4 research outputs found


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    Dandanes organizacije vse več pozornosti namenjajo skrbi za zaposlene ter njihove družine z namenom, da bi zaposleni lažje usklajevali delo in družino. Mladi ter iskalci zaposlitve pa vse več pozornosti namenjajo organizacijam, ki so »družinam prijazne«, ali pa nudijo ukrepe za lažje usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja, saj današnje zaposlitve od zaposlenih zahtevajo vse več časa, hkrati pa se je potrebno posvečati tudi svoji družini in otrokom. Namen diplomskega dela je bil proučiti usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja, analizirati certifikata Družini prijazno podjetje (DPP) in Investors in People (IIP) ter na podlagi opravljene raziskave analizirati usklajenost poklicnega in družinskega življenja in možnosti glede uvedbe certifikata DPP in IIP v organizaciji Belimed d.o.o. Teoretični del diplomskega dela temelji na metodi študije domače in tuje literature. Raziskava diplomskega dela je bila opravljena s pomočjo metode anketiranja in intervjuja z vodjo kadrovske službe, ki se je nanašal na temo usklajevanja poklicnega in družinskega življenja. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da večji del sodelujočih nima otrok ali oskrbovanih družinskih članov, tisti, ki pa imajo družino in otroke, pa so mnenja, da želja po karieri ali neodložljive potrebe delovnega mesta niso vplivale na njihovo odločitev za družino. Večina sodelujočih v raziskavi trdi, da se zaradi obveznosti v službi premalo posvečajo svoji družini in otrokom. Za lažje usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja v organizaciji Belimed d.o.o. se predlaga uvedba certifikata DPP, saj so sodelujoči v raziskavi našteli potrebne ukrepe za lažje usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja, ki jih omogoča ta certifikat.Nowadays, organisations pay particular attention to care of the employees and their families so that they can more easily reconcile work and family. Young people and job seekers also place more emphasis on “family-friendly” organisations or organisations that offer measures for facilitating the coordination of work and family life because the jobs of today require more time from the employees, but they still have to focus on their family and children at the same time. The aim of the thesis was therefore to examine the coordination of work and family life, analyse the Family Friendly Enterprise (DPP) and Investors in People (IIP) certificates based on a conducted research, the aim of which was to analyse the coordination of work and family life along with the options for introducing the DPP and IIP certificates at Belimed d.o.o. The theoretical part is based on a review of Slovenian and foreign literature. The research was conducted through an interview with the Head of Human Resources about reconciling work and family life. It was found that the vast majority of the respondents have no children or dependants, whereas those who have family and children believe that their career aspirations or needs related to work that cannot be postponed had no effect on their decision to start a family. Nevertheless, most of them believe they pay too little attention to their families and children due to work obligations. In order to better reconcile work and family life at Belimed d.o.o., we propose the introduction of the DPP certificate because the participants in the research listed the measures needed to coordinate work and family life, which is enabled under this certificate


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    Obdavčitev je pravno dejanje, ki ga opravi pristojni davčni organ tako, da izda davčno odločbo, kjer v izreku na temelju davčne osnove uporabi davčno tarifo. Prevozna sredstva so obdavčena z naslednjimi dajatvami: · davkom na dodano vrednost v skladu z določili Zakona o davku na dodano vrednost in Pravilnika o izvajanju zakona o davku na dodano vrednost· davkom na motorna vozila v skladu z določili Zakona o davku na motorna vozila· davkom na vodna plovila v skladu z določili Zakona o davku na vodna plovila· dodatnim davkom od plovil v skladu z določili Zakona za uravnoteženje javnih financ· dodatnim davkom na motorna vozila v skladu z določili Zakona za uravnoteženje javnih financ· okoljsko dajatvijo za onesnaževanje okolja zaradi nastajanja izrabljenih motornih vozil v skladu z določili Uredbe o okoljski dajatvi za onesnaževanje okolja zaradi nastajanja izrabljenih motornih vozil.Taxation is a legal act carried out by the competent tax administration by issuing a notice of assessment where in its enactment a tariff is used on the foundation of the taxable amount. The supply of vehicles shall be subject to these types of taxes: • Value Added Tax under the provisions of the Value Added Tax Act, and the Rules implementing the Value Added Tax Act• Motor Vehicles Tax under the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Tax Act• Water Vessels Tax under the provisions of the Water Vessels Tax Act• Additional tax on water vessels under the provisions of the Act on balancing the public finances• Additional tax on motor vehicles under the provisions of the Act on balancing the public finances• Environmental tax for pollution of the environment due to the generation of end-of-life vehicles under the provisions of the Decree on environmental tax on the generation of end-of-life vehicles

    A prospective phase II study evaluating intraoperative electrochemotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The aim of this clinical study was to investigate the effectiveness and long-term safety of electrochemotherapy as an emerging treatment for HCC in patients not suitable for other treatment options. A prospective phase II clinical study was conducted in patients with primary HCC who were not suitable for other treatment options according to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer classification. A total of 24 patients with 32 tumors were treated by electrochemotherapy. The procedure was effective, feasible, and safe with some procedure-related side effects. The responses of the 32 treated nodules were: 84.4% complete response (CR), 12.5% partial response (PR), and 3.1% stable disease (SD). The treatment was equally effective for nodules located centrally and peripherally. Electrochemotherapy provided a durable response with local tumor control over 50 months of observation in 78.0% of nodules. The patient responses were: 79.2% CR and 16.6% PR. The median progression-free survival was 12 months (range 2.7–50), and the overall survival over 5 years of observation was 72.0%. This prospective phase II clinical study showed that electrochemotherapy was an effective, feasible, and safe option for treating HCC in patients not suitable for other treatment options

    Safety and feasibility of electrochemotherapy of the pancreas in a porcine model

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    Objectives: The use of thermal ablative therapies in the pancreatic tumors is limited because of the risk of the vessel injury and potential pancreatitis or fistula formation. Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is an ablative therapy with established role in the treatment of cutaneous and liver tumors. This study was designed to evaluate the safety and feasibility of ECT of the pancreas in a porcine survival model. Methods: In the first group, 4 animals underwent computed tomography (CT)%guided percutaneous ECT with bleomycin of the pancreatic tail. In the second group (4 animals), the intraoperative ECTwith bleomycin of pancreatic tail and head was performed. Animals were followed for 7 days and then killed. Clinical parameters, CT imaging, laboratory, and histologic analysis were performed. Results: All pigs survived the ECT procedure and none of them developed clinical signs of acute pancreatitis or related complications. There were no signs of acute pancreatitis or damage to the large vessels present in the follow-up CT scans. No significant change in laboratory parameters was obtained after procedure. Conclusions: This study shows that ECT with bleomycin is feasible and safe in the pancreatic parenchyma. Clinical studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of ECT in pancreatic cancer