2,200 research outputs found

    The supervision needs of senior clinical psychologists

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    Section A This review critically evaluates the published literature regarding what sustains clinical psychologists in their careers over time. A systematic literature search of three online databases (PsychInfo, Assia and Web of Science) and a manual search of relevant reference lists resulted in 10 papers addressing this aim. Eight studies utilised a cross sectional design, two studies used a mixed methods design combining qualitative and quantitative methods. Themes were generated from the findings in these papers and collated. Clinical and research implications were also discussed. Section B A Delphi survey investigated what experts consider best practice for the supervision of senior clinical psychologists. Three rounds of online survey were used to gather opinions and assess the level of consensus that existed for the group. The findings of the study are presented and the clinical and research implications are considered

    The effect of the thermal conductivity of the substrate on droplet evaporation

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    The evaporation of liquid droplets is of fundamental importance to industry, with a vast number of applications including ink-jet printing, spray cooling and DNA mapping, and has been the subject of considerable theoretical and experimental research in recent years. Significant recent papers include those by Deegan [1], Deegan et al. [2], Hu and Larson [3], Poulard et al. [4], Sultan et al. [5], and Shahidzadeh-Bonn et al. [6]

    The emergence of commercial genomics: analysis of the rise of a biotechnology subsector during the Human Genome Project, 1990 to 2004.

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    BackgroundDevelopment of the commercial genomics sector within the biotechnology industry relied heavily on the scientific commons, public funding, and technology transfer between academic and industrial research. This study tracks financial and intellectual property data on genomics firms from 1990 through 2004, thus following these firms as they emerged in the era of the Human Genome Project and through the 2000 to 2001 market bubble.MethodsA database was created based on an early survey of genomics firms, which was expanded using three web-based biotechnology services, scientific journals, and biotechnology trade and technical publications. Financial data for publicly traded firms was collected through the use of four databases specializing in firm financials. Patent searches were conducted using firm names in the US Patent and Trademark Office website search engine and the DNA Patent Database.ResultsA biotechnology subsector of genomics firms emerged in parallel to the publicly funded Human Genome Project. Trends among top firms show that hiring, capital improvement, and research and development expenditures continued to grow after a 2000 to 2001 bubble. The majority of firms are small businesses with great diversity in type of research and development, products, and services provided. Over half the public firms holding patents have the majority of their intellectual property portfolio in DNA-based patents.ConclusionsThese data allow estimates of investment, research and development expenditures, and jobs that paralleled the rise of genomics as a sector within biotechnology between 1990 and 2004

    CO Reduction to CH_3OSiMe_3: Electrophile-Promoted Hydride Migration at a Single Fe Site

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    One of the major challenges associated with developing molecular Fischer–Tropsch catalysts is the design of systems that promote the formation of C–H bonds from H_2 and CO while also facilitating the release of the resulting CO-derived organic products. To this end, we describe the synthesis of reduced iron-hydride/carbonyl complexes that enable an electrophile-promoted hydride migration process, resulting in the reduction of coordinated CO to a siloxymethyl (LnFe-CH_2OSiMe_3) group. Intramolecular hydride-to-CO migrations are extremely rare, and to our knowledge the system described herein is the first example where such a process can be accessed from a thermally stable M(CO)(H) complex. Further addition of H_2 to LnFe-CH_2OSiMe_3 releases CH_3OSiMe_3, demonstrating net four-electron reduction of CO to CH_3OSiMe_3 at a single Fe site

    The changing trends of corporate social and environmental disclosure within the Australian gambling industry

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    This study examines how the corporate social and environmental disclosure (CSD) practices of a sample of gambling companies operating within Australia appears to change around the time of three specific interrelated Australian government initiatives; the Productivity Commission, 1999, Australia's Gambling Industries, Report No. 10, the subsequent establishment of the Ministerial Council on Gambling and the MCG-initiated National Framework on Problem Gambling. Drawing upon three complementary theories, namely legitimacy, stakeholder and institutional theory, our analysis of the extent and type of CSD in the annual reports of gambling companies over a 15 year period suggests that CSD is a response to social pressures created around the time of these initiatives

    Electrophile-promoted Fe-to-N_2 hydride migration in highly reduced Fe(N_2)(H) complexes

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    One of the emerging challenges associated with developing robust synthetic nitrogen fixation catalysts is the competitive formation of hydride species that can play a role in catalyst deactivation or lead to undesired hydrogen evolution reactivity (HER). It is hence desirable to devise synthetic systems where metal hydrides can migrate directly to coordinated N2 in reductive N–H bond-forming steps, thereby enabling productive incorporation into desired reduced N_2-products. Relevant examples of this type of reactivity in synthetic model systems are limited. In this manuscript we describe the migration of an iron hydride (Fe-H) to N_α of a disilylhydrazido(2-) ligand (Fe=NNR_2) derived from N_2 via double-silylation in a preceding step. This is an uncommon reactivity pattern in general; well-characterized examples of hydride/alkyl migrations to metal heteroatom bonds (e.g., (R)M=NR′ → M–N(R)R′) are very rare. Mechanistic data establish the Fe-to-N_α hydride migration to be intramolecular. The resulting disilylhydrazido(1-) intermediate can be isolated by trapping with CN^tBu, and the disilylhydrazine product can then be liberated upon treatment with an additional acid equivalent, demonstrating the net incorporation of an Fe-H equivalent into an N-fixed product

    Mobile mapping for the automated analysis of road signage and delineation

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    A portable mobile stereo vision system designed for the assessment of road signage and delineation (lines and road studs or 'cat eyes') in low light conditions is presented. This novel system allows both geometric and photometric measurements to be made on objects in a scene. Using the system, it has been shown that retro-reflectors, and in particular road signs, can be identified by nature of their reflective properties. In addition, a novel imaging application has been investigated that facilitates the detection of defective road studs. Any objects examined can also be positioned on a national grid through the fusion of stereo vision with global positioning system technology. Automated feature extraction and analysis routines make the system fully autonomous

    Mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus responses to long-term, whole-ecosystem nutrient enrichment

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2013. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Inter-Research for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Ecology Progress Series 492 (2013): 211-222, doi:10.3354/meps10495.The effects of eutrophication on coastal plants and sessile animals are becoming well known, but responses of mobile species are less well studied. Here, we link variation in abundance, biomass, body size, growth rate, and resource utilization in mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) > 40 mm in length to experimental nutrient enrichment in Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts, USA. To mimic cultural eutrophication, dissolved fertilizer was released into replicate saltmarsh creeks on each rising tide throughout entire growing seasons. In the summer of the 6th year of enrichment, we released coded-wire tagged mummichogs into nutrient-enriched (n = 3733 fish) and reference (n = 3894 fish) creeks and recaptured them over the next two months. We found increased abundance (by 37%), biomass (58%), body size (8%), and herbivory (115%, measured as photosynthetic gut pigment content) in nutrient-enriched creeks, although body condition was unaffected. However, individual growth rates were 43% lower in nutrient-enriched creeks. Nutrient enrichment stimulated primary production causing a bottom-up enrichment of the food web, which fostered increased biomass and body size. However, the reduction in growth rate indicates an adverse consequence of long-term nutrient enrichment. This negative effect occurred in the absence of increased hypoxia in these highly tidally (4-m amplitude) flushed study creeks. The mummichog is an important predator/grazer in salt marshes, and nutrient-induced alterations in biomass or resource utilization will directly or indirectly affect lower trophic levels, including benthic algae, thereby impacting the 63 ecosystem-wide response to eutrophication.This material is based upon the work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0816963, 0923689 and 0423565

    Dihydrogen Adduct (Co-H₂) Complexes Displaying H-atom and Hydride Transfer

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    The prototypical reactivity profiles of transition metal dihydrogen complexes (M‐H₂) are well‐characterized with respect to oxidative addition (to afford dihydrides, M(H)₂) and as acids, heterolytically delivering H⁺ to a base and H⁻ to the metal. In the course of this study we explored plausible alternative pathways for H₂ activation, namely direct activation through H‐atom or hydride transfer from the σ‐H₂ adducts. To this end, we describe herein the reactivity of an isostructural pair of a neutral S = ½ and an anionic S = 0 Co‐H₂ adduct, both supported by a trisphosphine borane ligand (P₃^B). The thermally stable metalloradical, (P₃^B)Co(H₂), serves as a competent precursor for hydrogen atom transfer to ᵗBu₃ArO·. What is more, its anionic derivative, the dihydrogen complex [(P₃^B)Co(H₂)]¹⁻, is a competent precursor for hydride transfer to BEt₃, establishing its remarkable hydricity. The latter finding is essentially without precedent among the vast number of M‐H₂ complexes known