OF ADULT RABBITS. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1993.196SWORD01


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    This paper represent the design, fabrication, and development of solar operated agriculture robot. The robot can dig the soil, feed the seed, leveler to close the soil, and pump to spray the fertilizer. These all system works on battery and solar power. We here use an microcontroller circuit along with GSM modem, a DC motor, LCD display and required circuit to make this system. Approximately 50% of people in India work in agriculture sector. In this agriculture sector there is a lot of field work such as digging, harvesting, sowing, weeding, etc. And spraying is also an important operation in agriculture. Which to be perform by the farmer, to protect the crop form the pest, funguses and any other diseases. It is concept of investigating multi-purpose small machine which is more efficient than the large tractors and human forces. Due to this purpose we design and developing such a system with the following feature. Harvesting is the first step in farming after the completion of this step land is ready for the seed sowing, spray pump is used to spray the fertilizer