11 research outputs found

    Relation between anti-mullerian hormone and blastocyst rate in patients less than 35 years old

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    Background: Anti-mullerian hormone is the most commonly used predictor for in vitro fertilization cycles outcome from the quantity point of view but not the quality.Methods: The study included retrospective analysis of 247 cycles out come up to blastocyst rate. Patients included in the study were divided in to three groups according to Anti-Mullerian hormone value.Results: The primary outcome included cycles outcome rates up to blastocyst rate, cycles without blastocyst, cycles with 100% blastocyst. While secondary outcome included oocyte number, number of mature oocyte, number of fertilized oocytes, number of cleaved oocytes, number of blastocyst. We found that the mean number of blastocyst is significantly affected by AMH in favor of group C, but the blastocyst rate was not significantly affected between the three groups group A (58.16%), group B (52.56%), group C (55.49%) with p value 0.621 which is not significant. The rate of cycles with 100% blastocyst rate was not significantly different between the groups, however the rate of cycles without blastocyst was higher in group B (13.58%) but it did not differ between the groups A (7.4%) and group C (7.9%). The difference was not significant between the three groups.Conclusions: AMH can be a good predictor of IVF cycles outcome based on the ovarian yield and numerical outcome but it is not a good predictor of the blastocyst rate which could indicate the quality of the outcome of the cycles in patients 35 years of age or less

    Histological and biochemical researches on therapeutic effects of resveratrol in urogenital system of trifluraline applied male rats

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    Bu çalışmamızda dinitroalaninli bir herbisit olan Trifluralin (TRF)' in erkek sıçanların ürogenital sistemi üzerine olası olumsuz etkisine karşın resveratrol gibi güçlü bir antioksidan ile terapötik etkilerinin histolojik, histokimyasal, immünohistokimyasal ve biyokimyasal olarak incelemeyi amaçladık. YÖNTEM Deneysel modelimizde Wistar suşu erkek sıçanlar 5 gruba (n=7) ayrıldı. I. grup, kontrol grubu; II. grup, sham grubu; III. grup, TRF Yüksek Doz (YD) grubu: 2 gr./kg./gün; IV. grup, TRF Düşük Doz (DD) grubu: 0,8 gr./kg./gün; V. grup, Resveratrol (RVT) tedavi grubu: 10 mg./kg./gün resveratrol + 2 gr./kg./gün TRF 21 gün süre ile mide gavajı yöntemiyle verildi. Işık mikroskobik incelemeler için kesitler Hematoksilen&Eozin (H&E), Masson Trikrom, Periyodik Asit Schiff (PAS) ile boyandı. İmmünohistokimyasal olarak apoptoz belirlenmesi için ise terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling (TUNEL) boyaması yapıldı. Biyokimyasal incelemeler için alınan dokularda superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathion peroxidase (GPx) ve melondialdehit (MDA) düzeyleri incelendi. Kan ve idrar örneklerinde üre, kreatinin ve üre azotu (BUN) değerleri incelendi. BULGULAR Trifluralin verilen gruplarda Hematoksilen-Eozin boyamalarda böbrek dokusunda, proksimal tübüllerde dejenerasyon, hücre döküntüleri, vasküler ve tübüler dilatasyon, vakuolizasyon tiroidizasyon ve nükleer atipi gözlendi. Testis dokusu tübüllerinde ise dilatasyon, yaygın nekroz, spermatogenik seriye ait hücre diziliminde düzensizlik, tübülerde debritler; seminifer tübül lümeninde spermiyum hücrelerinin azalması ve bazılarında görülmemesi gibi bulgular gözlendi. Üreter ve mesane dokularında herhangi bir histolojik ve morfolojik değişikliğe rastlanmadı. Peryodik Asit Schiff boyamada ve histomorfometrik incelemelerde böbrek dokusunda hücresel hasarlanma bulguları ve nekroza giden değişiklikler gözlendi. Testis dokusunda seminifer tübül bazal memranında ve intertitisyumda artış gözlendi. Masson Trikrom boyamalarında böbrek dokusunda peritübüler alanlarda nadir kollajen artışı gözlenirken üreter ve mesane dokularında normal histolojik bulgular hakimdi. TUNEL boyamasında böbrek ve testis dokusunda TRF Yüksek Doz ve TRF Düşük Doz gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı oranda TUNEL pozitif hücre artışı gözlenirken resveratrol tedavi grubunda kontrole yakın değerler gözlendi. Böbrek ve testis dokusunda kontrol grubu ile TRF YD ve TRF DD kıyaslandığında MDA düzeylerinde anlamlı artış, SOD ve GPx düzeylerinde ise anlamlı bir azalma gözlendi. Resveratrol Tedavi grubunda ise Doz gruplarına kıyasla MDA düzeylerinde anlamlı azalış ve SOD ve GPx düzeylerinde anlamlı artış saptandı. Üreter ve mesane dokularında ise bu parametrelerde anlamlı değişim gözlenmedi. Böbrek fonksiyon testi olarak kabul edilen Kan BUN ve Kreatinin seviyelerinde TRF YD ve TRF DD gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı artış tespit edildi. Resveratrol tedavi grubunda TRF deney gruplarına göre anlamlı azalma saptanırken kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı bir değişiklik bulunmadı. Ürik asit düzeylerinde ise kontrol grubuna kıyasla sadece TRF YD grubunda artış gözlendi. İdrar BUN ve Ürik asit düzeylerinde ise TRF YD ve TRF DD gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düşüş gözlenirken, Kreatinin seviyelerinde sadece TRF YD grubunda anlamlı düşüş gözlendi. SONUÇ Elde ettiğimiz verilere dayanarak TRF'nin böbrek ve testis dokusunda oksidatif stresi arttırdığı, doku hasarı oluşturduğu ve biyokimyasal değişikliklere neden olduğu fakat üreter ve mesane dokularında uygulanan dozlarda hasar oluşturmadığı buna karşılık oluşan histolojik hasarı ve biyokimyasal değişiklikleri Resveratrolün anlamlı miktarda azalttığını gözlemledik In this study, we aimed to study the therapeutic effects of resveratrol, a strong antioxidant, against possible negative effects of trifluraline (TRF), a herbicide with dinitroaniline, in urogenital system of male rats histologically, histochemically, imunohistochemically and biochemically. METHOD 35 Wistar albino rats were divided into 5 groups (n=7). Group I. Control; Group II. Sham; Group III. High Dose Trifluraline (HD): 2 g/kg/day; Group IV. Low Dose Trifluraline (LD): 0,8 g/kg/day; Group V. Resveratrol Therapy: 10 mg/kg/day resveratrol + 2g/kg/day TRF were applied for 21 days by intragastric sonda. Kidney, testis, ureter and urinary bladder tissue slides were stained with hematoxylene&eosine (H&E), Masson Trichrome and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) for light microscopy. Immunohistochemical TUNEL stain (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling) was performed to determine apoptosis. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathion peroxidase (GPx) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were evaluated biochemically. Urea, creatinine and urea nitrogen levels (BUN) were evaluated in blood and urine samples. FINDINGS In TRF treated groups, degeneration, vascular and tubular dilatation, cell debris, vacuolization, troidisation and nuclear atypia were observed at hematoxylene-eosine stained kidney slides. Dilatation and wide necrosis in seminiferious tubules; irregular sequencing of spermatogenic cell series, debris in tubules, reduction of spermiums in lumen or lack of spermiums were observed. No histological and morphological changes were seen in ureter and bladder tissues. Cellular damage and necrotic change were observed on Periodic Acid Schiff stained kidney tissue slides. Basal membrane of seminiferious tubules and interstitial tissue was thickened. Rarely increased collagen fibers were observed in peritubular areas in Masson Trichrome stained kidney slides. No histological changes were seen in Masson Trichrome stained ureter and bladder tissue slides. In TUNEL labeling assay, number of TUNEL positive cells were significantly increased in TRF High dose and TRF Low dose groups in comparison with control group. In resveratrol group TUNEL positive cells were found significantly decreased. According to MDA, SOD and GPx levels evaluations; MDA level was found higher, SOD and GPx levels were found lower in TRF High dose group and TRF low dose group than control group. MDA level was significantly lower; SOD and GPx levels were significantly higher in Resveratrol group than High dose and Low dose groups. There was no significant change in MDA, SOD and GPx levels in ureter and bladder tissues. According to blood BUN and creatinine evaluations; BUN and creatinine levels were found increased in TRF HD and TRF LD in comparison with control. In Resveratrol therapy group, BUN and creatinine were found significantly lower than TRF groups but there was no significant difference in comparison with control. Uric acid levels show significant difference only in TRF HD group in comparison with control. Urine BUN and uric acid levels were found significantly higher in TRF HD and TRF LD groups than control, creatinine levels were significantly low only in TRF HD group. CONCLUSION According to our results; we consider that TRF increases oxidative stress, causes histological tissue damages and biochemical changes in kidney and testicles but applied TRF doses did not cause any damage in ureter and bladder. In conclusion we assume that Resveratrol can minimize the histological damage and biochemical differences significantl

    A Practical Dressing Method to be Used in Experimental Studies on the Extremities of Rabbits: Scientific Letter

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    Rabbits' higher sensitivity to infections, stronger muscles and vulnerability to emotional stress require careful and fastidious laboratory practices. We used Ilizarov distractors that were prepared to adjust the tibias of the rabbits. Then the leg was wrapped over the Ilizarov distractor by sterilized sponges. After this phase, problems began to occur as the rabbits began to remove the dressings rapidly during their natural movements or by gnawing them. To solve these problems, a cotton sack was sewed at the size of the lower extremity of the rabbit This method facilitated the daily distraction procedure considerably and following its use, no infections occurred among the rabbits

    The effects of resveratrol against trifluralin toxicity in the urinary tract of rats

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    The herbicide itself and the degradation products are highly toxic on biological systems. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential toxic effects of trifluralin (TRF) on the urinary system of male rats and to investigate the protective effects of resveratrol (RSV) in TRF-induced urinary system damage. A total of 35 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into: (1) control group, (2) sham group, (3) low dose TRF group (0.8g/kg/day), (4) high dose TRF group (2g/kg/day) and (5) high dose TRF + RSV group 10mg/kg/day. RSV was administered for 21 days by intragastric gavage at a dose of 10mg/kg/day after induction of TRF. Kidney, ureter and urinary bladder tissue was examined using light microscopy and ultrastructurally. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling was performed to detect apoptosis. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathion peroxidase (GPx) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were also evaluated biochemically for oxidative stress parameters. Histological evaluation showed that TRF increases apoptosis and oxidative stress, causes histological tissue damages and biochemical changes in the kidneys but does not cause any damage to the ureter and bladder. Treatment with RSV significantly attenuated tissue damage in the urinary system of rats. Apopitotic cells were significantly decreased in the treatment group. Additionally, treatment with RSV decreased SOD and GPx levels and increased MDA levels in the kidney tissue of animals subjected to TRF. These results show that RSV can significantly minimize histological damage and biochemical differences in treating TRF-induced kidney injury in rats

    Autologous rabbit adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of bone injuries with distraction osteogenesis

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    Background aims: Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have a higher capacity for proliferation and differentiation compared with other cell lineages. Although distraction osteogenesis is the most important therapy for treating bone defects, this treatment is restricted in many situations. The aim of this study was to examine the therapeutic potential of adipose tissue-derived MSCs and osteoblasts differentiated from adipose tissue-derived MSCs in the treatment of bone defects. Methods: Bone defects were produced in the tibias of New Zealand rabbits that had previously undergone adipose tissue extraction. Tibial osteotomy was performed, and a distractor was placed on the right leg of the rabbits. The rabbits were placed in control (group I), stem cell (group II) and osteoblast-differentiated stem cell (group III) treatment groups. The rabbits were sacrificed, and the defect area was evaluated by radiologic, biomechanical and histopathologic tests to examine the therapeutic effects of adipose tissue-derived MSCs. Results: Radiologic analyses revealed that callus density and the ossification rate increased in group III compared with group I and group II. In biomechanical tests, the highest ossification rate was observed in group III. Histopathologic studies showed that the quality of newly formed bone and the number of cells active in bone formation were significantly higher in group III rabbits compared with group I and group II rabbits. Conclusions: These data reveal that osteoblasts differentiated from adipose tissue-derived MSCs shorten the consolidation period of distraction osteogenesis. Stem cells could be used as an effective treatment for bone defects.Dokuz Eylul University; Turkish Academy of Sciences, Outstanding Young Investigator Programm

    Autologous rabbit adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of bone injuries with distraction osteogenesis

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    Background aims. Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have a higher capacity for proliferation and differentiation compared with other cell lineages. Although distraction osteogenesis is the most important therapy for treating bone defects, this treatment is restricted in many situations. The aim of this study was to examine the therapeutic potential of adipose tissue-derived MSCs and osteoblasts differentiated from adipose tissue-derived MSCs in the treatment of bone defects. Methods. Bone defects were produced in the tibias of New Zealand rabbits that had previously undergone adipose tissue extraction. Tibial osteotomy was performed, and a distractor was placed on the right leg of the rabbits. The rabbits were placed in control (group I), stem cell (group II) and osteoblast-differentiated stem cell (group III) treatment groups. The rabbits were sacrificed, and the defect area was evaluated by radiologic, biomechanical and histopathologic tests to examine the therapeutic effects of adipose tissue-derived MSCs. Results. Radiologic analyses revealed that callus density and the ossification rate increased in group III compared with group I and group II. In biomechanical tests, the highest ossification rate was observed in group III. Histopathologic studies showed that the quality of newly formed bone and the number of cells active in bone formation were significantly higher in group III rabbits compared with group I and group II rabbits. Conclusions. These data reveal that osteoblasts differentiated from adipose tissue-derived MSCs shorten the consolidation period of distraction osteogenesis. Stem cells could be used as an effective treatment for bone defects