2,812 research outputs found

    Electronic setup for fluorescence emission measurements and long-time constant-temperature maintenance of Single-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes in water solutions

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    In our previous research we have observed that the fluorescence emission from water solutions of Single-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes (SWCNT), excited by a laser with a wavelength of 830nm, diminishes with the time. We have already proved that such a fading is a function of the storage time and the storage temperature. In order to study the emission of the SWCNT as a function of these two parameters we have designed and realized a special measurement compartment with a cuvette holder where the SWCNT solutions can be measured and stored at a fixed constant temperature for periods of time as long as several weeks. To maintain the measurement setup under a constant temperature we have designed special experimental setup based on two Peltier cells with electronic temperature control

    Tripartizione del flusso di cassa: possibili problemi applicativi

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    La novella introdotta dal D.Lgs. n. 139/2015 impone, dall\u2019esercizio in corso, la predisposizione di un rendiconto finanziario dal quale devono risultare i flussi finanziari dell\u2019esercizio derivanti dall\u2019attivit\ue0 operativa, da quella di investimento, da quella di finanziamento, ivi comprese, con autonoma indicazione, le operazioni con i soci. La suddivisione dei flussi monetari nelle tre aree gestionali di origine imposta dalla norma \ue8, da tempo, ritenuta funzionale a una corretta comprensione delle relazioni che legano l\u2019equilibrio finanziario agli equilibri economico e patrimoniale. Affinch\ue9 tale scomposizione risulti davvero efficace \ue8, per\uf2, necessario che la stessa venga effettuata nel pieno rispetto della sostanza economica delle diverse tipologie di operazioni che comportano incassi o esborsi di denaro. Nelle pagine che seguono vengono esaminate alcune decisioni in tema di classificazione di singole poste contabili che potrebbero contraddire tale precetto di portata generale, offuscando almeno in parte l\u2019intelligibilit\ue0 dei flussi in tal modo ricostruiti

    Effective fire extinguishing systems for lithium-ion battery

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    Lithium-ion batteries are a popular choice of power source for a variety of energy and power demanding applications for both stationary applications and electromobility. Among electrochemical storage systems, Lithium-ion batteries were found to be promising candidate, due to their high power and high energy density. In order to assemble high power batteries for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and pure electric vehicles, several hundreds of large-format Lithium-ion cells will be required, and even more cells for power/energy demanding stationary applications. However, safety remains a significant concern, as battery failure leads to ejection of hazardous materials and rapid heat release. The failure of a single cell can generate a large amount of heat which can then initiate, in the worst case, the thermal runaway of neighbouring cells, leading to failure throughout the battery pack. The heat accumulation can also run into the venting of a cell, with the emission of flammable organic solvent inside the battery pack. Battery failure can be initiated via a number of different abuse scenarios, such as overheating, overcharging, puncture/crushing, water immersion, or external short circuit. Development of effective mitigation strategies necessitates a study on battery failure events and a better understanding of important characteristics relating to safety, such as heat release, hazardous materials ejection, and thermal propagation. On the other hand, when a fire event is initiated, proper intervention strategies have to be defined in order to avoid it becoming catastrophic. In this paper are reported the results of thermal abuse tests on single Lithium-ion cells and a battery pack. The tests were performed with the technical equipment and resources of National Fire Corps. Screening tests for battery fire extinguishing agents were also performed. The effectiveness of an agent was evaluated through experiments on the cooling effect of fire extinguishing agents. Among the various agents, water and foam were found to be the most effective

    Stairways to Advanced Therapies for Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a devastating genetic skin disease typified by a plethora of different phenotypes and ranking from severe, early lethal, to mild localized forms. Although there is no cure for EB, recent progress in pharmacology and molecular and cellular biology is boosting the development of new advanced therapeutic strategies. Here we will focus on two main categories of such therapies: (1) those aimed at controlling inflammation and inducing reepithelialization of the wounds, and (2) those, perhaps more challenging and ambitious, that aim to permanently regenerate a fully functional epidermis, which requires targeting of epidermal stem cells. In both cases, the genetic variants underlying the different EB forms and factors, such as genetic background, modifier genes, comorbidities, and lifestyle, all of which impinge on EB genotype-phenotype correlation, need to be defined

    The Simplification of Public Administration: A Managerial Perspective

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    The paper addresses the issue of complexity in the administrative processes of public institutions: in particular, accounting routines and processes are examined. Back-office activities, although having a mere supporting role in the delivery of public services, absorb a relevant part of the resources of public institutions. The aim of the paper is to analyse the factors that contribute to the enhancement of complexity of these activities. The paper is based on an in-depth analysis of two Italian public organisations: a university and an ASP (agency for services to persons). Italy is an interesting context since simplification policies have been adopted in the country at central government level and in specific sectors of public administration, however, at the institutional level, simplification initiatives depend on the initiative of the single organisation. The cases described in this paper show that complexity stems from the need for inspectory controls (which is typical of the law) as well as from the volume of information requested (which is typical of management studies) for different stakeholders and at different, yet correlated, levels. The paper suggests that public management scholars have the opportunity and the burden of a contribution in this field

    Protein clustering in chemically stressed HeLa cells studied by infrared nanospectroscopy

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    Photo-Thermal Induced Resonance (PTIR) nanospectroscopy, tuned towards amide-I absorption, was used to study the distribution of proteic material in 34 different HeLa cells, of which 18 were chemically stressed by oxidative stress with Na3AsO3. The cell nucleus was found to provide a weaker amide-I signal than the surrounding cytoplasm, while the strongest PTIR signal comes from the perinuclear region. AFM topography shows that the cells exposed to oxidative stress undergo a volume reduction with respect to the control cells, through an accumulation of the proteic material around and above the nucleus. This is confirmed by the PTIR maps of the cytoplasm, where the pixels providing a high amide-I signal were identified with a space resolution of ∼300 × 300 nm. By analyzing their distribution with two different statistical procedures we found that the probability to find protein clusters smaller than 0.6 μm in the cytoplasm of stressed HeLa cells is higher by 35% than in the control cells. These results indicate that it is possible to study proteic clustering within single cells by label-free optical nanospectroscopy


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    In the years following the economic and financial crisis, Italy, where most firms are family-owned, has seen the demise of more companies than any other country. To avoid a similar disaster in the future, it is important to understand which determinants influence firms' survival. Stemming from financial and family business literature, this paper investigates the role of financial ratios and family corporate governance in predicting family firms' survival probability. To obtain empirical evidence, it performs a mediating regression analysis using a sample of 273 Italian family firms. The main findings show that family ownership concentration and the presence of a family CEO increase firms' survival probability, while a high number of family members involved in the firm and the co-presence of more generations hinder it

    PINK1 homozygous W437X mutation in a patient with apparent dominant transmission of parkinsonism.

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    We analyzed the PINK1 gene in 58 patients with early-onset Parkinsonism and detected the homozygous mutation W437X in 1 patient. The clinical phenotype was characterized by early onset (22 years of age), good re- sponse to levodopa, early fluctuations and dyskinesias, and psychiatric symptoms. The mother, heterozygote for W437X mutation, was affected by Parkinson’s disease and 3 further relatives were reported affected, according to an autosomal dominant transmission
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