7 research outputs found

    Development of the Bi-Partite Gal4-UAS System in the African Malaria Mosquito, Anopheles gambiae

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    Functional genetic analysis in Anopheles gambiae would be greatly improved by the development of a binary expression system, which would allow the more rapid and flexible characterisation of genes influencing disease transmission, including those involved in insecticide resistance, parasite interaction, host and mate seeking behaviour. The Gal4-UAS system, widely used in Drosophila melanogaster functional genetics, has been significantly modified to achieve robust application in several different species. Towards this end, previous work generated a series of modified Gal4 constructs that were up to 20 fold more active than the native gene in An. gambiae cells. To examine the Gal4-UAS system in vivo, transgenic An. gambiae driver lines carrying a modified Gal4 gene under the control of the carboxypeptidase promoter, and responder lines carrying UAS regulated luciferase and eYFP reporter genes have been created. Crossing of the Gal4 and UAS lines resulted in progeny that expressed both reporters in the expected midgut specific pattern. Although there was minor variation in reporter gene activity between the different crosses examined, the tissue specific expression pattern was consistent regardless of the genomic location of the transgene cassettes. The results show that the modified Gal4-UAS system can be used to successfully activate expression of transgenes in a robust and tissue specific manner in Anopheles gambiae. The midgut driver and dual reporter responder constructs are the first to be developed and tested successfully in transgenic An. gambiae and provide the basis for further advancement of the system in this and other insect species

    Adaptive Evolution of Deep-Sea Amphipods from the Superfamily Lysiassanoidea in the North Atlantic

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    In this study we reconstruct phylogenies for deep sea amphipods from the North Atlantic in order to test hypotheses about the evolutionary mechanisms driving speciation in the deep sea. We sequenced five genes for specimens representing 21 families. Phylogenetic analyses showed incongruence between the molecular data and morphological taxonomy, with some morphologically distinct taxa showing close molecular similarity. Approximate dating of nodes based on available calibration suggested adaptation to the deep sea around the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary, with three identified lineages within the deep-sea radiation dating to the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Two of those lineages contained species currently classified in multiple families. We reconstructed ancestral nodes based on the mouthpart characters that define trophic guilds (also used to establish the current taxonomy), and show a consistent transition at the earliest node defining the deep-sea lineage, together with increasing diversification at more recent nodes within the deep-sea lineage. The data suggest that the divergence of species was adaptive, with successive diversification from a non-scavenging ancestor to ‘opportunistic’, ‘obligate’ and ‘specialised’ scavengers. We propose that the North Atlantic species studied provide a strong case for adaptive evolution promoted by ecological opportunity in the deep sea