128 research outputs found

    Role of hepatocyte growth factor in the immunomodulation potential of amniotic fluid stem cells

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    Human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSCs) may be useful for regenerative medicine because of their potential to differentiate into all three germ layers and to modulate immune response with different types of secretion molecules. This last issue has not been completely elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the secretome profile of the hAFSC, focusing on the role of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in immunoregulation through short and long cocultures with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We found that HGF produced by hAFSCs exerts a cytoprotective role, inducing an increase in caspase-dependent apoptosis in human immune cells. This study provides evidence supporting the hypothesis that amniotic fluid is an ideal source of stem cells for expansion and banking properties for therapeutic use. hAFSCs not only are less immunogenic but also can secrete immunoregulatory factors that may be useful in autoimmune diseases or allogenic implants. SIGNIFICANCE: New information about the secretome pattern is reported in this paper. Human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSCs) possess immunomodulatory properties involving hepatocyte growth factor production. hAFSCs could be used in immunotherapies and might be able to avoid allogenic rejectio

    Biomechanical aspects in dental replacements

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    This chapter deals with biomechanical aspects in dental replacements. The state of the art is critically reviewed taking into account the body of the literature results. The initial section is devoted to the mechanical properties of bone and to a description of the jaw geometry and of its loading and constraining. The following section presents a classifi cation of the various tooth replacement confi gurations and of the various materials adopted, where single and multiple replacements are considered. A specifi c section is devoted to the solid modelling of the jaw as input to numerical analyses, where the aid offered by reverse engineering and tomography is underlined. The fi nite element method as well as alternative numerical and experimental approaches are reviewed in a dedicated section. The stress analysis forecasts and measurements are biomechanically interpreted in the light of the current literature results. The chapter ends with a section devoted to biological aspects

    Le tavole di Giovanni Paolo Mascagni nella sala del Mascagni del Museo Anatomico di Modena

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    La realizzazione della sala del Mascagni nel Museo Anatomico di modena fu resa possibile nel 1852, allorch\ue9 era stata demolita la scala realizzata dopo il 1815 per collegare il Teatro Anatomico con il piano superiore che era stato costruito per ospitare le Scuole Mediche e il Museo Anatomico: come collegamento del pianterreno con il piano superiore era infatti stata costruita la scala con gradini in marmo tuttora esistente . Nella sala di Mascagni Gaddi aveva previsto un allestimento con le grandi tavole anatomiche a colori stampate da incisioni su rame realizzate da Antonio Serantoni che rappresentavano in forma naturale un uomo adulto alto cm. 175. Appartenevano alla monumentale opera di Paolo Mascagni Anatomiae Universae Icones, pubblicata postuma, dopo la sua morte avvenuta nel 1815, dallo stampatore pisano Niccol\uf2 Capurro in nove fascicoli, uno per anno, dal 1823 al 1832, per un totale di 88 tavole di cui 44 a colori e il loro equivalente a fronte in bianco e nero grazie a tre professori dello Studio pisano, A. Vacca Berlinghieri, G. Barzellotti e G. Rosini. Sei delle tavole, come ricorda lo stesso Gaddi, si trovavano gi\ue0 nella stessa sala a corredo di \u201cricche serie di finissime iniezioni delle arterie e vene capillari nei diversi tessuti organici\u201d che erano collocate \u201centro dodici cassettoni a cristallo\u201d. Quattordici tavole del Mascagni sono state di recente recuperate dai depositi dell\u2019Ateneo e collocate nella sala riunioni e nel corridoio antistante del Dipartimento Chirurgico, Medico, Odontoiatrico e di Scienze Morfologiche con Interesse Trapiantologico, Oncologico e di Medicina Rigenerativa, in attesa di essere adeguatamente ricollocate nella sala del Mascagni del Museo Anatomico, cos\uec come \ue8 stato fatto all\u2019Universit\ue0 di Pisa dove nell\u2019ambito del Museo di Anatomia Umana \u201cFilippo Civinini\u201d \ue8 stata allestita la Galleria Mascagni

    Nuclear Nox4-derived reactive oxygen species in myelodysplastic syndromes

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    A role for intracellular ROS production has been recently implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of a wide variety of neoplasias. ROS sources, such as NAD(P)H oxidase (Nox) complexes, are frequently activated in AML (acute myeloid leukemia) blasts and strongly contribute to their proliferation, survival, and drug resistance. Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis, with an increased propensity to develop AML. The molecular basis for MDS progression is unknown, but a key element in MDS disease progression is the genomic instability. NADPH oxidases are now recognized to have specific subcellular localizations, this targeting to specific compartments for localized ROS production. Local Nox-dependent ROS production in the nucleus may contribute to the regulation of redox-dependent cell growth, differentiation, senescence, DNA damage, and apoptosis. We observed that Nox1, 2, and 4 isoforms and p22phox and Rac1 subunits are expressed in MDS/AML cell lines and MDS samples, also in the nuclear fractions. Interestingly, Nox4 interacts with ERK and Akt1 within nuclear speckle domain, suggesting that Nox4 could be involved in regulating gene expression and splicing factor activity. These data contribute to the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms used by nuclear ROS to drive MDS evolution to AML

    Neural crest derived niche of human dental pulp stem cells promotes peripheral nerve regeneration and remyelination in animal model of critical sized sciatic nerve injury

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    ABSTRACT Peripheral nerve injuries are a commonly encountered clinical problem and often result in long-term functional defects. The use of stem cells, easily accessible, capable of rapid expansion in culture as well as fully integrate into the host tissue and capable to differentiate in myelinating cells of the peripheral nervous system, represent an attractive therapeutic approach for the treatment of nerve injuries. Farther, stem cells sources sharing the same embryological origin of Schwann cells, might be considered a suitable tool. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the ability of a neuroectodermal sub-population of STRO-1+/c-Kit+/CD34+ hDPSCs (1, 2), most of which being positive for neural crest (P75NTR) and neural progenitor cells (nestin) markers, to differentiate into Schwann cells-like cells in vitro and to promote axonal regeneration in vivo. As a matter of fact, following culture in appropriate induction medium, STRO-1+/c-Kit+/CD34+ hDPSCs were able to commit towards Schwann cells express- ing P75NTR, GFAP and S100b. After transplantation in animal model of sciatic nerve defect, hDPSCs promoted axonal regeneration from proximal to distal stumps, providing guidance to newly formed myelinated nerve fibers, which led to functional recovery as measured by sustained gait improvement. Particularly, transplanted hDP- SCs engrafted into critical sized sciatic nerve defect, as revealed by the positive stain- ing against human nuclei, showed the expression of typical Schwann cells markers, S100b and GFAP. In conclusion this study demonstrates that STRO-1+/c-Kit+/CD34+ hDPSCs, associated to neural crest derivation, represent a promising source of stem cells for the treatment of demyelinating disorders and might provide a valid alternative tool for future clinical applications to achieve functional recovery after injury or peripheral neuropathies besides minimizing ethical issues

    Human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs): isolation, enrichment and comparative differentiation of two sub-populations

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    Human dental pulp represents a suitable alternative source of stem cells for the purpose of cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine, because it is relatively easy to obtain it, using low invasive procedures. This study characterized and compared two subpopulations of adult stem cells derived from human dental pulp (hDPSCs). Human DPSCs, formerly immune-selected for STRO-1 and c-Kit, were separated for negativity and positivity to CD34 expression respectively, and evaluated for cell proliferation, stemness maintenance, cell senescence and multipotency

    Inhibition of nuclear nox4 activity by plumbagin: effect on proliferative capacity in human amniotic stem cells.

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    Human amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSC) with multilineage differentiation potential are novel source for cell therapy. However, in vitro expansion leads to senescence affecting differentiation and proliferative capacities. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been involved in the regulation of stem cell pluripotency, proliferation, and differentiation. Redox-regulated signal transduction is coordinated by spatially controlled production of ROS within subcellular compartments. NAD(P)H oxidase family, in particular Nox4, has been known to produce ROS in the nucleus; however, the mechanisms and the meaning of this function remain largely unknown. In the present study, we show that Nox4 nuclear expression (nNox4) increases during culture passages up to cell cycle arrest and the serum starvation causes the same effect. With the decrease of Nox4 activity, obtained with plumbagin, a decline of nuclear ROS production and of DNA damage occurs. Moreover, plumbagin exposure reduces the binding between nNox4 and nucleoskeleton components, as Matrin 3. The same effect was observed also for the binding with phospho-ERK, although nuclear ERK and P-ERK are unchanged. Taken together, we suggest that nNox4 regulation may have important pathophysiologic effects in stem cell proliferation through modulation of nuclear signaling and DNA damage

    Osteogenic Differentiation of hDPSCs on Biogenic Bone Apatite Thin Films

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    A previous study reported the structural characterization of biogenic apatite (BAp) thin films realized by a pulsed electron deposition system by ablation of deproteinized bovine bone. Thin films annealed at 400 degrees C exhibited composition and crystallinity degree very close to those of biogenic apatite; this affinity is crucial for obtaining faster osseointegration compared to conventional, thick hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings, for both orthopedics and dentistry. Here, we investigated the adhesion, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPCS) on as-deposited and heat-treated BAp and stoichiometric HA. First, we showed that heat-treated BAp films can significantly promote hDPSC adhesion and proliferation. Moreover, hDPSCs, while initially maintaining the typical fibroblast-like morphology and stemness surface markers, later started expressing osteogenic markers such as Runx-2 and OSX. Noteworthy, when cultured in an osteogenic medium on annealed BAp films, hDPSCs were also able to reach a more mature and terminal commitment, with respect to HA and as-deposited films. Our findings suggest that annealed BAp films not only preserve the typical biological properties of stemness of, hDPSCs but also improve their ability of osteogenic commitment

    Use of a 3D floating sphere culture system to maintain the neural crest-related properties of human dental pulp stem cells

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    Human dental pulp is considered an interesting source of adult stem cells, due to the low-invasive isolation procedures, high content of stem cells and its peculiar embryological origin from neural crest. Based on our previous findings, a dental pulp stem cells sub-population, enriched for the expression of STRO-1, c-Kit, and CD34, showed a higher neural commitment. However, their biological properties were compromised when cells were cultured in adherent standard conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of three dimensional floating spheres to preserve embryological and biological properties of this sub-population. In addition, the expression of the inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir4.1, Fas and FasL was investigated in 3D-sphere derived hDPSCs. Our data showed that 3D sphere-derived hDPSCs maintained their fibroblast-like morphology, preserved stemness markers expression and proliferative capability. The expression of neural crest markers and Kir4.1 was observed in undifferentiated hDPSCs, furthermore this culture system also preserved hDPSCs differentiation potential. The expression of Fas and FasL was observed in undifferentiated hDPSCs derived from sphere culture and, noteworthy, FasL was maintained even after the neurogenic commitment was reached, with a significantly higher expression compared to osteogenic and myogenic commitments. These data demonstrate that 3D sphere culture provides a favorable micro-environment for neural crest-derived hDPSCs to preserve their biological properties

    Human amniotic fluid-derived and dental pulp-derived stem cells seeded into collagen scaffold repair critical-size bone defects promoting vascularization

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    INTRODUCTION: The main aim of this study is to evaluate potential human stem cells, such as dental pulp stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells, combined with collagen scaffold to reconstruct critical-size cranial bone defects in an animal model. METHODS: We performed two symmetric full-thickness cranial defects on each parietal region of rats and we replenished them with collagen scaffolds with or without stem cells already seeded into and addressed towards osteogenic lineage in vitro. After 4 and 8 weeks, cranial tissue samples were taken for histological and immunofluorescence analysis. RESULTS: We observed a new bone formation in all of the samples but the most relevant differences in defect correction were shown by stem cell–collagen samples 4 weeks after implant, suggesting a faster regeneration ability of the combined constructs. The presence of human cells in the newly formed bone was confirmed by confocal analysis with an antibody directed to a human mitochondrial protein. Furthermore, human cells were found to be an essential part of new vessel formation in the scaffold. CONCLUSION: These data confirmed the strong potential of bioengineered constructs of stem cell–collagen scaffold for correcting large cranial defects in an animal model and highlighting the role of stem cells in neovascularization during skeletal defect reconstruction