3,107 research outputs found

    The Beginnings of American Horses

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    Hardware as a service - enabling dynamic, user-level bare metal provisioning of pools of data center resources.

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    We describe a “Hardware as a Service (HaaS)” tool for isolating pools of compute, storage and networking resources. The goal of HaaS is to enable dynamic and flexible, user-level provisioning of pools of resources at the so-called “bare-metal” layer. It allows experimental or untrusted services to co-exist alongside trusted services. By functioning only as a resource isolation system, users are free to choose between different system scheduling and provisioning systems and to manage isolated resources as they see fit. We describe key HaaS use cases and features. We show how HaaS can provide a valuable, and somehwat overlooked, layer in the software architecture of modern data center management. Documentation and source code for HaaS software are available at: https://github.com/CCI-MOC/haasPartial support for this work was provided by the MassTech Collaborative Research Matching Grant Program, National Science Foundation award #1347525 and several commercial partners of the Mass Open Cloud who may be found at http://www.massopencloud.org.http://www.ieee-hpec.org/2014/CD/index_htm_files/FinalPapers/116.pd

    Recursive Hardware-as-a-Service (rHaaS) and Fast Provisioning

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    Hardware as a Service (HaaS) is a new service being developed by the Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC) to allow physical servers to be allocated to clients in the same way that virtual servers are in existing IaaS clouds. This poster describes the new recursive HaaS project and the fast provisioning customization we are developing. Recursive HaaS allows a HaaS service to be layered on top of an existing one. It will allow testing of new features at performance and scale without affecting the production service. It will also allow clients to host their own HaaS on top of a base HaaS to provide, potentially customized, services to their users. An example customization we are developing is a fast provisioning service that can be used between tenants that have some degree of trust in each other. It will allow nodes to be moved between customers (and a service installed) in seconds, rather than the minutes required by base HaaS

    The Impact of Democratic Party Reform on the South

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    Global and Local Youth Unemployment: Dislocation and Pathways

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    The impact of economic recessions is not felt uniformly across demographic groups, and the detrimental effects of the one-time dislocations can significantly shift the long-term prospects of human development for many years to come. The current recession has been hard on young people in the United States between the ages of 16 and 24, especially minorities (Latino or African American). Labor force participation rates have dropped dramatically and unemployment has reached as high as 30% in some states. Long spells of unemployment and adverse conditions for labor market incorporation further increase the likelihood of other poor life outcomes, such as problems with the legal system, low-wage employment, and little socioeconomic mobility. Preventing such eroding effects requires legislative and programmatic interventions to help youths into positive labor market and education pathways, among them workforce development, enhanced vocational training, and reduction of education costs. The article outlines some of such interventions and programs in Massachusetts and in other countries

    An Exploratory Study Of The Assessment Process Of The Ethical Conduct Of Top Executives In The For-Profit And Nonprofit Sectors

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    Because this kind of study is filled with unique challenges from gaining direct access to an appropriate research sample to that of designing  an innovative survey that can be completed within strict time constraints, this research may be considered exploratory in nature.  Therefore, based on research findings derived from limited and constrained access to executive leadership in large publicly traded companies and their counterparts in the nonprofit sector, it was concluded that a very few organizations in either sector have a proactive ethics strategy or a formal approach to the assessment of leader ethics.  Correspondingly, whatever assessment process followed, the ethical criteria for assessing top executives focuses more on their behavior as individuals rather than those aspects having a systematic organizational impact on other subordinates

    Osteopontin is required for full expression of the transformed phenotype by the ras oncogene

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    The secreted phosphoprotein osteopontin (OPN) is strongly associated with the process of neoplastic transformation, based both on its pattern of expression in vivo and in vitro and on functional analyses. We have used 3T3 cells derived from wildtype and OPN-deficient mice and transformed by transfection with oncogenic ras to assess the role of OPN in transformation in vitro and in tumorigenesis in vivo. There was no effect of an absence of OPN on the ability of the cells to undergo immortalization or to form morphologically transformed foci following ras transfection. Wildtype and OPN-deficient cell lines were established from such foci, and lines with similar ras mRNA levels selected for further analysis. Ras -transformed cell lines from both wildtype and OPN-deficient mice could form colonies in soft agar indicating that this process can occur in the absence of OPN. However, the ability of the OPN-deficient cell lines to form colonies was reduced as compared to wildtype cell lines. Tumorigenesis in syngeneic and nude mice was assessed for a subset of cell lines that formed colonies efficiently in soft agar. Cell lines unable to make OPN formed tumors in these mice much more slowly than wildtype cells, despite similar growth of the cells on plastic and in soft agar. Taken together, these results indicate that maximal transformation by ras requires OPN expression, and implicate increased OPN expression as an important effector of the transforming activity of the ras oncogene. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Den landĂžkonomiske debat i Danmark under landbrugskrisen 1818-28

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    Under og umiddelbart fÞr krisen foregik en landÞkonomisk debat med flere temaer. Dele af den var initieret af Det kongelige Landhusholdningsselskab. Centrale temaer var ÄremÄlsforpagtning i stedet for fÊste og i det hele taget liberalisering af godsejernes ret over jorden, handelsforhold, skatter og godssystemet. Forfatteren identificerer tre positioner: En liberalistisk flÞj, en godsejergruppe med stansmÊssigt prÊg og en social-statslig, bondebeskyttende og formyndende flÞj

    Osteopontin splice variant as a potential marker for metastatic disease in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Osteopontin (OPN) is a phosphoprotein that activates pathways that induce cancer cell survival and metastasis. Our aim was to examine the expression pattern of OPN splice variants a, b, and c in fine-needle aspirates and to determine their correlation with stage-adjusted pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) survival. METHODS: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) was performed in patients with solid pancreatic masses. The tissue was collected and analyzed for the expression of OPN isoforms by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Survival curves of stages and overexpression of OPN splice variants (a, b, c) were estimated according to the Kaplan-Meier and the log-rank test. RESULTS: EUS-FNA was performed in 46 patients with solid pancreatic lesions (40 PDA and 6 chronic pancreatitis). OPNa was highly expressed in 39/40 (98%), OPNb in 24/40 (60%), while OPNc was present in 10/40 (25%) of PDA samples. The median survival was lower in patients whose fine-needle aspiration (FNA) samples expressed OPNb than those without (406 days vs 749 days, P = 0.049). There was no significant difference in survival in patients with OPNc. Cox proportional hazard model demonstrated that OPNb expression had a trend toward decrease overall survival (P = 0.06), with these patients having a hazard of death three times higher than those without. OPNc was found to significantly correlate with metastatic disease (P = 0.009) in PDA patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show for the first time that in FNA samples, there is a strong association between OPNc and presence of metastasis in PDA, and OPNb and poor survival

    RĂŒckbindung der Wirtschaft an die NaturrĂ€ume

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    EinfĂŒhrung in das Schwerpunktthem
