12 research outputs found

    Anthropometric Indices of Obesity and Potential Health Risk in Adult Rural Population from Bačka and Banat – The Republic of Serbia

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    Obesity, along with other unhealthy living habits, nowadays represents one of the greatest risk factors for various diseases. Vojvodina is a part of Serbia where a high percentage of the overweight has been recorded since the period of former Yugoslavia. The aim of this study therefore was to determine the percentage of adults with potential health risk using the indices of obesity. The anthropological study was conducted from 2001 to 2006. The tested group consisted of 4504 individuals, 1965 men and 2539 women. The mean age of the sample was 40.61±11.29. The data were collected in 46 villages in Bačka and Banat, in the central and north-east parts of Vojvodina, situated in the north of Serbia. The investigation included the height, weight, waist and hip circumference. Nutritional condition was determined using the body mass index (BMI kg/m2), while the waist circumference and WHR were used for assessing the central obesity. According to the average BMI (26.86 kg/m2 males, 25.80 kg/m2 females), the population of Bačka and Banat is characterised with pre-obesity. In total, 58.47% individuals of both sexes are with excessive body weight, 38.52% of them being classified as overweight and 19.48% as obese. Central obesity is more frequent in males aged up to 40, while in females it is more present above the age of 50. A higher waist circumference (males≥94 cm; females≥80 cm) is observed in 58% of males and 55% of females, with the risk value (males≥102 cm; females≥88 cm) recorded in 32% of men and women. The indices of obesity indicate a potential health risk for more than a half of the subjects in this study. The data therefore point to the necessity of introducing educational programs for promoting good nutrition and healthy living habits that would ultimately reduce the number of individuals with health risk

    Ultrasound assessment of the effect of fetal position on supine to prone righting reflex in the guinea pig fetus

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of guinea pig fetal position on the righting reflex from a supine to prone position using ultrasound examination. Experimental and control group were formed, each encompassing 20 pregnant females with 50 fetuses from the 31st to 66th day of gestation. During ultrasound examination, the fetuses from the experimental group were brought into a supine position relative to gravity by placing the dams in the appropriate position. In the control group fetuses were examined for changes in position irrespective of gravity as well as for changes in position after having been brought into a prone position relative to gravity. Comparison of the experimental and the control group showed that experimental group fetuses in the oldest bracket rotated successfully to a prone position more frequently than at other ages. The observed fetal movements indicate that the fetus changes its position using the contact-righting reflex

    Combining ability for oil content and its correlations with other yield components in sunflower (helianthus annuus l)

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    Oil yield is a major characteristic of each sunflower hybrid (Škorić et al 2005). To be able to develop new high-oil sunflower hybrids by the method of interspecific hybridization, it is necessary to have information on mode of inheritance and combining abilities of inbred lines used. When selecting prospective lines as components of future hybrids, it is important to know correlations between yield components on one side and oil content on another. Seven new divergent cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A) developed by interspecific hybridization, three Rf-restorer lines used as testers and 21 F1 hybrids have been subjected to the line × tester analysis. Significant differences have been obtained in mean values for all characteristics under study. Significant differences were found between A lines and R lines on one side and their F1 hybrids on the other in oil content, plant height, head diameter, total number of seeds per head, 1000-seed weight and seed yield per plant. The line NS-GS-4 exhibited a highly significant positive GCA value for oil content. The line NS-GS-5 had a highly significant negative GCA value for oil content. The hybrid NS-GS-6 × RHA-R-PL-2/1 had a highly significant positive SCA value for oil content. Non-additive component of genetic variance played the main role in the inheritance of oil content, as indicated by the analysis of variance of combining abilities and the analysis of components of genetic variance. Further confirmation was the ratio GCA/SCA for oil content in the F1 generation which was smaller than unity (0.33). The highest average contribution to the expression of oil content (77.3%) was exhibited by the A lines. Highly significant negative correlations were found between oil content on one side and head diameter, total number of seed per head, 1000-seed weight and seed yield per plant on the other

    Relationship between BMI and Skinfold Thicknesses to Risk Factors in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women

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    Studies conducted on children and adults have pointed to the correlation of BMI (kg/m2) with risk factors for certain diseases. Other studies have stressed a more intense correlation between the risk factors and indicators of subcutaneous fat obtained in other ways. The aim of the study was to compare the intensity of correlation between the risk factors and triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness in relation to BMI. The study included 53 postmenopausal and 107 premenopausal women, the risk factors were assessed upon systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose concentration, triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Statistically significant differences were established in almost all variables referring to premenopausal and postmenopausal women, except in body height, subscapular skinfold thickness and triglyceride concentration. Significant correlation with the risk factors was detected in BMI and both skinfold thicknesses, while the subscapular thickness correlates more intensively with the risk factors than it is the case with the triceps thickness. The results indicate that BMI equally correlates with risk factors as well as skinfold thickness

    Karakterizacija sirodezmina izolovanih iz fitopatogene gljive Leptosphaeria maculans

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    The pathogenicity of phytopathogenic fungi is associated with phytotoxins, especially with their chemical nature and quantity. Sirodesmins are phytotoxins from the epipolythiodioxopiperazines group, produced by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, which are a cause of blackleg and stem canker in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). The aim of this work was to obtain a detailed chemical profile of sirodesmins in five fungal isolates (four from Vojvodina, Serbia, and one from the Centre for Agricultural Research, Rothamsted, UK). Sirodesmins showing different phytotoxicity on treated cotyledons of cv. Quinta were separated and detected by thin layer chromatography in all analysed isolates (L.m, C-3, St-5 and S-11) except K-113, which neither contained sirodesmin congeners nor did it exhibit activity. By use of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometer, it was possible to identify total of 10 sirodesmins, together with their precursor-phomamide. It was found that the dominant epipolythiodioxopiperazines of the investigated L. maculans isolates were sirodesmin PL, sirodesmin C, and their de-acetylated derivatives.Patogenost fitopatogenih gljiva povezana je sa fitotoksinima, a naročito sa njihovom hemijskom prirodom i količinom. Sirodezmini su fitotoksini iz grupe epipolitiodioksopiperazina, koje proizvodi gljiva Leptosphaeria maculans, uzročnik suve truleži korena i raka stabla uljane repice. Cilj ovog rada bila je detaljna hemijska karakterizacija sirodezmina u pet izolata gljiva (četiri iz Vojvodine i jedan iz Velike Britanije, Centar za poljoprivredna istraživanja, Rothamsted). Kod svih ispitivanih izolata (L. maculans, C-3, St-3, S-11), osim K-113 (koji nije sadržao sirodezmine niti pokazivao aktivnost) tankoslojnom hromatografijom su razdvojeni i detektovani sirodezmini koji su pokazali različitu fitotoksičnost na tretiranim kotiledonima sorte Quinta. Primenom tečne hromatografije visoke efikasnosti, kuplovane sa tandemskim masenim spektrometrom, bilo je moguće identifikovati ukupno 10 sirodezmina, kao i njihov prekursor - fomamid. Utvrđeno je da su dominantni epipolitio-dioksopiperazini ispitivanih izolata L. maculans sirodezmin PL, sirodezmin C i njihovi deacetilovani derivati

    Correlation of yield components and seed yield per plant in sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

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    Studied in this paper was the interdependence of six morphophysiological sunflower traits (petiole angle, petiole length, total leaf number per plant, total leaf area per plant, plant height and head diameter) and their correlations with seed yield per plant. Path coefficient analysis was used to gain information on direct and indirect effects of the above characters on seed yield per plant. For most of the traits significant and highly significant correlations were found in the F1 and F2 generations. Plant height and total leaf area per plant had a high positive direct effect on seed yield per plant, while petiole angle and total leaf number per plant had a negative direct effect on the same trait in both generations. Petiole length had a positive and head diameter a negative direct effect on seed yield per plant in the F1 generation, whereas in the F2 generation the two traits behaved the opposite. Path coefficient analysis indicated that plant height, total leaf area, and petiole length were the most important traits for seed yield per plant. Based on the coefficient of determination for the F1 and F2 generations (R2=0.73), it can be concluded that the influence of traits from the study on total variability of seed yield per plant was 73%, while the remaining 27% can be attributed to factors not included in the study

    Dostignuća u oplemenjivanju suncokreta

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    Over the four decades of sunflower breeding at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (IFVCNS), significant results have been achieved. In the area of genetic resources, over 7,000 inbred lines originating from genetically divergent materials have been developed and a rich collection of wild species of the genus Helianthus has been assembled. During the past 40 years, sunflower researchers from the IFVCNS have also developed methods and defined directions of sunflower breeding and created models of ideal hybrids for the local and other agroecological conditions. A large number of sunflower hybrids have been developed at the IFVCNS that have dominated the domestic sunflower production in the last 25 years. Internationally, the IFVCNS has released more than 100 of its own sunflower hybrids as well as over 50 joint hybrids developed in collaboration with various foreign companies and organizations. The IFVCNS has done a great deal on collecting maintaining, studying and using the wild species of the genus Helianthus in sunflower breding using interspecific hybridization.. Cytogenetic studies have played an important role in this process. Modern biotechnology methods such as haploid production, protoplast fusion, in vitro screening, embryo culture and others have all been incorporated into the sunflower breeding program of the IFVCNS. Particularly notable has been the development and practical application of molecular markers in breeding for resistance to downy mildew. Breeding for resistance to diseases has been a major part of the Institute s sunflower program. Significant results have been achieved in selection for resistance to downy mildew, Phomopsis, rust, verticillium wilt, black spot and charcoal rot of root and stem. Genes for resistance to these pathogens have been discovered Helianthus in wild species and incorporated into cultivated sunflower genotypes by interspecific hybridization. The development of hybrids resistant to broomrape race E has had an important part in the Novi Sad sunflower breeding program. Great success has been achieved in developing hybrids tolerant of imidazolinone based herbicides. This effort has produced the hybrids RIMI (RIMISOL) and Vitalko. Hybrids tolerant of sulfonyl-urea herbicides should also be developed soon based on wild sunflower species. Significant results have been achieved in developing hybrids with different oil quality as well. In 2005 sunflower hybrids developed either by the IFVCNS alone or jointly with foreign partners were grown on a total of over two million hectares worldwide.Tokom 4 decenije rada na oplemenjivanju suncokreta u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo su postignuti značajni rezultati. U okviru genetičkih resursa stvoreno je preko 7000 inbred linija koje potiču iz genetski divergentnog materijala i sakupljena je bogata kolekcija divljih vrsta roda Heltanthus. Zatim, razrađene su metode i pravci oplemenjivanja i osmišljen je model hibrida za naše i druge agroekološke uslove. Stvoren je velik broj hibrida koji su dominantni već 25 godina u proizvodnji suncokreta u našoj zemlji. Preko 100 novosadskih i preko 50 zajedničkih hibrida je priznato u svetu. Veoma mnogo je urađeno na sakupljanju, održavanju, ispitivanju i korišćenju divljih vrsta u oplemenjivanju suncokreta putem interspecies hibridizacije. U ovom poslu značajno mesto su imala i citogenetska istraživanja. Korišćenje savremenih metoda biotehnologije (proizvodnja haploida, fuzija protoplasta, in vitro skrining, kultura embriona i dr) je uvedeno u novosadski program oplemenjivanja suncokreta. Posebno treba istaći razradu i praktično korišćenje molekularnih markera u oplemenjivanju na otpornost prema plamenjači. Vidno mesto u oplemenjivanju bilo je posvećeno otpornosti prema bolestima. Postignuti su značajni rezultati u selekciji na otpornost prema plamenjači, Phomopsts-u, rđi, verticioznom uvenuću, crnoj pegavosti i ugljenastoj truleži korena i stabla. Geni za otpornost prema dotičnim patogenima su pronađeni u divljim vrstama i ugrađeni putem interspecies hibridizacije u genotipove gajenog suncokreta. Značajno mesto u novosadskom oplemenjivačkom programu je bilo posvećeno stvaranju hibrida otpornih prema rasi E volovoda. Izuzetan uspeh je ostvaren u stvaranju tolerantnih hibrida prema grupi herbicida imidazolinona. Stvoreni su hibridi RIMI (RIMISOL) i Vitalko. Za očekivati je brzo stvaranje tolerantnih hibrida prema sulfonil-urea na bazi divljih vrsta suncokreta. Postignuti su značajni rezultati u stvaranju hibrida sa različitim kvalitetom ulja. Novosadski i zajednički hibridi stvoreni sa stranim partnerima su gajeni u 2005. godini kod nas i u svetu na preko 2 miliona hektara

    Titration to target dose of bisoprolol vs. carvedilol in elderly patients with heart failure: the CIBIS-ELD trial

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    AIMS: Various beta-blockers with distinct pharmacological profiles are approved in heart failure, yet they remain underused and underdosed. Although potentially of major public health importance, whether one agent is superior in terms of tolerability and optimal dosing has not been investigated. The aim of this study was therefore to compare the tolerability and clinical effects of two proven beta-blockers in elderly patients with heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a double-blind superiority trial of bisoprolol vs. carvedilol in 883 elderly heart failure patients with reduced or preserved left ventricular ejection fraction in 41 European centres. The primary endpoint was tolerability, defined as reaching and maintaining guideline-recommended target doses after 12 weeks treatment. Adverse events and clinical parameters of patient status were secondary endpoints. None of the beta-blockers was superior with regards to tolerability: 24% [95% confidence interval (CI) 20-28] of patients in the bisoprolol arm and 25% (95% CI 21-29) of patients in the carvedilol arm achieved the primary endpoint (P= 0.64). The use of bisoprolol resulted in greater reduction of heart rate (adjusted mean difference 2.1 b.p.m., 95% CI 0.5-3.6, P= 0.008) and more, dose-limiting, bradycardic adverse events (16 vs. 11%; P= 0.02). The use of carvedilol led to a reduction of forced expiratory volume (adjusted mean difference 50 mL, 95% CI 4-95, P= 0.03) and more, non-dose-limiting, pulmonary adverse events (10 vs. 4%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Overall tolerability to target doses was comparable. The pattern of intolerance, however, was different: bradycardia occurred more often in the bisoprolol group, whereas pulmonary adverse events occurred more often in the carvedilol group. This study is registered with controlled-trials.com, number ISRCTN34827306

    Fabry disease, do we think enough about this multisystemic disorder?: A presentation of three cases in a Serbian family

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    Background. Fabry Disease is a rare, X-chromosomal inherited lysosomal storage disease with a consequent intracellular accumulation of neutral glycosphingolipids in various tissues. This can cause skin and ocular lessions, progressive renal, cardiac or cerebrovascular disorders. If a person in a family has Fabry disease, other family members including even extended relatives, may also be at risk. Case report. We presented three cases pointed out various manifestation of Fabry disease, that illustrate a possible cause for otherwise unexplained cardiac hypertrophy and various rhythm and conduction abnormalities. Conclusion. Although most symptoms begin in childhood, various manifestations often lead to misdiagnosis and clinical diagnosis is frequently delayed for many years, even decades. Enzyme replacement therapy has become available, pointing out the importance of early diagnosis so that treatment can be initiated before irreversible organ damage

    Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure-to-Height Ratio in Predicting Incidence of Hypertension in Serbian Children

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    Background: A new method using blood pressure-to-height ratio for diagnosing elevated blood pressure/hypertension in children has been introduced recently. We aimed to compare blood pressure-to-height ratio (BPHR) and Body Mass Index (BMI) in predicting incidence of hypertension (HTN). Methods: The sample consisted of 1133 boys and 1154 girls aged 7&ndash;15. We used the following equations for BPHR: systolic BPHR (SBPHR) = SBP (mm&thinsp;Hg)/height (cm) and diastolic BPHR (DBPHR) = DBP (mm&thinsp;Hg)/height (cm). In order to determine the accuracy of SBPHR, DBPHR and BMI as diagnostic tests for elevated blood pressure (elevated BP), we used the receiveroperating characteristic curve analyses. Results: The area under the curve (AUC) values for BMI ranged from 0.625 to 0.723 with quite low sensitivity rates from 62% to 72.5% and specificities from 58.2% to 67.3% showing a modest ability to identify children with elevated BP and HTN. On the contrary, BPHR showed a great predictive ability to identify elevated BP and HTN with AUC values of 0.836 to 0.949 for SBP and from 0.777 to 0.904 for DBP. Furthermore, the sensitivity ranged from 78.5% to 95.7%, and the specificity from 73.9% to 87.6%. Conclusion: the current study showed that BPHR is an accurate index for detecting elevated BP and HTN in children aged 7 to 15 years and can be used for early screening