223 research outputs found

    Interactive freehand sketching as the means for online communication of design intent in conceptual design conducted by Brainwriting

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    AbstractSketching is becoming an irrelevant activity of engineering studies. The availability of many software that aids designers in all phases of design, not only analytic but synthetic, push technicians, designers to use such tools, giving up the employment of a simple pencil and eraser on a sheet of paper. The productivity of software tools is obliged to speed and manage the whole design process; even freehand sketching remains the fundamental means to communicate the first ideas immediately. During Brainwriting sessions, the ability to explain by sketches first elaborations of a possible solution, that must be understood by co-designers, is the first step that allows more fruitful discussion and immediate adjustment towards a quick embodiment of valid proposals. The paper describes how such techniques has been introduced in the mechanical engineering curriculum. The case of study reports the experience of the Brainwriting online, which has been tested during lockdown due to the pandemic disease of COVID-19. Further in the paper it is suggested a new interpretation of the de Saussure general linguistic studies, in term of a communication that is associated to a drawing


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    Abstract. The contribution regards the surveying of two statues of famous contemporary sculptors that have been placed in the central zone of Cosenza, which has been transformed in an open air museum. To realize a 3-D representation of the museum, different methodologies have been used, based on classical surveying (total stations and GNSS), image data and range data. The increasing performances of the new models of Time Of Flight (T.O.F.) laser scanners allow to build accurate models also for medium-size objects; on the other hand, the recent techniques of 3D modeling enable the processing of large amount of data and the effective removal of noises. Thus, if an extreme accuracy is not required, one can think to use the T.O.F. laser scanner, also for the surveying of statues. For the acquisition of the surfaces of the statues, two different types of laser scanning have been used: the Leica Scan StationC10, based on Time Of Flight, and the Minolta VIVID 300 triangulation scanner. In the paper, the comparison between the results obtained by using the different techniques is described

    Adeguatezza della linfoadenectomia nel trattamento chirurgico del carcinoma del colon destro: analisi comparativa tra procedure laparotomiche e laparoscopiche

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    Il numero di linfonodi analizzati dipende da molteplici fattori che possono essere suddivisi in modificabili (tecnica chirurgica, accuratezza dell’esame istologico, tipo di ospedale) e non modificabili (obesità, età, sesso, fattori associati al tumore). Il nostro è uno studio retrospettivo che si pone l’obiettivo di evidenziare quanto alcuni di questi fattori influenzino la linfoadenectomia nell’emicolectomia destra e, se tali fattori, possano essere utilizzati preventivamente nella scelta della tecnica chirurgica più appropriata per il trattamento dei pazienti affetti da carcinoma del colon destro. Esso nasce dalle seguenti considerazioni: il numero di linfonodi esaminati nel trattamento chirurgico del carcinoma colico, in pazienti privi di metastasi a distanza alla diagnosi, è il fattore predittivo più importante di sopravvivenza a lungo termine; un maggior numero di linfonodi esaminati e un minore lymph node ratio correlano con una maggiore sopravvivenza a 5 anni dei pazienti operati; i risultati degli studi di Baxter et al del 2005 e di Bilimoria et al del 2008 hanno evidenziato che meno del 40% dei pazienti operati per carcinoma del colon ricevono un’adeguata linfoadenectomia (considerando come limite minimo 12 linfonodi esaminati

    Engaging in Product Development as Means to Understand the Basics of Design

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    AbstractTeaching product design is not a trivisal task. Considering the experience done along 20 years of teaching at master level class in mechanical engineering it is possible to take stock. The model followed is Project-Based Learning and this method can be licensed as the model that gives greater satisfaction to all attendees. Students give high score to the survey organized by university at the end of the course to assess didactic validity. Also, teachers have many stimuli when discussing with students the activities proposed. The course is based on the development of an industrial product that solves a problem, eventually posed by industry or emerged by customers. Based on the course schedule, the different phases of product development put in evidence the steps that require divergent thinking and those where it is necessary to employ convergent thinking. A case study allows explaining all the phases of product design

    Combination of antibodies directed against different ErbB3 surface epitopes prevents the establishment of resistance to BRAF/MEK inhibitors in melanoma

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    Patients with metastatic melanoma bearing V600 mutations in BRAF oncogene clinically benefit from the treatment with BRAF inhibitors alone or in combination with MEK inhibitors. However, a limitation to such treatment is the occurrence of resistance. Tackling the adaptive changes helping cells survive from drug treatment may offer new therapeutic opportunities. Very recently the ErbB3 receptor has been shown to act as a central node promoting survival of BRAF mutated melanoma. In this paper we first demonstrate that ErbB3/AKT hyperphosphorylation occurs in BRAF mutated melanoma cell lines following exposure to BRAF and/or MEK inhibitors. This strongly correlates with increased transcriptional activation of its ligand neuregulin. Anti-ErbB3 antibodies impair the establishment of de novo cell resistance to BRAF inhibition in vitro. In order to more potently ablate ErbB3 activity we used a combination of two anti-ErbB3 antibodies directed against distinct epitopes of its extracellular domain. These two antibodies in combo with BRAF/MEK inhibitors potently inhibit in vitro cell growth and tumor regrowth after drug withdrawal in an in vivo xenograft model. Importantly, residual tumor masses from mice treated by the antibodies and BRAF/ERK inhibitors combo are characterized almost exclusively by large necrotic areas with limited residual areas of tumor growth. Taken together, our findings support the concept that triple therapy directed against BRAF/MEK/ErbB3 may be able to provide durable control of BRAF mutated metastatic melanoma

    Performances Analysis of Titanium Prostheses Manufactured by Superplastic Forming and Incremental Forming

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    Abstract Titanium and its alloys are widely used in cranioplasty because they are biocompatible with excellent mechanical properties and favor the osseointegration with the bone. However, when Titanium alloys have to be worked several problems occurred from a manufacturing point of view: the standard procedure for obtaining Titanium prostheses is represented by the machining processes, which result time and cost consuming. The aim of this research consist to introduce alternative flexible sheet forming processes, i.e. Super Plastic Forming (SPF) and Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF), for the manufacturing of patient-oriented titanium prostheses. The research activities have already highlighted the potentiality of the investigated forming processes that can be alternatively used taking into account both the damage morphology and the need of urgency operation. In the present work, the way of manufacturing the Ti prostheses by SPF and SPIF is described. A comparative analysis has been performed, thus highlighting the peculiarities of the investigated processes and the prostheses feasibility

    Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT)

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    Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) was first described in 1999 and it has become a widespread technique performed worldwide. Although initially limited to benign thyroid nodules, MIVAT was progressively adopted for all types of thyroid diseases, while remaining within the selection criteria. It is reported that, in selected cases, MIVAT is comparable to standard open thyroidectomy (SOT) in terms of oncologic radicality, time, costs and complications rate, with the advantage of a better cosmetic result and a lower post-operative pain

    Evidence of key role of Cdk2 overexpression in pemphigus vulgaris

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    The pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is still poorly understood. Autoantibodies present in PV patients can promote detrimental effects by triggering altered transduction of signals, which results in a final acantholysis. To investigate mechanisms involved in PV, cultured keratinocytes were treated with PV serum. PV sera were able to promote the cell cycle progression, inducing the accumulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2). Microarray analysis on keratinocytes detected that PV serum induced important changes in genes coding for one and the same proteins with known biological functions involved in PV disease (560 differentially expressed genes were identified). Then, we used two different approaches to investigate the role of Cdk2. First, small interfering RNA depletion of Cdk2 prevented cell-cell detachment induced by PV sera. Second, pharmacological inhibition of Cdk2 activity through roscovitine prevented blister formation and acantholysis in the mouse model of the disease. In vivo PV serum was found to alter multiple different pathways by microarray analysis (1463 differentially expressed genes were identified). Major changes in gene expression induced by roscovitine were studied through comparison of effects of PV serum alone and in association with roscovitine. The most significantly enriched pathways were cell communication, gap junction, focal adhesion, adherens junction, and tight junction. Our data indicate that major Cdk2-dependent multiple gene regulatory events are present in PV. This alteration may influence the evolution of PV and its therapy. © 2008 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Influence of LV Neutral Grounding on Global Earthing Systems

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    International Standards define a Global Earthing System as an earthing net created interconnecting local Earthing Systems (generally through the shield of MV cables and/or bare buried conductors). In Italy, the regulatory authority for electricity and gas requires distributors to guarantee the electrical continuity of LV neutral conductor. This requirement has led to the standard practice of realizing “reinforcement groundings” along the LV neutral conductor path and at users' delivery cabinet. Moreover, in urban high-load scenarios (prime candidates to be part of a Global Earthing System), it is common that LV distribution scheme creates, through neutral conductors, an effective connection between grounding systems of MV/LV substations, modifying Global Earthing System consistency. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect, in terms of electrical safety, of the aforementioned LV neutral distribution scheme when an MV-side fault to ground occurs. For this purpose, simulations are carried out on a realistic urban test case and suitable evaluation indexes are proposed
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