7,241 research outputs found

    Entanglement, BEC, and superfluid-like behavior of two-mode photon systems

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    A system of two interacting photon modes, without constraints on the photon number, in the presence of a Kerr nonlinearity, exhibits BEC if the transfer amplitude is greater than the mode frequency. A symmetry-breaking field (SBF) can be introduced by taking into account a classical electron current. The ground state, in the limit of small nonlinearity, becomes a squeezed state, and thus the modes become entangled. The smaller is the SBF, the greater is entanglement. Superfluid-like behavior is observed in the study of entanglement growth from an initial coherent state, since in the short-time range the growth does not depend on the SBF amplitude, and on the initial state amplitude. On the other hand, the latter is the only parameter which determines entanglement in the absence of the SBF

    Teleportation on a quantum dot array

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    We present a model of quantum teleportation protocol based on a double quantum dot array. The unknown qubit is encoded using a pair of quantum dots, coupled by tunneling, with one excess electron. It is shown how to create maximally entangled states with this kind of qubits using an adiabatically increasing Coulomb repulsion between different pairs. This entangled states are exploited to perform teleportation again using an adiabatic coupling between them and the incoming unknown state. Finally, a sudden separation of Bob's qubit enables a time evolution of Alice's state providing a modified version of standard Bell measurement. Substituting the four quantum dots entangled state with a chain of coupled DQD's, a quantum channel with high fidelity arises from this scheme allowing the transmission over long distances.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Kf evaluation in GFRP composites by thermography

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    Since the presence of a notch in a mechanical component causes a reduction in the fatigue strength, it is important to know the kf value for a given notch geometry and material. This parameter is fundamental in the fatigue design of aeronautical components that are mainly made of composites. kf is available in the literature for numerous types of notch but only for traditional materials such as metals. This paper presents a new practice, based on thermographic data, for the determination of the fatigue notch coefficient kf in composite notched specimens. The innovative aspect of this study is therefore to propose the application on composite materials of a new thermographic procedure to determine kf for several notch geometries: circular, U and V soft and severe notches. It was calculated, for each type of notch, as the ratio between the fatigue limits obtained on the cold and hot zone corresponding to the smooth and notched specimen, respectively. Consequently, this research activity provides, for the first time, a little database of kf for two particular typologies of composite materials showing a fast way to collect further values for different laminates and notch geometries

    Singularities of Nonlinear Elliptic Systems

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    Through Morrey's spaces (plus Zorko's spaces) and their potentials/capacities as well as Hausdorff contents/dimensions, this paper estimates the singular sets of nonlinear elliptic systems of the even-ordered Meyers-Elcrat type and a class of quadratic functionals inducing harmonic maps.Comment: 18 pages Communications in Partial Differential Equation

    Regularity of higher codimension area minimizing integral currents

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    This lecture notes are an expanded version of the course given at the ERC-School on Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis, held in Pisa, September 30th - October 30th 2013. The lectures aim to explain the main steps of a new proof of the partial regularity of area minimizing integer rectifiable currents in higher codimension, due originally to F. Almgren, which is contained in a series of papers in collaboration with C. De Lellis (University of Zurich).Comment: This text will appear in "Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis", pp. 131--192, Proceedings of the ERC school in Pisa (2013), L. Ambrosio Ed., Edizioni SNS (CRM Series

    Modeling of Saharan dust outbreaks over the Mediterranean by RegCM3: case studies

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    Abstract. The regional climate model RegCM3 coupled with a radiatively active aerosol model with online feedback is used to investigate direct and semi-direct radiative aerosol effects over the Sahara and Europe in a test case of July 2003. The aerosol model includes dust particles in addition to sulfates, hydrophobic and hydrophilic black carbon and organic carbon. The role of the aerosol online feedback on the radiation budget and the direct radiative forcing (short-wave and long-wave) by dust particles are investigated by intercomparing results from three experiments: REF, including all interactive aerosol components, Exp1, not accounting for the aerosol radiative feedback, and Exp2 not accounting for desert dust particles. The comparison of results in the REF experiment with satellite observations, sun/sky radiometer measurements, and lidar profiles at selected Central Mediterranean sites reveals that the spatio-temporal evolution of the aerosol optical depth is reasonably well reproduced by the model during the entire month of July. Results for the dust outbreaks of 17 and 24 July, averaged over the simulation domain, show that the daily-mean SW direct radiative forcing by all particles is −24 Wm−2 and −3.4 Wm−2 on 17 July and −25 Wm−2 and −3.5 Wm−2 on 24 July at the surface and top of the atmosphere, respectively. This is partially offset by the LW direct radiative forcing, which is 7.6 Wm−2 and 1.9 Wm−2 on 17 July and 8.4 Wm−2 and 1.9 Wm−2 on 24 July at the surface and top of the atmosphere, respectively. Hence, the daily-mean SW forcing is offset by the LW forcing of ~30% at the surface and of ~50% at the ToA. It is also shown that atmospheric dynamics and hence dust production and advection processes are dependent on the simulation assumptions and may significantly change within few tens of kilometers. The comparison of REF and Exp1 shows that the aerosol online feedback on the radiation budget decreases the domain-average daily-mean value of the 2 m-temperature, aerosol column burden (CB), and short-wave (SW) atmospheric forcing by −0.52 °C, 14%, and 0.9%, respectively on 17 July and by −0.39 °C, 12% and 12%, respectively on 24 July. The comparison of REF and Exp2 reveals that on 17 July, radiatively-active dust particles decrease the daily-mean 2 m-temperature averaged over the whole simulation domain by 0.4% even if are responsible for 99.8% and 97% of the daily-mean aerosol column burden and SW atmospheric forcing, respectively

    A semi-automatic methodology for tire’s wear evaluation

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    In this work, the authors aim at developing a reliable and fast methodology to evaluate the wear evolution in tire starting from a complete optical 3D scanning. Starting from a data cloud, a semi-automatic methodology was implemented in MATLAB to extract mean tread radial profiles in correspondence of the desired angular position of the tire. These profiles could be numerically evaluated to establish the presence of irregular wear and the characteristic parameter of the groove depth. The reliability and the robustness of this methodology was firstly tested by applying it to several synthetic case studies modeled in CATIA V5®, where ovalization and presence of defects were also simulated. The groove depth was determined with an error lower than 1% for the ideal model, while the introduction of ovalization and defects leaded to an error of 2.6% in the worst condition. In a second time, the methodology has been successfully applied to experimental measurements carried out in two different wear life of the tire, allowing the tracking of the wear phenomena through the evaluation of the progressive lowering of tread radial profiles

    Ontogenetic shift in the trophic role of the invasive killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus: a stable isotope study

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    none5noThe introduction of the amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus in European fresh waters is to date recognized as a threat to the integrity of invaded communities. Predation by D. villosus on native benthic invertebrates is assumed as the key determinant of its ecological impact, yet available information describe the species as a primary consumer as well as a carnivore depending on local conditions. Here, we assessed the trophic position (TP) of D. villosus in Lake Trasimeno, a recently invaded lentic system in central Italy, using the CN isotopic signatures of individuals captured in winter spanning two orders of magnitude in body size. TP estimations were compared with those characterizing the native amphipod Echinogammarus veneris and other representative invertebrate predators. On average, D. villosus showed a trophic position higher than E. veneris, and comparable with that of odonate nymphs. An in-depth analysis revealed that large-sized individuals had a trophic position of 3.07, higher than odonates and close to that of the hirudinean predator Erpobdella octoculata, while small-sized specimens had a trophic position of 2.57, similar to that of E. veneris (2.41). These findings indicate that size-related ontogenetic shifts in dietary habits may per se vary the nature of the interaction between Dikerogammarus villosus and native invertebrates from competition to predation. Information collated from published isotopic studies corroborated the generality of our results. We conclude that intra-specific trophic flexibility may potentially amplify and make more multifaceted the impact of the species on other invertebrate species in invaded food webs.openMancini F.; De Giorgi R.; Ludovisi A.; Vizzini S.; Mancinelli G.Mancini, F.; De Giorgi, R.; Ludovisi, A.; Vizzini, S.; Mancinelli, G

    Experimental Detection of Entanglement with Polarized Photons

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    We report on the first experimental realization of the entanglement witness for polarization entangled photons. It represents a recently discovered significant quantum information protocol which is based on few local measurements. The present demonstration has been applied to the so-called Werner states, a family of ''mixed'' quantum states that include both entangled and non entangled states. These states have been generated by a novel high brilliance source of entanglement which allows to continuously tune the degree of mixedness
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