32 research outputs found


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    Saros körfezi kuzeydogusu Korudag, Keşan ve Yenimuhacir yörelerinde yüzeyleyen Geç Eosen derin deniz yelpaze istifi; delta ilerisi, yamaç, orta, diş yelpaze, fasiyes topluluklarindan oluşur. Çalişma kapsaminda, inceleme alanindan Korudag, Keşan, Yenimuhacir formasyonlarini içine alan 4 adet ölçülü kesit alinmiş, orta ve diş yelpaze fasiyes toplulugu çökellerinin, digerlerine göre daha yaygin oldugu gözlenmiş, orta yelpaze fasiyes toplulugu; dagitim kanallari ve kanallar arasi alanlardan oluşan 2 alt fasiyes topluluguna ayrilmiştir. Derin deniz yelpaze çökellerinde 19 iknotakson tanimlanmiştir. Bu iknotaksonlardan; Ophiomorpha isp, Ophiomorpha annulata, Ophiomorpha rudis, Thalassinoides isp, Planolites isp, Halopoa annulata, Rutichnius isp, Chondrites isp, Scolicia vertebralis, Scolicia strozzii, Scolicia prisca, Scolicia plana, Nereites irregularis, Helminthopsis isp, Cosmorhaphe isp, Helminthoidichnites isp, Paleodictyon strozzii orta yelpaze-yelpaze ilerisi Korudag Formasyonu' nu, Ophiomorpha isp, Ophiomorpha annulata, Ophiomorpha rudis, Thalassinoides isp, Planolites isp, Halopoa annulata Zoophycos isp, iç yelpaze Keşan Formaasyonu'nu, Lockeia isp, ve Planolites isp. ise delta çökeli özelliginde Yenimuhacir Formasyonu' nun ayrimini saglamiştir. İnceleme alaninda gözlenen iz fosillerin bolluk ve çeşitliligi orta yelpaze kanal, kanallar arasi çökellerinde artiş gösterirken buna karşilik diş yelpaze yamaç fasiyes topluluklarinda iz fosil dagilimi bolluk ve çeşitlilik göstermezler. İz fosillerin bagil bolluklari ve dagilimlari depolanma ortami yorumlari ile karşilaştirilmiş, iz fosil topluluklarinin derin deniz yelpaze modelinin çeşitli bölümleri ile ilişkili olduklari belirlenmişti


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    Bu çalışmada, Gelibolu yarımadası, Fındıklı köyü kuzeybatısı ve Ece Limanı çevresinde yüzeyleyen Ceylan formasyonu iz fosilleri ilk kez tanımlanmıştır. İz fosiller, Trakya Havzası’ nda ince tabakalı, paralel ve ripıl laminalı kumtaşları ile gri renkli silttaşı, çamurtaşının baskın olduğu yamaç yakını havza düzlüğü çökel istiflerinde bulunurlar. Geç Eosen yaşlı Ceylan Formasyonu depolanma öncesi (Belorhaphe zickzack, Desmograpton isp., Helicolithus ramosus, Helminthorhaphe flexuosa, Phycosiphon incertum, Paleodictyon majus, Paleodictyon minimum, Paleodictyon strozzii, Saerichnites isp., Spongeliomorpha oraviense, Trichichnus isp., Urohelminthoida appendiculata) ve depolanma sonrasını temsil eden (Planolites isp., Ophiomorpha isp., Ophiomorpha annulata, Scolicia isp., Scolicia prisca (nadir), Thalassinoides isp.) iz fosilleri içerir. Bu iz fosil topluluğu, ince tabakalı türbiditik çökellerin oluşturduğu, normal derin deniz şartlarını yansıtan Nereites (Paleodictyon altiknofasiyesi) iknofasiyesi için tipiktir


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    - Bu çalişma Adana ili kuzeyinde yer alan Karaisali-Çatalan-Eðner yöresinde yüzeylenen Erken-Orta Miyosen yaşli türbiditik karakterli Cingöz formasyonu iz fosilleri üzerine yapilmiştir. İz fosiller deniz alti yelpaze çökelleri olarak tanimlanan istifler içinde bulunmaktadir. Bu istifler içerisinde morfolojik karakterlerin göz önüne alindiði yirmi iz fosil tanimlanmiştir. Bu iz fosillerinin on dördü iknotür (Arthrophycus tenius, Halopoa annulata , Nereites irregularis, Cosmorhaphe sinuosa, Helminthorhaphe flexuosa, Helicolithus tortuosus, Desmograpton dertonensis, Desmograpton ichthyforme, Urohelminthoida dertonensis, Paleodictyon strozzii, Paleodictyon delicatulum, Paleodictyon majus, Paleodictyon croaticum, Paleodictyon submontanum), alti’si iknocins (Phymatoderma isp., Lophoctenium isp., Helminthopsis isp., Desmograpton isp., Paleodictyon isp., ?Megagrapton isp., ) düzeyindedir


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    Bu çalışmada; Adana ili kuzeyinde yer alan Karaisalı-Çatalan-Eğner yöresinde yüzeylenen Erken-Orta Miyosen yaşlı türbiditik karakterli Cingöz formasyonundaki iz fosiller ilk kez incelenmiştir. İz fosiller deniz altı yelpaze çökelleri olarak tanımlanan istifler içinde bulunmaktadır. Bu istifler içerisinde morfolojik karakterlerinin göz önüne alındığı 19 iz fosil tanımlanmıştır. Bu izlerin 11' i iknotür, 8' i ise iknocins mertebesindedir

    Ichnology of Upper Cretaceous–lower Palaeogene deep-sea deposits in the Haymana Basin of Central Anatolia

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    Upper Cretaceous to lower Palaeogene carbonate and siliciclastic deposits that crop out widely in the Haymana and Polatlı districts (Ankara Province) of the Haymana Basin (Central Anatolia) are rich in larger benthic foraminifera, various macrofossils and ichnofossils. The ichnofossils of the Haymana and Yeşilyurt formations were studied at five localities. The Upper Cretaceous siliciclastics of the Haymana Formation contain moderately diverse trace fossils, belonging to the deep-sea Nereites ichnofacies. The Paleocene siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of the Yeşilyurt Formation comprise similar trace fossils, which do not show significant changes in comparison to the Haymana Formation. This indicates that the K-Pg boundary extinction event did not affect the ichnofauna with any longer consequences. The Upper Cretaceous coarser, siliciclastic deposits of the Haymana and Beyobası formations are rich in shallow-marine, larger benthic foraminifera, including species of Orbitoides, Omphalocyclus, Siderolites, Hellenocyclina, and Loftusia, whereas fine siliciclastic deposits contain abundant planktonic, open-marine foraminifera, such as Globotruncana and Heterohelix. Palaeogene siliciclastic to carbonate deposits of the Kartal, Yeşilyurt and Çaldağ formations are rich in the larger, benthic foraminifera Nummulites, Discocyclina, Assilina and Alveolina. The larger foraminifers have been redeposited from nearby, shallow-marine parts of the basin

    Kiss of death of a hunting fish : trace fossil Osculichnus labialis igen. et isp. nov. from late Eocene - early Oligocene prodelta sediments of the Mezardere Formation, Thrace Basin, NW Turkey

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    The trace fossil Osculichnus labialis igen. et isp. nov. occurs as hypichnial pairs of uneven bilobate mounds in early Oligocene prodelta sediments of the Thrace Basin. Osculichnus is generally elliptical or crescentic in outline and has two lip-like lobes: a smaller and a larger one, which are separated by an undulate furrow. Herein, it is interpreted as a hunting trace (praedichnion) of a fish penetrating a surficial sand layer and into an underlying mud horizon. The fish hunted for small endobenthic bivalves and perhaps other invertebrates such as polychaetes. Penetration into surficial mud rather than sand resulted in poorly preserved variants of this trace fossil, whose median furrow is commonly not visible. The probability of fish trace makers is supported by experiments

    Ichnology of the Thrace Basin Gelibolu Peninsula and Gökçeada Island

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    Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Middle Miocene submarine fan in the Adana Basin (southern Turkey)

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    Yıldız, Ayşegül ( Aksaray, Yazar )The turbiditic Cingöz Formation of the Karaisah-Çatalan-Eǧner region, Adana Basin, southern Turkey was studied in detail in two sections based on planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils and trace fossils. The Middle Miocene (Langhian-Serravalian) age of the sediments is supported by the Praeorbulina glomerosa curva and Orbulina suturalis planktonic foraminiferal Zones and by standard nannoplankton Zones NN5 Sphenolithus heteromorphus and NN6 Discoaster exilis. Moreover, 24 ichnotaxa were identified and attributed to the Skolithos-Cruziana, mixed (Skolithos-Cruziana and Nereites), and Nereites ichnofacies. Fossil assemblages indicate eutrophic and oligotrophic conditions. In the Langhian, the distribution and percentage abundances of temperature sensitive planktonic taxa including Globigerina falconensis reflect temperate to cold surface waters in the depositional area of the western and eastern fans of Cingöz Formation. In Serravalian, higher numbers of warm-water prefering taxa indicate the rise in temperature in the western fan...

    Détermination d’un paléorivage rocheux du Miocène supérieur par des traces fossiles de bio-érosion dans l’île de Bozcaada, Çanakkale, Turquie

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    La bio-érosion est un processus commun dans les substrats durs. L’étude présentée ici introduit un exemple de paléorivage rocheux affleurant au niveau d’une falaise marine sur l’île de Bozcaada. Il inclut des traces fossiles de bio-érosion conservées dans des blocs calcaires de la Formation Alçitepe lacustre et marine peu profonde, d’âge Miocène supérieur. Les ichnotaxa comportent des creusements provoqués par des organismes foreurs duriphages (Oichnus isp.), phonoriés (cf. Conchotrema isp.), éponges clionidées (Entobia cf. goniodes, Entobia geometrica, Entobia laquea, Entobia ovula, E. cf. solaris , Entobia isp.), bivalves endolithiques (Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites isp., Phrixichnus isp.), annélides polychètes (Maeandropolydora isp., Maeandropolydora sulcans, Maeandropolydora decipiens, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Caulostrepsis isp.), échinoïdes (cf. Circolites isp.) et vers spinculidés (cf. Trypanites isp.). Les barnacles sont aussi des organismes encroûtants. Les creusements peuvent être attribués à l’assemblage Gastrochaenolites-Entobia , typique des rivages rocheux néogènes. Ils appartiennent à l’ichnofaciès Entobia indiquant des conditions variées de lumière, d’énergie et de profondeur. C’est pourquoi, ils peuvent révéler des changements environnementaux et jouer un rôle important dans la formation de paléorivages rocheux et de plates-formes d’érosion marine au cours des évènements marins transgressifs.Bioerosion is a common process in hard substrates. This study introduces an example from the rocky palaeoshore cropping out at a sea cliff on the Bozcaada Island. It includes bioerosion trace fossils preserved in limestone boulders of the shallow marine and lacustrine Alcitepe Formation of Late Miocene age. The ichnotaxa include borings produced by duraphagous drillers (Oichnus isp.), phonorids (cf. Conchotrema isp.), clionid sponges (Entobia cf. goniodes, Entobia geometrica, Entobia laquea, Entobia ovula, E. cf. solaris , Entobia isp.), endolithic bivalves (Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites isp., Phrixichnus isp.), polychaete annelids (Maeandropolydora isp., Maeandropolydora sulcans, Maeandropolydora decipiens, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Caulostrepsis isp.), echinoids (cf. Circolites isp.) and spinculid worms (cf. Trypanites isp.). Barnacles are also common as encrusters. The borings can be ascribed to the Gastrochaenolites - Entobia assemblage, which is typical of Neogene rocky-shores. They belong to the Entobia ichnofacies indicating various conditions of light, energy, and depth. Therefore they can reveal environmental changes and play an important role in forming palaeo-rocky shores and wave-cut platforms during marine trangressive events.</p