1,120 research outputs found


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    Introduction and Aim: One of the criteria used in determining the health levels of countries, planning health services and determining priorities is the under-5 mortality rate. The aim of this study is to weight the criteria that may affect the under-5 mortality rate and to compare the countries in the WHO Europe region in line with these criteria. Material and methods: The criteria have been obtained as a result of literature review. These; Conjugated pneumococcal, hepatitis B and measles vaccination rates in children under 1 year of age, percentage of children 0-14 years of age with tuberculosis, adolescent pregnancy, percentage of premature deaths among the causes of death under the age of 5, crude birth rate, country's exposure to air pollution, current health expenditure as percentage of gross domestic product, current health expenditure per capita in US,domesticgeneralgovernmenthealthexpenditureaspercentageofcurrenthealthexpenditure,domesticprivatehealthexpenditureaspercentageofcurrenthealthexpenditure,outofpocketexpenditureaspercentageofcurrenthealthexpenditure.ThedatawasobtainedfromWHO.TheEntropyWeightingMethodwasusedtoobtaintheobjectiveweightsofthecriteriathataffecttheunder5mortalityrate,andtheTOPSISmethodwasusedtorankthecountries."Resultsanddiscussion:Whenthecriteriaaffectingunder5mortalityratewereevaluated,itwasfoundthatthehighestlevelofimportancewaspercentageofchildrenwithtuberculosis.ThisisfollowedbythevariablescurrenthealthexpenditurepercapitainUS, domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure, domestic private health expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure, out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure. The data was obtained from WHO. The Entropy Weighting Method was used to obtain the objective weights of the criteria that affect the under-5 mortality rate, and the TOPSIS method was used to rank the countries." Results and discussion: When the criteria affecting under-5 mortality rate were evaluated, it was found that the highest level of importance was percentage of children with tuberculosis. This is followed by the variables 'current health expenditure per capita in US' and 'adolescent pregnancy', respectively. Relatively less important among the criteria was rate of children with 2 doses of measles vaccine. When the ranking of countries was made analysis, it was determined that "Switzerland" was in the best condition. "Slovakia" ranked last. Conclusion: In order to reduce the mortality rate under 5 years of age, it is recommended to plan interventions to reduce tuberculosis rates first

    Characterization of cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Ankara : The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2014.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2014.Includes bibliographical references leaves 78-84.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third most common cause of death from cancer worldwide due to the challenges in both its diagnosis and treatment. According to recent studies, HCC tumors, like many other solid tumors are initiated and maintained by a subpopulation of cells called “cancer stem cells (CSCs)” or "tumor-initiating cells (TICs)". HCC stem cells can be identified by the expression of cardinal CD markers such as CD133 (Prominin-1) and epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM). This study primarily focuses on the investigation of mechanisms involved in the generation of HCC stem cell sub-population using a panel of 15 HCC cell lines. Preliminary data indicates that four cell lines (27%) display CD133+ stem cell populations at frequencies ranging from 8 to 90% when tested by flow cytometry. Among these CD133 positive cell lines, two isogenic cell line with different positivity levels prompted us to focus on two specific cell lines;, i) parental HepG2 cell line and its clone, which was transfected with four copies of hepatitis B virus (HBV), namely ii) HepG2-2215. With tumorigenicity assay induced in atymic nude mice, data revealed that HepG2-2215 that had higher CD133+ ratio, showed higher and rapid tumor formation than parental HepG2 that had much lower CD133+ sub-cellular proportion. Microarray analyses were performed to underpin the mechanisms of in CD133+ cell number variations of these two cell lines. Our initial findings suggested that FGFR signaling pathway might have played a role. To investigate these findings, FGFR signaling pathway was inhibited via potent inhibitor as well as knock down with siRNA. However, preliminary data did not indicate these presumptions and further studies are needed to clarify the relationship between FGFR signaling and CSC formation in HCC. Also, role of suppressive oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) was studied to see the effects of suppression of DNAdriven immunostimulation. Findings showed that suppressive ODN decreased CD133 levels, which indicates the difference between these two cell lines may arise from the HBV transfection of HepG2-2215 cell line which can produce HBV particles. However, further investigation is needed to understand the relationship between HBV infection and CSC population in HCC.Abdüsselamoğlu, Merve DenizM.S

    The effect of jet-lag on serum concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone and prolactin: A case report

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    Introduction: This case report is about the importance of sleeping status for analysis of thyroid hormone stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) which arose from discordant results of a patient who was referred for serum TSH and PRL testing within 12-hour period after an intercontinental flight. Case description: An adult male patient was admitted to our laboratory for serum TSH and PRL tests and came back questioning the accuracy of his previous results. Further investigations: A new analysis with a new sample was offered. His new results were not consistent with his previous results. What happened: It was revealed that the night before the first sampling, he travelled back to Turkey from The United States of America and came to testing within 12 hours after the arrival. Discussion: Sleeping status is one of the factors that can affect laboratory results. Intercontinental flights causing jet-lag can alter the secretions of TSH and PRL which are predominantly modulated by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). Main lesson: Travel history and sleeping status are important factors to be evaluated prior sampling for hormone analysis. Patients must be informed about the importance of sampling timing

    Yeni Medya ve Çocuk: Instagram Özelinde “Sharenting” “Paylaşanababalık” Örneği

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    Yeni iletişim teknolojileri ile birlikte, dünya küresel olarak yeni bir dönüşüm sürecine başlamış ve dünyadaki bilgi akışını hızlandıran, enformasyonun zaman ve mekân dinlemeden dolaşımda olmasına imkân veren internet hayatımıza girmiştir. Yeni medyayı geleneksel medyadan ayıran “kitle hedefsiz bir medya üretmek” olgusu düşünüldüğünde, web 3.0 mikroblog türevi, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram gibi sanal ortamların ortaya çıkmasından sonra, bu mecraların asli hedeflerinden sapıp, kişilerin benliklerini, anonim ya da gerçek kişilikleriyle sunabildiği bir hal aldığı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Platon’un “Mağara Alegorisi”nde aslında mekânın bir nevi sanallaşması ve bugün bu sanallaşan mekânda Goffman’ın benlik sunumu, çalışma açısından en önemli iki unsur olarak adlandırılabilir. Yapılan bu çalışmada literatüre nicel veriler kazandırmak adına “içerik analizi” yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Instagram uygulamasının arama araç çubuğuna anne, çocuk, ebeveyn, baba ve oyun anahtar kelimeleri yazılıp aratılarak bulunmuş, en yüksek takipçi sayısına sahip, araştırma evrenini temsil edebileceği düşünülerek belirlenmiş bir örneklem ile 25 ebeveyn hesabı analiz edilip, yapılan paylaşımların çocuklar ve ebeveynler açısından oluşturabileceği olası tehlikeler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, bu paylaşımların ortaya ne tür hukuksal veya sağlık açısından oluşabilecek problemler üzerinde durmaktır. Bu teknolojik bağımlılığın hangi düzeye geldiği ve alınabilecek tedbirler tartışılmaya çalışılmıştır

    Evaluation of Mothers’ Perspectives on Childhood Vaccination During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    ABSTRACT Background/Aims: The COVID-19 pandemic, which made clearly showed how the availability of a vaccine could impact lives around the world, may also have changed mothers' perspectives on childhood vaccines. This research was conducted to evaluate mothers' perspectives on childhood vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted 1-15 June 2020 in Turkey. The study was completed with 455 mothers. A descriptive information form and the “Attitudes towards Vaccination Scale” were used. Independent sample t-test and ANOVA were used to compare quantitative data as well as descriptive statistical methods. Results: Of the mothers, 96% (n=437) stated that they had their child/children vaccinated regularly. It was found that 4% of the mothers had a negative attitude; 61.8% had a positive attitude toward vaccination. The top three reasons why mothers who partially or never had their children vaccinated were side effects, negative experiences with vaccination and the foreign origin of the vaccines. The COVID-19 outbreak had a positive impact on the attitudes of 19.3% of mothers towards vaccination, and a negative impact on 9%. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the majority of mothers had a positive attitude towards vaccination. However, there are still mothers who do not vaccinate their children. Health institutions and government organizations should continually stress the importance of vaccination on different platforms, not only for health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but always, and following scientific recommendations

    Volume XCI, Number 25, May 12, 1972

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    In this study, molecularly imprinted polymer membranes were synthesized for the recognition and adsorption of quercetin. For this, quercetin imprinted polymeric membranes [p(HEMA-MAH)] (Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-N-methacryloly-l-histidinemethylester) were synthesized by UV polymerization technique using HEMA and MAH as monomers. Synthesized polymeric membranes were characterized with SEM, FTIR and swelling test. Characterized membranes were used for the direct adsorption of quercetin in a batch system. Quercetin adsorption conditions were optimized by using the quercetin imprinted polymeric membrane by altering the pH, temperature and initial quercetin concentration of the adsorption medium. Effect of adsorption time was also studied for up to 180 min. The optimum pH and temperature was determined between 4.0 and 45 degrees C. Maximum adsorbed amount of quercetin onto quercetin imprinted poly(HEMA-MAH) membrane was found to be as 299.6 mg/g membrane using the initial quercetin concentration of 2.0 mg/ml. Adsorbed quercetin was desorbed from the polymeric membranes with isopropyl alcohol with desorption yield of 98.3%. and repeated usability of the quercetin imprinted polymeric membranes was fallowed for 7 adsorption/desorption cycles. At the end of the 7(th) reuse, quercetin adsorption capacity of the quercetin imprinted poly(HEMA-MAH) membranes decreased only about 10%

    Preparation, Characterization, and Swelling Behavior of PEGylated Guar Gum @ Ag Nanoparticles

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    In this study, polyethylene glycol/guar gum @ silver nanoparticles (PEG/GG@AgNPs) were synthesized by using simple sonication method. The nanoparticles were characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The swelling behaviors of nanoparticles were studied in different pHs (5.5 and 7.4). The experimental results were calculated by Fickian diffusion and Schott kinetic models to understand the swelling mechanism and coefficients of the nanoparticles. The results showed that the linear equation of the Fickian diffusion kinetic model was best fit to explain the water diffusion mechanism of the nanoparticle with high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.982–0.987). The results confirmed that the swelling degree of nanoparticles were 9.71 g/g at pH 5.5. Also, the results confirmed that PEG/GG@AgNPs can be a good candidate for drug delivery systems in pharmaceutical applications

    Clinical and Electrophysiological Characteristics of Patients with Juvenile Absence Epilepsy in a Turkish Cohort

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    Juvenile absence epilepsy is an epileptic syndrome that usually begins between the ages of 9-13 and is classified in the group of genetic generalized epilepsies, in which absence seizures are seen mainly but may also be accompanied by motor seizures in the follow-up. In our study, 33 patients who were followed up in our clinic with the diagnosis of juvenile absence epilepsy between 2010-2022 were evaluated retrospectively. Thirteen of them were excluded from the study due to insufficient clinical or electrophysiological knowledge, being diagnosed with another epileptic syndrome during follow-up. The mean age of the 20 patients included in the evaluation was 16.8 years; The mean age of seizure onset was 10.6 years. All patients had absence seizures, which were not seen more often than once a day, 40% had additional generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and 20% had focal electroencephalographic abnormalities in addition to generalized discharges on electroencephalography. Seizures recurred in 3 of 5 patients whose treatment was terminated. It was found that currently 85% of the patients continued treatment with valproic acid and monotherapy was sufficient. While there are generalized discharges at the time of diagnosis electrophysiologically, focal findings tend to occur in the follow-up; This was also found to be important in the evaluation of seizure recurrence and treatment options in patients with long-term follow-up


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    In the study, 2,220 articles related to the concept of Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) published in the period of 1980- 2020 and included in the SCI, SSCI and ESCI citation indexes were examined bibliometrically on the Web of Science database using the VOSviewer software. The purpose of the study is to essentially evaluate the studies conducted with the concept of SHRM and provide foresight for future studies. In this context, in order to evaluate the publications in the study, the changes in the number of publications in the publication volume in the field were discussed, the developments in the field, the trends in the subject headings, the countries and institutions that make the strongest contribution to the literature, the field and the most cited ones in the field were examined. The results indicated that the number of studies on the concept of strategic human resources increased in the 2000s. The acceleration in the number of studies is noteworthy, especially in 2015 and after. It is seen that frequently used keywords in the field of strategic human resources are strategy, strategic management, human resource, and performance. Other keywords with high connection strength are listed as human capital, knowledge management, strategic management, dynamic capabilities, high-performance work system and HR development. It is recommended that future researchers should carry out empirical and conceptual studies on the reasons for the differences in the number of studies published by countries in the field of SHRM and their level of interest in the field.

    Evaluation of some systemic inflammatory biomarkers in canine malignant mammary tumors

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    The aim of this study is to investigate whether neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), systemic immune-inflammation index (SII), albumin-to-globulin ratio (AGR), and prognostic nutritional index (PNI) parameters could be used as biomarkers for canine malignant mammary tumors (MMTs), and the changes in these parameters according to different tumor (T), lymph node (N), and metastasis (M) stages (TNM I-II-III, TNM IV, TNM V) and the number of affected mammary glands (single, multiple). Thirty-seven with MMT and 20 healthy dogs were used in this study. Complete blood count and biochemistry analysis were performed in all dogs. Tumor material is removed by tru-cut and sent to the pathology laboratory for diagnosis. NLR, PLR, and SII values increased, and LMR and PNI values decreased in dogs with MMT. Median NLR values increased and median LMR and PNI values decreased as the TNM stage progressed. In dogs with a single MMT, median NLR, and PLR values were found to be lower than in dogs with multiple MMTs, and median LMR, SII, AGR, and PNI values were higher. The present results indicated that NLR, LMR, PLR, SII, and PNI parameters could be used as biomarkers for canine MMT. Also, NLR, LMR, PLR, SII, PNI, and AGR parameters may be valuable biomarkers that reveal the degree of systemic immune response according to different TNM stages and the number of affected mammary glands