241 research outputs found

    Extension of holomorphic functions and cohomology classes from non reduced analytic subvarieties

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    The goal of this survey is to describe some recent results concerning the L 2 extension of holomorphic sections or cohomology classes with values in vector bundles satisfying weak semi-positivity properties. The results presented here are generalized versions of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem, and borrow many techniques from the long series of papers by T. Ohsawa. The recent achievement that we want to point out is that the surjectivity property holds true for restriction morphisms to non necessarily reduced subvarieties, provided these are defined as zero varieties of multiplier ideal sheaves. The new idea involved to approach the existence problem is to make use of L 2 approximation in the Bochner-Kodaira technique. The extension results hold under curvature conditions that look pretty optimal. However, a major unsolved problem is to obtain natural (and hopefully best possible) L 2 estimates for the extension in the case of non reduced subvarieties -- the case when Y has singularities or several irreducible components is also a substantial issue.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.00292, arXiv:1510.0523

    Local syzygies of multiplier ideals

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    In recent years, multiplier ideals have found many applications in local and global algebraic geometry. Because of their importance, there has been some interest in the question of which ideals on a smooth complex variety can be realized as multiplier ideals. Other than integral closure no local obstructions have been known up to now, and in dimension two it was established by Favre-Jonsson and Lipman-Watanabe that any integrally closed ideal is locally a multiplier ideal. We prove the somewhat unexpected result that multiplier ideals in fact satisfy some rather strong algebraic properties involving higher syzygies. It follows that in dimensions three and higher, multiplier ideals are very special among all integrally closed ideals.Comment: 8 page

    Interpolation in non-positively curved K\"ahler manifolds

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    We extend to any simply connected K\"ahler manifold with non-positive sectional curvature some conditions for interpolation in C\mathbb{C} and in the unit disk given by Berndtsson, Ortega-Cerd\`a and Seip. The main tool is a comparison theorem for the Hessian in K\"ahler geometry due to Greene, Wu and Siu, Yau.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Unbalance Responses of Rotor/Stator Systems with Nonlinear Bearings by the Time Finite Element Method

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    Since the early 1970s, major works in rotordynamics were oriented toward the calculation of critical speeds and unbalance responses. The current trend is to take into account many kinds of non-linearities in order to obtain more realistic predictions. The use of algorithms based on nonlinear methods is therefore needed. This article first describes the time finite element method. The method is then applied to nonlinear rotor/stator systems where bearings present a radial clearance. Keywords Bearing clearance, Hertz contact, Nonlinear dynamics, Stability, Time finite element Many investigations have taken place concerning the calculation of critical speeds and unbalance responses in rotor dynamics and research now tends to get more realistic predictions Engineers now have to take into account non-linearities in their models. In the aircraft engine domain, those non-linearities come from components, such as bearings or squeeze film dampers Thus, frequential methods like the incremental harmonic balance In this article, the time finite element method is described. This time-based method enables us to get steady-state solutions and to assess their stability. To prove its reliability in rotordynamics problems, two examples are addressed. Both consist of rotor/stator systems with radial clearance in the bearings. THE TIME FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Description of the Method The aim of the time finite element method is to find out the periodic solutions of forced systems. It is based on Hamilton's Law of Varying Action i.e., The principle of this method is to interpolate the displacement of all spatial degrees of freedom between given instants t i and t i+1 by polynomial

    The openness conjecture and complex Brunn-Minkowski inequalities

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    We discuss recent versions of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the complex setting, and use it to prove the openness conjecture of Demailly and Koll\'ar.Comment: This is an account of the results in arXiv:1305.5781 together with some background material. It is based on a lecture given at the Abel symposium in Trondheim, June 2013. 13 page

    Extension and approximation of mm-subharmonic functions

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    Let ΩCn\Omega\subset \mathbb C^n be a bounded domain, and let ff be a real-valued function defined on the whole topological boundary Ω\partial \Omega. The aim of this paper is to find a characterization of the functions ff which can be extended to the inside to a mm-subharmonic function under suitable assumptions on Ω\Omega. We shall do so by using a function algebraic approach with focus on mm-subharmonic functions defined on compact sets. We end this note with some remarks on approximation of mm-subharmonic functions

    Regularity of Kobayashi metric

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    We review some recent results on existence and regularity of Monge-Amp\`ere exhaustions on the smoothly bounded strongly pseudoconvex domains, which admit at least one such exhaustion of sufficiently high regularity. A main consequence of our results is the fact that the Kobayashi pseudo-metric k on an appropriare open subset of each of the above domains is actually a smooth Finsler metric. The class of domains to which our result apply is very large. It includes for instance all smoothly bounded strongly pseudoconvex complete circular domains and all their sufficiently small deformations.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures - The previously announced main result had a gap. In this new version the corrected statement is given. To appear on the volume "Geometric Complex Analysis - Proceedings of KSCV 12 Symposium

    Bergman kernel and complex singularity exponent

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    We give a precise estimate of the Bergman kernel for the model domain defined by ΩF={(z,w)Cn+1:ImwF(z)2>0},\Omega_F=\{(z,w)\in \mathbb{C}^{n+1}:{\rm Im}w-|F(z)|^2>0\}, where F=(f1,...,fm)F=(f_1,...,f_m) is a holomorphic map from Cn\mathbb{C}^n to Cm\mathbb{C}^m, in terms of the complex singularity exponent of FF.Comment: to appear in Science in China, a special issue dedicated to Professor Zhong Tongde's 80th birthda

    Szeg\"o kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities on CR manifolds

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    We consider an abstract compact orientable Cauchy-Riemann manifold endowed with a Cauchy-Riemann complex line bundle. We assume that the manifold satisfies condition Y(q) everywhere. In this paper we obtain a scaling upper-bound for the Szeg\"o kernel on (0, q)-forms with values in the high tensor powers of the line bundle. This gives after integration weak Morse inequalities, analogues of the holomorphic Morse inequalities of Demailly. By a refined spectral analysis we obtain also strong Morse inequalities which we apply to the embedding of some convex-concave manifolds.Comment: 40 pages, the constants in Theorems 1.1-1.8 have been modified by a multiplicative constant 1/2 ; v.2 is a final updat

    Intersecting Solitons, Amoeba and Tropical Geometry

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    We study generic intersection (or web) of vortices with instantons inside, which is a 1/4 BPS state in the Higgs phase of five-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric U(Nc) gauge theory on R_t \times (C^\ast)^2 \simeq R^{2,1} \times T^2 with Nf=Nc Higgs scalars in the fundamental representation. In the case of the Abelian-Higgs model (Nf=Nc=1), the intersecting vortex sheets can be beautifully understood in a mathematical framework of amoeba and tropical geometry, and we propose a dictionary relating solitons and gauge theory to amoeba and tropical geometry. A projective shape of vortex sheets is described by the amoeba. Vortex charge density is uniformly distributed among vortex sheets, and negative contribution to instanton charge density is understood as the complex Monge-Ampere measure with respect to a plurisubharmonic function on (C^\ast)^2. The Wilson loops in T^2 are related with derivatives of the Ronkin function. The general form of the Kahler potential and the asymptotic metric of the moduli space of a vortex loop are obtained as a by-product. Our discussion works generally in non-Abelian gauge theories, which suggests a non-Abelian generalization of the amoeba and tropical geometry.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure