4 research outputs found

    Dissecting the susceptibility/resistance mechanism of Vitis vinifera for the future control of downy mildew

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    23CO.NA.VI. 2020 – 8° Convegno Nazionale di Viticoltura, Udine, Italy, July 5-7, 2021openInternationalBothThe Eurasian grapevine (Vitis vinifera), a species cultivated worldwide for high-quality wine production, is extremely susceptible to the agent of downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola. Nevertheless, germplasm from Georgia (Southern Caucasus, the first grapevine domestication centre), characterized by a high genetic variability, showed resistance traits to P. viticola. The cultivar Mgaloblishvili exhibited the most promising phenotype in terms of resistance against P. viticola. Its defence response results in: i) low disease intensity; ii) low sporulation; iii) damaged mycelium; iv) production of antimicrobial compounds such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), whose effectiveness on the pathogen was evaluated by leafdisc assays. At the transcriptomic level, its resistance mechanism is determined by the differential expression of both resistance and susceptible genes. The resistance genes are related to: i) pathogen recognition through PAMP, DAMP and effector receptors; ii) ethylene signalling pathway; iii) synthesis of antimicrobial compounds (VOCs) and fungal wall degrading enzymes; iv) development of structural barriers (cell wall reinforcement). The first putative susceptible gene was the transcription factor VviLBDIf7 gene, whose validation was carried out by dsRNA (double-stranded RNA) assay. In this work, these unique results on plant-pathogen interaction are reviewed with the aim of developing new strategies to control the disease.openRicciardi, Valentina; Marcianò, Demetrio; Sargolzaei, Maryam; Marrone Fassolo, Elena; Fracassetti, Daniela; Brilli, Matteo; Moser, Mirko; Vahid, Shariati J.; Tavakole, Elahe; Maddalena, Giuliana; Passera, Alessandro; Casati, Paola; Pindo, Massimo; Cestaro, Alessandro; Costa, Alex; Bonza, Maria Cristina; Maghradze, David; Tirelli, Antonio; Failla, Osvaldo; Bianco, Piero Attilio; Quaglino, Fabio; Toffolatti, Silvia Laura; De Lorenzis, GabriellaRicciardi, V.; Marcianò, D.; Sargolzaei, M.; Marrone Fassolo, E.; Fracassetti, D.; Brilli, M.; Moser, M.; Vahid, S.J.; Tavakole, E.; Maddalena, G.; Passera, A.; Casati, P.; Pindo, M.; Cestaro, A.; Costa, A.; Bonza, M.C.; Maghradze, D.; Tirelli, A.; Failla, O.; Bianco, P.A.; Quaglino, F.; Toffolatti, S.L.; De Lorenzis, G

    Effect of the anandamide transporter inhibitor,AM404, on anxiety response in rats

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    There are many and contradictory reports on the interaction between cannabinoids and anxiety. Both cannabinoid agonists and antagonists have been shown to have anxiolytic- and anxiogenic-like behavioural reactions in rodents depending on the dose and the context (Onaivi et al. 1990; Crawley et al. 1993; Onaivi et al. 1995; Rodriguez de Fonseca, 1996; Navarro et al., 1997; Akinshola et al. 1999; Haller et al., 2002; Berrendero and Maldonado 2002;Valjent et al.. 2002; Haller et al. 2004). The aim of the present work was to further elucidate the role of endocannabinoid system in anxiety response. For this purpose, the anandamide transport inhibitor, AM 404 (2.5-10 mg/kg), and D9\u2013THC (0.015-1.5 mg/kg), previously evaluated in our laboratory for its reinforcing properties in a Conditioned Place Preference test (Braida et al., 2005), were studied in a plus-maze apparatus according to Pellow et al. (1985) The test length was 5 min and the total time spent in each arm and the number of arm entries were scored by trained observers in male Sprague-Dawley rats, 30 min after treatment. The role of the CB1 cannabinoid and opioid receptor was investigated pre-treating rats with SR 141716 (0.25-1 mg/kg) and naloxone (0.5-2 mg/kg), 10 min before D9\u2013THC or AM 404. Both D9\u2013THC (0.75 mg/kg) and AM 404 (10 mg/kg) significantly elevated the percentage of open arm entries and the time spent in the open arms, showing an anxiolytic activity. This effect was reversed by pre-treatment with SR 141716. An interaction with opioid system was also found. These findings further support a key role of endocannabinoid system in the regulation of emotional states

    Schede relative a: Lecce (parte urbanistica, fortificazioni, porte di città e piazze, arredo urbano), Acquarica del Capo, Alessano (scheda urbanistica), Alezio, Andrano, Bagnolo, Cannole (scheda urbanistica), Carpignano Salentino, Casarano (scheda urbanistica), Castrignano dei Greci, Castrignano del Capo (scheda urbanistica), Giuliano, Salignano, Santa Maria di Leuca, Corigliano d’Otranto, Corsano (scheda urbanistica), Diso (scheda urbanistica), Marittima, Gagliano (scheda urbanistica), Giuggianello (scheda urbanistica), Giurdignano, Merine, Melendugno (scheda urbanistica), Melissano, Specchia Gallone, Montesano Salentino, Morciano di Leuca (scheda urbanistica), Barbarano (scheda urbanistica), Nociglia, Patù, Vaste, Presicce, Salve, Ruggiano, Sannicola, Spongano, Sternatia, Taurisano (scheda urbanistica), Tiggiano, Tricase (scheda urbanistica), Caprarica del Capo, Depressa, Lucugnano, Sant’Eufemia, Tutino, Vernole (scheda urbanistica), Zollino

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