41 research outputs found

    A portable RNA sequence whose recognition by a synthetic antibody facilitates structural determination

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    RNA crystallization and phasing represent major bottlenecks in RNA structure determination. Seeking to exploit antibody fragments as RNA crystallization chaperones, we have used an arginine-enriched synthetic Fab library displayed on phage to obtain Fabs against the class I ligase ribozyme. We solved the structure of a Fab–ligase complex at 3.1-Å resolution using molecular replacement with Fab coordinates, confirming the ribozyme architecture and revealing the chaperone's role in RNA recognition and crystal contacts. The epitope resides in the GAAACAC sequence that caps the P5 helix, and this sequence retains high-affinity Fab binding within the context of other structured RNAs. This portable epitope provides a new RNA crystallization chaperone system that easily can be screened in parallel to the U1A RNA-binding protein, with the advantages of a smaller loop and Fabs′ high molecular weight, large surface area and phasing power.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM61835

    Llama Antibody Fragments Recognizing Various Epitopes of the CD4bs Neutralize a Broad Range of HIV-1 Subtypes A, B and C

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    Many of the neutralising antibodies, isolated to date, display limited activities against the globally most prevalent HIV-1 subtypes A and C. Therefore, those subtypes are considered to be an important target for antibody-based therapy. Variable domains of llama heavy chain antibodies (VHH) have some superior properties compared with classical antibodies. Therefore we describe the application of trimeric forms of envelope proteins (Env), derived from HIV-1 of subtype A and B/C, for a prolonged immunization of two llamas. A panel of VHH, which interfere with CD4 binding to HIV-1 Env were selected with use of panning. The results of binding and competition assays to various Env, including a variant with a stabilized CD4-binding state (gp120Ds2), cross-competition experiments, maturation analysis and neutralisation assays, enabled us to classify the selected VHH into three groups. The VHH of group I were efficient mainly against viruses of subtype A, C and B′/C. The VHH of group II resemble the broadly neutralising antibody (bnmAb) b12, neutralizing mainly subtype B and C viruses, however some had a broader neutralisation profile. A representative of the third group, 2E7, had an even higher neutralization breadth, neutralizing 21 out of the 26 tested strains belonging to the A, A/G, B, B/C and C subtypes. To evaluate the contribution of certain amino acids to the potency of the VHH a small set of the mutants were constructed. Surprisingly this yielded one mutant with slightly improved neutralisation potency against 92UG37.A9 (subtype A) and 96ZM651.02 (subtype C). These findings and the well-known stability of VHH indicate the potential application of these VHH as anti-HIV-1 microbicides

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the Methanothermus fervidus histones HMfA and HMfB

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    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the MethanothermusMethanothermus fervidusfervidus histones HMfA and HMfB

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    HMfA and HMfB are histone proteins from the thermophilic archaeon Methanothermus fervidus. They wrap DNA into nucleosome-like structures and appear to represent the basic core histone fold. HMfA was crystallized in space groups P4(2)2(1)2 and P2(1)2(1)2(1). HMfB crystallized in space group P2(1)2(1)2, while a selenomethionine-substituted variant, SeMet-HMfB, yielded crystals in C222(1). In all crystal forms HMfA, HMfB, or SeMet-HMfB may be present as homodimers

    Crystal structures of recombinant histones HMfA and HMfB from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanothermus fervidus

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    The hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanothermus fervidus contains two small basic proteins, HMfA (68 amino acid residues) and HMfB (69 residues) that share a common ancestry with the eukaryal nucleosome core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. HMfA and HMfB have sequences that differ at 11 locations, they have different structural stabilities, and the complexes that they form with DNA have different electrophoretic mobilities. Here, crystal structures are documented for recombinant (r) HMfA at a resolution of 1.55 {angrstroem} refined to a crystallographic R-value of 19.8% (tetragonal form) and at 1.48 {angrstroem} refined to a R-value of 18.8 % (orthorhombic form), and for rHMfB at 1.9 {angrstroem} refined to a R-value of 18.0%. The rHMfA and rHMfB monomers have structures that are just histone folds in which a long central {alpha}-helix ({alpha}2; 29 residues) is separated from shorter N-terminal ({alpha}1; 11 residues) and C-terminal ({alpha}3; 10 residues) {alpha}-helices by two loops (L1 and L2; both 6 residues). Within L1 and L2, three adjacent residues are in extended ({beta}) conformation, rHMfA and rHMfB assemble into homodimers, with the {alpha}2 helices anti-parallel aligned and crossing at an angle of close to 35°, and with hydrogen bonds formed between the extended, parallel regions of L1 and L2 resulting in short β-ladders. Dimerization creates a novel N-terminal structure that contains four proline residues, two from each monomer. As prolines are present at these positions in all archaeal histone sequences, this proline-tetrad structure is likely to be a common feature of all archaeal histone dimers. Almost all residues that participate in monomer-monomer interactions are conserved in HMfA and HMfB, consistent with the ability of these monomers to form both homodimers and (HMfA + HMfB) heterodimers. Differences in side-chain interactions that result from non-conservative residue differences in HMfA and HMfB are identified, and the structure of a (rHMfA)2-DNA complex is presented based on the structures documented here and modeled by homology to histone-DNA interactions in the eukaryal nucleosome

    Crystal structures and properties of de novo circularly permuted 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanases

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    Structure and function of a novel purine specific nucleoside hydrolase from Trypanosoma vivax

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    The purine salvage pathway of parasitic protozoa is currently considered as a target for drug development because these organisms cannot synthesize purines de novo. Insight into the structure and mechanism of the involved enzymes can aid in the development of potent inhibitors, leading to new curative drugs. Nucleoside hydrolases are key enzymes in the purine salvage pathway of Trypanosomatidae, and they are especially attractive because they have no equivalent in mammalian cells. We cloned, expressed and purified a nucleoside hydrolase from Trypanosoma vivax. The substrate activity profile establishes the enzyme to be a member of the inosine-adenosine-guanosine-preferring nucleoside hydrolases (IAG-NH). We solved the crystal structure of the enzyme at 1.6 Ã… resolution using MAD techniques. The complex of the enzyme with the substrate analogue 3-deaza-adenosine is presented. These are the first structures of an IAG-NH reported in the literature. The T. vivax IAG-NH is a homodimer, with each subunit consisting of ten -strands, 12 -helices and three small 310-helices. Six of the eight strands of the central -sheet form a motif resembling the Rossmann fold. Superposition of the active sites of this IAG-NH and the inosine-uridine-preferring nucleoside hydrolase (IU-NH) of Crithidia fasciculata shows the molecular basis of the different substrate specificity distinguishing these two classes of nucleoside hydrolases. An "aromatic stacking network" in the active site of the IAG-NH, absent from the IU-NH, imposes the purine specificity. Asp10 is the proposed general base in the reaction mechanism, abstracting a proton from a nucleophilic water molecule. Asp40 (replaced by Asn39 in the IU-NH) is positioned appropriately to act as a general acid and to protonate the purine leaving group. The second general acid, needed for full enzymatic activity, is probably part of a flexible loop located in the vicinity of the active site