2,149 research outputs found

    An e-learning platform for delivering educational contents in a school environment

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    Learning is a continuous process, without end, which takes place throughout life, and is the result of the interaction of an individual with a physical external environment, a social context or with herself. In what new technologies may help improving and making more effective the interaction of an individual during his learning process? This paper describes the use of a platform for delivering educational contents to students, to put theories into practice through the use of an LMS and highlight the strengths and weaknesses that have these learning tools in a school environment, in which - besides its formative aspect - upbringing is important.learning management system, digital contents.

    Green jobs from a small state perspective : case studies from Malta

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    The green industry is facing growth due to various economical, social, political and environmental factors. This paper provides the context of innovative technologies within the local manufacturing green industry, in particular those related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. In exploring what constitutes a smart specialisation strategy, a consultation process with key players from different pillars of interest, mainly: Academia, Industry, Government, Political Parties and Public NGOs, was conducted in an effort to identify a range of different perspectives and understandings of such a strategy at a local level. This process was mapped onto a SWOT analysis and Scenario Planning exercise, highlighting the present context of the local green manufacturing industry. This research concluded by drawing on this research to identify a general framework for developing a specialisation strategy and approach for eco-innovation for small countries like Malta.peer-reviewe

    Female Fan Avidity in the National Football League

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    Women have become increasingly interested in sports. Significantly so with the National Football League, 44% of NFL fans are female fans (Waller, 2013). This new found fandom has abruptly changed the demographic and target market of the sports fan base. Therefore, there has not been a significant amount of research done on the level of fan avidity of females. My goal was to observe the female NFL fan base and help to determine what level of avidity females were considered

    De- and Re-mineralisation of Human Dental Enamel Using Single Sections

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    Optimal fluoride treatment regimes have not yet been established, despite many years of investigation. Accordingly, the main aims of this thesis were (i) to develop an in vitro pH cycling model to investigate the effects of fluoride concentration on de-/ remineralisation and (ii) to further develop an in situ model for studying these factors in the natural oral environment. Microradiography and computerised microdensitometry were the techniques employed for assessing mineral content in human dental enamel sections. The first study showed no significant differences in demineralisation between bulk and thin sections of enamel. This was important as the ability to use thin enamel sections in de-/ remineralisation studies enables the mineral content to be measured, before, during and after the experiment, thereby overcoming the problem of inhomogeneity and enabling small changes in mineral content to be accurately assessed. Many laboratory systems are available for producing artificial subsurface carious lesions. In a comparative study, it was shown that solution-prepared artificial carious lesions were more responsive to de-/remineralisation processes than lesions prepared by a gelatin system and therefore better suited for studies incorporating the use of fluoride. For this reason, calcium phosphate solutions were used throughout this project to prepare subsurface lesions and to simulate de-/ remineralisation conditions. Current knowledge suggests that fluoride must be present in the aqueous phase to inhibit demineralisation and to enhance remineralisation. A pH cycling study incorporating pre-formed artificial carious lesions was employed to mimic the elevated baseline salivary fluoride levels which are known to be present in the mouth with frequent use of a fluoride agent (eg. pastes or rinses). The results showed that the pre-formed lesions responded significantly to increase in fluoride concentration in the remineralising solutions thus demonstrating the importance of frequency of fluoride application. The importance of the transient high fluoride levels, present in the mouth immediately after topical fluoride application were also investigated using in vitro pH cycling. A daily five minute exposure of the enamel specimens to neutral sodium fluoride solutions of different concentrations resulted in net remineralisation. However, solutions containing fluoride concentrations greater than 500 ppm did not produce any further significant increase in remineralisation, thereby indicating an optimium fluoride concentration at around 500 ppm. Much attention has recently been given to in situ studies which provide a natural environment for the study of caries preventive substances. The sensitivity of an in situ model was improved by using solution-prepared lesions which are more responsive than gelatin-prepared lesions, and by increasing the number of volunteers. This superior study allowed a fluoride dose-response relationship with sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrices to be demonstrated. In addition, significant differences between the two sides of the mouth could be measured as well as marked variations between volunteers in response to fluoridated and non-fluoridated pastes. The in vitro and in situ studies described in this project should be useful in complementing results from caries clinical trials which are the ultimate means of validating caries-preventive treatments


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    La bentonite e altri minerali argillosi sono ampiamente utilizzati come additivi per mangimi negli allevamenti lattiferi per contrastare la contaminazione da micotossine dei mangimi, che influisce negativamente sulla salute e sulla produzione degli animali e rappresenta un grave rischio per i consumatori. Tuttavia, alcuni studi hanno riportato potenziali effetti indesiderati dei minerali argillosi in diverse specie animali e colture cellulari e, sulla base di osservazioni aneddotiche fatte dai casari, si teme che la bentonite possa influire negativamente sulle caratteristiche del latte vaccino e sulla produzione di formaggio. Inoltre, i minerali argillosi sembrano in grado di interagire con il microbiota intestinale e ruminale. Pertanto, lo scopo della presente tesi è stato quello di indagare i possibili effetti negativi della somministrazione di bentonite nelle vacche da latte. In particolare, sono stati condotti tre diversi esperimenti: due in vitro per valutare le potenziali interferenze di una bentonite commerciale sulle fermentazioni ruminali e uno in vivo su vacche da latte Holstein in lattazione per indagare i possibili effetti collaterali di questo additivo sulla salute, la fisiologia e la produzione degli animali e sulle caratteristiche e le proprietà casearie del latte. In questi studi sono stati applicati diversi metodi analitici, comprese le “Omics”. I risultati ottenuti suggeriscono che la bentonite può ridurre significativamente la produzione ruminale di gas in vitro, perlomeno alla dose più elevata utilizzata nell’esperimento. Inoltre, la bentonite ha prodotto lievi modifiche del metaboloma e del contenuto minerale (soprattutto microelementi) del liquido del rumine sia in vitro che in vivo, anche ai dosaggi stabiliti dalla normativa dell'Unione Europea. Tuttavia, i meccanismi omeostatici delle bovine sono sembrati in grado di contrastare questi lievi cambiamenti nel rumine, dal momento che sono stati riscontrati effetti trascurabili o nulli della bentonite sul metaboloma e sul contenuto minerale del plasma e del latte, nonché sugli altri parametri considerati (ossia indicatori generali della salute e della produzione animale, biomarcatori dello stress ossidativo, qualità e sottopopolazioni leucocitarie del latte, proteoma e peptidoma e proprietà di caseificazione del latte). In conclusione, la somministrazione di bentonite può essere considerata una pratica sicura negli allevamenti lattiferi in termini di salute e produzione animale, caratteristiche del latte per il consumo umano e proprietà di caseificazione del latte, almeno alle dosi prescritte dall'Unione Europea e per brevi periodi di trattamento. Sarebbero necessari ulteriori studi per valutare i possibili effetti collaterali della somministrazione a lungo termine della bentonite nelle vacche da latte.Bentonite and other clay minerals are largely used as feed additives in dairy farms in order to counteract the mycotoxin contamination of feed, which negatively affects animal health and production and represents a serious risk for consumers. However, some studies reported potential undesirable effects of clay minerals in different animal species and cell cultures and, based on anecdotical observations made by cheesemakers, there is concern that bentonite may negatively affect cow milk characteristics and cheesemaking. Moreover, clay minerals appear capable of interacting with the gut and ruminal microbiota. Therefore, the aim of the present dissertation was to investigate possible negative effects of bentonite administration in dairy cows. In particular, three different experiments were conducted: two in vitro experiments evaluated potential interferences of a commercial bentonite on ruminal fermentations and one in vivo experiment was performed in lactating Holstein dairy cows to investigate any possible side effects of this additive on animal health, physiology, and production and on milk characteristics and cheesemaking properties. In these studies, many different analytical methods were applied, including Omics. The results obtained suggest that bentonite can significantly reduce ruminal gas production in vitro, at least at the higher dose used in the experiment. Moreover, bentonite produced slight modifications of the metabolome and mineral content (mainly microelements) of the rumen fluid both in vitro and in vivo, also at the dosages set by the European Union regulation. However, cows’ homeostatic mechanisms seemed able to counteract these slight changes in rumen, as negligible or no effects of bentonite were found on the metabolome and mineral content of plasma and milk as well as on the others parameters considered (i.e. general indicators of animal health and production, oxidative stress biomarkers, milk quality and leukocyte subpopulations, milk proteome and peptidome, and milk cheesemaking properties). In conclusion, bentonite administration can be considered a safe practice in dairy farms in terms of animal health and production, milk characteristics for human consumption, and milk cheesemaking properties, at least at the doses prescribed by the European Union and for short periods. Further studies would be needed to evaluate possible side effects of long-term administration of bentonite in dairy cows

    Corneal grafting at St. Luke`s Hospital

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    A corneal graft is a resection of a part of a diseased and opaque cornea, and its substitution by a clear fragment of equal size taken from a healthy cornea of a person who has just died. This is a report on corneal graft operations carried on at St. Luke's Hospital, Malta in 1969 and 1975. For the first time in Malta, fresh corneal tissue was used from eyes of patients in St. Luke's Hospital. We are very grateful to the relatives of these patients. The case suffering from dendritic ulcer operated upon for the third time is still doing well six months after the operation.peer-reviewe

    Muscular reinforcement in convergent strabismus

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    Between 1966 and 1970, forty-one cases of unilateral convergent strabismus and three cases of divergent strabismus were operated upon by the technique suggested by Malbran. Most of the cases had shown a severe degree of amblyopia and weakness of the External Rectus. In this technique, the muscle is twisted around its longitudinal axis the required amount of turns according to the degree of deviation, and attached again to its original insertion. There is no cutting of the muscle tendon. The results were very satisfactory, showing a marked strengthening of the action of the External Rectus. It is suggested that in order to obtain reinforcement of an ocular muscle, resection should be replaced by a screw-like twisting of the muscle.peer-reviewe

    The electrocautery in the treatment of cicatricial entropion and trichiasis

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    A new technique is described, where in cases of cicatricial entropion of the upper lid, the electrocautery is used instead of the scalpel to excise a wedge-shaped band from the deformed tarsus in order to restore to a normal position the inturned lid border. This technique is considered to be simpler and easier to carry out than paring the deformed tarsus by means of a scalpel. Moreover, the induced fibrous tissue contraction after the application of the electrocautery, is another factor in favour of this technique. Eight cases were operated upon in this way. The results were satisfactory. In one case, a good result was obtained even without the use of sutures.peer-reviewe

    A case of oculo-auriculo-vertebral dysplasia

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    This is a report on a case of Goldenhar syndrome. It shows the usual association of auricular appendages, epibulbar dermoid and vertebral abnormalities. A case of oculo-auriculo-vertebral dysplasia is described: a girl, now aged 12, was reported at birth to have two “supernumerary ears”, two nodular appendages in front of the tragus of the left ear. The two nodules were eventually excised; however, she was operated again for a growth in the canthus of the left eye. Examination showed the presence of a greyish red dermolipoma, occupying the whole extent of the outer canthus for a distance of 5 mm from the angle. There was no impairment of movement of the external Rectus. Apparently, the growth has passed unnoticed for all these years and lately has increased in size.peer-reviewe

    The electrocautery sclerocorneal puncture in the treatment of the glaucomas

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    This paper was read at the 53rd Annual meeting of the Societa` Oftalmologica Italiana held on the 26th-29th September, 1971. A survey covering a ten year period of cases of glaucoma operated upon by means of the sclerocorneal, electrocautery puncture is presented. One hundred and fifteen eyes with chronic open angle glaucoma were operated upon at St. Luke`s Hospital Malta during the period 1960-1970. All these cases presented extensive field losses and deep cupping. Surgery was resorted to because of continuous field loss in spite of medical treatment. A considerable number of cases operated upon for chronic open angle glaucoma and acute glaucoma were suffering from diabetes mellitus. In no case was any sign ever found of proliferative retinopathy. The main advantages of the use of electrocautery are the simplicity of the technique and the absence of any complications. The results were very satisfactory.peer-reviewe
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