196 research outputs found

    Gamma rays from active galactic nuclei

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    The general properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and quasars are reviewed with emphasis on their continuum spectral emission. Two general classes of models for the continuum are outlined and critically reviewed in view of the impending GRO (Gamma Ray Observatory) launch and observations. The importance of GRO in distinguishing between these models and in general in furthering the understanding of AGN is discussed. The very broad terms the status of the current understanding of AGN are discussed

    Binary black hole growth by gas accretion in stellar clusters

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    We show that binaries of stellar-mass black holes formed inside a young protoglobular cluster, can grow rapidly inside the cluster's core by accretion of the intracluster gas, before the gas may be depleted from the core. A black hole with mass of the order of eight solar masses can grow to values of the order of thirty five solar masses in accordance with recent gravitational waves signals observed by LIGO. Due to the black hole mass increase, a binary may also harden. The growth of binary black holes in a dense protoglobular cluster through mass accretion indicates a potentially important formation and hardening channel

    Binary Black Hole Growth by Gas Accretion in Stellar Clusters

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    We show that binaries of stellar-mass black holes formed inside a young protoglobular cluster, can grow rapidly inside the clusters core by accretion of the intracluster gas, before the gas may be depleted from the core. A black hole with mass of the order of eight solar masses can grow to values of the order of thirty five solar masses in accordance with recent gravitational waves signals observed by LIGO. Due to the black hole mass increase, a binary may also harden. The growth of binary black holes in a dense protoglobular cluster through mass accretion indicates a potentially important formation and hardening channel

    Cosmological Inflation: A Personal Perspective

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    We present a brief review of Cosmological Inflation from the personal perspective of the author who almost 30 years ago proposed a way of resolving the problem of Cosmological Horizon by employing certain notions and developments from the field of High Energy Physics. Along with a brief introduction of the Horizon and Flatness problems of standard cosmology, this lecture concentrates on personal reminiscing of the notions and ideas that prevailed and influenced the author's thinking at the time. The lecture then touches upon some more recent developments related to the subject and concludes with some personal views concerning the direction that the cosmology field has taken in the past couple of decades and certain speculations some notions that may indicate future directions of research.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Text based on a public lecture presented at the Academy of Athens within the activities of the Symposium "Chaos in Astronomy 2007", held in Athens Greece in September 200

    The Problem of Inertia in a Friedmann Universe

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    In this talk I will discuss the origin of inertia in a curved spacetime, particularly the spatially flat, open and closed Friedmann universes. This is done using Sciama's law of inertial induction, which is based on Mach's principle, and expresses the analogy between the retarded far fields of electrodynamics and those of gravitation. After obtaining covariant expressions for electromagnetic fields due to an accelerating point charge in Friedmann models, we adopt Sciama's law to obtain the inertial force on an accelerating mass mm by integrating over the contributions from all the matter in the universe. The resulting inertial force has the form F=−kmaF = -kma where the constant k<1k < 1 depends on the choice of the cosmological parameters such as ΩM, ΩΛ,\Omega_{M},\ \Omega_{\Lambda}, and ΩR\Omega_{R}. The values of kk obtained suggest that inertial contribution from dark matter can be the source for the missing part of the inertial force

    A Physical Interpretation of the Titius-Bode Rule and its Connection to the Closed Orbits of Bertrand's Theorem

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    We consider the geometric Titius-Bode rule for the semimajor axes of planetary orbits. We derive an equivalent rule for the midpoints of the segments between consecutive orbits along the radial direction and we interpret it physically in terms of the work done in the gravitational field of the Sun by particles whose orbits are perturbed around each planetary orbit. On such energetic grounds, it is not surprising that some exoplanets in multiple-planet extrasolar systems obey the same relation. But it is surprising that this simple interpretation of the Titius-Bode rule also reveals new properties of the bound closed orbits predicted by Bertrand's theorem and known since 1873.Comment: Final version, issues resolved, submitted to RA
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