124 research outputs found

    Napoli. Spazi interstiziali e divergenze del ‘tactum’ nell’area della Marina. Note per la rigenerazione urbana

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    The processes of globalization and alienation that float through the urban contemporary culture permeating atmospheres densely, give us the image of a plural and multiple city. It is constantly in progress as a result of unstoppable dynamics which transmute even the traditional places of permanent configurations into unstable structures, porous and fragmented, tending to hybridization of its constituent parts and to the complexity of relationships. Phenomena of metissage, product by mutual influences among different ethnic groups, give rise to contamination of cultures and seem transposable in a changed identity of the contemporary city. This changes in a fragmented way like rejecting a unitary ‘concept’, and generates hybrid and uneven places which configure the urban archipelago and the mark of a city that abandons the adoption of immutable forms and exists even before its project. In these mechanisms of urbanization, the urban blanks play a fundamental role and in particular those ambiguous spaces and irregular, or residual, whose intrinsic connective properties define the potential of bonding agent, able to sew up and connect the laddered parts of the city. The particular figures and the indefinite concatenation of these 'mestizos' spaces are found in area of Marina in Naples, through the district ‘Porto’ and the district ‘Pendino’. If "space is what impedes that all is in one place", in this area of the city then it would seem left only space for the degradation and marginalization that may arise other urban or environmental infections or contamination. A double meaning of the contamination term is referable to the meaning of the Latin word ‘tactum’ which diverges into two very different (but always interactive) senses. A negative acceptation of ‘contagion’ or ‘infection’ clearly detectable in the area in examined and a positive acceptation of ‘interaction’ or ‘hybridization’, which is very attached to the cognitive value that is assigned by the contemporary culture to the concept of multiplicity. Both connotations are simultaneously found present in the area in examined, although with a different force. For the development of project interventions for urban regeneration, the positive valence of the phenomena of contamination is expressed more specifically in the intrinsic connective energy of the blanks among the buildings which are also called 'in-between' in the current language of contemporary architecture. These blanks are inherently null and shall be available to the intervention of urban regeneration as places appropriate to develop a new urbanity’s principle that constitutes them as a kind of potential infrastructure, giving rise to a unified vision for the city of the future

    Santa Maria di Pietraspaccata a Marano di Napoli

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    L'articolo interpreta i caratteri ambientali del sito di S. Maria di Pietraspaccata in Marano di Napoli attraverso gli esiti di un rilievo già condotto che permettono di rappresentare, attraverso il disegno, la complessità del luogo. Le antichissime cavità rupestri configurano l'ipotesi di un originario insediamento eremitico dislocato su tre principali livelli e costituito 'in negativo' nella parete tufacea (due grotte eremitiche e un ambiente cultuale absidato al livello di accesso, un ambiente con funzione di colatoio orizzontale per la mummificazione dei morti al secondo livello, una grotta per la sistemazione dei corpi al terzo livello) cui si innestarono, in periodo rinascimentale, le strutture murarie destinate a romitorio. Il luogo, diventato successivamente sede di accoglienza per i pellegrini transitanti lungo l'antico tratturo di origine osca che collegò l'entroterra napoletano alla piana flegrea, la cui capacità di rappresentare il tempo emerge dalla contestualità delle due principali fasi generative (quella di scavo e 'sottrazione' materica e quella costruttiva di 'addizione'), accresce la propria dimensione enigmatica nelle numerose e più minute testimonianze stratificate e particolarissimi rinvenimenti, ispessendo i propri strati di memoria e ponendosi come esempio di architettura dimenticata da recuperare all'interno dei processi contemporanei per la rigenerazione territoriale

    The SSDC contribution to the improvement of knowledge by means of 3D data projections of minor bodies

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    The latest developments of planetary exploration missions devoted to minor bodies required new solutions to correctly visualize and analyse data acquired over irregularly shaped bodies. ASI Space Science Data Center (SSDC-ASI, formerly ASDC-ASI Science Data Center) worked on this task since early 2013, when started developing the web tool MATISSE (Multi-purpose Advanced Tool for the Instruments of the Solar System Exploration) mainly focused on the Rosetta/ESA space mission data. In order to visualize very high-resolution shape models, MATISSE uses a Python module (vtpMaker), which can also be launched as a stand-alone command-line software. MATISSE and vtpMaker are part of the SSDC contribution to the new challenges imposed by the "orbital exploration" of minor bodies: 1) MATISSE allows to search for specific observations inside datasets and then analyse them in parallel, providing high-level outputs; 2) the 3D capabilities of both tools are critical in inferring information otherwise difficult to retrieve for non-spherical targets and, as in the case for the GIADA instrument onboard Rosetta, to visualize data related to the coma. New tasks and features adding valuable capabilities to the minor bodies SSDC tools are planned for the near future thanks to new collaborations

    The Flight Operation Procedures of the SIMBIO-SYS instrument aboard the BepiColombo ESA mission

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    The aim of this document is to describe all the Flight Operation Procedures (FOPs) implemented for the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS) and to be used during all the operational phases of the instrument

    Receptor tyrosine kinase-dependent PI3K activation is an escape mechanism to vertical suppression of the EGFR/RAS/MAPK pathway in KRAS-mutated human colorectal cancer cell lines

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous studies showed that the combination of an anti-Epidermal growth factor (EGFR) and a MEK-inhibitor is able to prevent the onset of resistance to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in KRAS-wild type colorectal cancer (CRC), while the same combination reverts anti-EGFR primary resistance in KRAS mutated CRC cell lines. However, rapid onset of resistance is a limit to combination therapies in KRAS mutated CRC. METHODS: We generated four different KRAS mutated CRC cell lines resistant to a combination of cetuximab (an anti-EGFR antibody) and refametinib (a selective MEK-inhibitor) after continuous exposure to increasing concentration of the drugs. We characterized these resistant cell lines by evaluating the expression and activation status of a panel of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and intracellular transducers by immunoblot and qRT-PCR. Oncomine comprehensive assay and microarray analysis were carried out to investigate new acquired mutations or transcriptomic adaptation, respectively, in the resistant cell lines. Immunofluorescence assay was used to show the localization of RTKs in resistant and parental clones. RESULTS: We found that PI3K-AKT pathway activation acts as an escape mechanism in cell lines with acquired resistance to combined inhibition of EGFR and MEK. AKT pathway activation is coupled to the activation of multiple RTKs such as HER2, HER3 and IGF1R, though its pharmacological inhibition is not sufficient to revert the resistant phenotype. PI3K pathway activation is mediated by autocrine loops and by heterodimerization of multiple receptors. CONCLUSIONS: PI3K activation plays a central role in the acquired resistance to the combination of anti-EGFR and MEK-inhibitor in KRAS mutated colorectal cancer cell lines. PI3K activation is cooperatively achieved through the activation of multiple RTKs such as HER2, HER3 and IGF1R


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    The present document has been issued to describe the Instrument Check Out Phase (ICO#2) Tests of HRIC, channel of the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS)

    SIMBIO-SYS delta NECP Interchannel Test Report

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    This document contains the results and the discussion on the interchannel tests performed during the delta-Near Earth Commissioning Phase (dNECP) for the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS). The dNECP was requested by the SIMBIO-SYS team to verify the behaviour of the instrument during the execution of the NECP tests. In particular, SIMBIO-SYS repeated the Interchannel test limiting to the “Orbit Test” whose results in NECP did not confirm the correct operation of the instrument

    SIMBIO-SYS Checkout#01 Test Summary

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    In this document we describe all the tests to be performed during the Instrument CheckOut (ICO) # 01 for the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS)

    SIMBIO-SYS Delta NECP Test Summary

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    In this document we describe all the tests to be performed during the delta-Near Earth Commissioning Phase (dNECP) for the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS)

    BC-SIM-PL-004 SIMBIO-SYS Checkout#02 Test Summary

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    In this document we describe all the tests to be performed during the Instrument CheckOut (ICO) # 02 for the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS)