540 research outputs found

    Pedofilia dan Kekerasan Seksual: Masalah dan Perlindungan terhadap Anak

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    Maraknya kasus kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, khususnya pedofilia telah menyedot perhatian masyarakat yangakhirnya membuat pemerintah menyatakan bahwa pada tahun 2014 merupakan Tahun Darurat Kekerasan Seksualterhadap Anak. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan memberikan gambaran dan juga pemikiran mengenai pedofilia sebagaikekerasan seksual terhadap anak, serta diharapkan mampu menjadi titik tolak pembuatan kebijakan perlindungan anakdari kekerasan seksual. Tulisan ini merupakan studi literatur yang menempatkan pedofilia sebagai masalah serius yangharus segera ditangani oleh seluruh aspek pemerintahan yaitu masyarakat, dunia usaha, dan pemerintah itu sendiri baikitu pemerintah pusat maupun daerah. Langkah penyelamatan anak dari kejahatan seksual mulai dari jaminan hukumyang ketat dan tegas sampai dukungan sosial dari masyarakat. Kementerian Sosial RI melalui LKSA berkomitmenmenjadi garda terdepan dalam pencegahan kekerasan dan perlindungan anak. Perlu kerjasama yang simultan danmenyeluruh dari orangtua, masyarakat sekitar, dan aparat pemerintah untuk menjamin berhasilnya perlindungan anak

    The Characteristics of Conveyor Belt of Rubber Compound by Using Coconut Shell Charcoal as the Filler

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    A research have been conducted about the characteristics of belt conveyor by using coconut shell charcoal filler material. The study aims to compare the physical properties of rubber compound for belt conveyor using coconut shell charcoal filler with carbon black filler material. The composition of rubber compound consist of natural rubber, polymer, mineral oils, TBBS, coconut shell charcoal and carbon black. Substitution of coconut shell charcoal to carbon black was done by varying the weight of coconut shell charcoal for 25 phr, 35 phr and 50 phr for comparison, data characteristic of belt conveyor rubber compound using carbon black type for ISAF, HAF, and FEF is used. The results showed the use of coconut shell charcoal as filler for belt conveyor compound has not been able to provide good physical properties such as carbon black. The highest physical properties of compound is obtained at the weight of coconut shell charcoal at 50 phr with the value of tensile strength (70 kg/cm2), elongation at break (320%), tear resistance (36 kg/cm2), hardness (62 shore A) and abrasion resistance (1.1 mm/kgm)

    Pengaruh Getaran Pada Struktur Bangunan Satu Tingkat Akibat Gerakan Manusia

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    Kriteria-kriteria yang harus diperhatikan dalam perencanaan suatu bangunan diantaranya adalah kekakuan, kekuatan, kestabilan, kelenturan dan keekonomisan. Ada satu kriteria yang seringkali terlupakan dalam perencanaan suatu bangunan, yaitu masalah getaran yang sangat berdampakterhadap Kenyamanan penghuni bangunan itu sendiri. Analisis getaran dilakukan pada beberapa tipe pelat, balok induk, dan kolom dengan variasi pada ukuran dimensi. Pembahasan hanya dilakukan terhadap bangunan kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, dan tempat ibadah. Berbagai macam standar untuk Kenyamanan manusia telah ada sejak bertahun-tahun lamanya, termasuk sejarah singkat perkembangan standar umum yang digunakan di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa. Batasanpuncak percepatan untuk bangunan kantor, pusat perbelanjaan dan tempat ibadah berdasarkan panduan Steel Design Guide 11th Series “Floor Vibration due to Human Activity” adalah 0,5 %; 1,5 %; dan 0,5 %. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan panduan Steel Design Guide 11th Series “Floor Vibration due to Human Activity” di mana standar ini juga didasari oleh ISO 2631/1-1985 dan ISO 2631/2-1989 dan dengan bantuan program ETABS V9.5. Melalui program ini akan diperolehperiode getar dan berat struktur dari pemodelan bangunan yang dibuat. Disini diketahui dimensi minimum dari ketebalan pelat, balok induk dan kolom serta nilai perkiraan puncak percepatan getaran yang masih berada dalam batas toleransi sesuai dengan peraturan Steel Design Guide 11th Series

    Pengaruh Kecukupan Modal dan Kompetisi terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia

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    This study is conducted to analyze the influence of capital adequacy and competition against sharia banks' profitability. This study applied census method , where study's population was all sharia bank enlisted in Bank of Indonesia within 2013 until 2015 period. Data used in this study were secondary data.Results of this study show that capital adequacy and competition together influenced sharia banks' profitability. Partially, capital adequacy had negative influence against banks' profitability while competition had positive influence against sharia banks' profitability. Keywords— Capital Adequacy Ratio, Competition, Profitability (ROA)

    The Influence of Education Level, Training, and Performance Appraisal Towards Career Development (Study: PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Manado)

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    Career development is a condition that indicates the status of a person improvement in an organization in a career path that has established within the organization concern. There are several factors that can make employee achieve their career development include education level, training, and performance appraisal. The objective of the study is to know the influence of education level, training, and performance appraisal towards career development at PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Manado. Data was analyzed quantitatively and through use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The research method that used in tihs research is ordinal regression analysis using random sampling with the sample of the respondents is 58 samples of all the employees at PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Manado. The result of this study shown that education level and training have no significant influence towards career development, and performance appraisal has significant influence towards career development. To management of company, researcher suggests to keep enhancing the performance appraisal and more consider the background of education and improve training program for better human resource. Keywords: education level, training, performance appraisal, career developmen

    Diagnosa Hama Dan Penyakit Pada Tanaman Cabai Menggunakan Metode Variable Centered Intelligent Rule System (Vcirs)

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    This research led to an expert system application that was built by applying the method variable centered intelligent rule system and the certainty factor. Variable Centered Intelligent Rule System (VCIRS) is an intelligent rule-based system that focuses on the variables. VCIRS procedures are able to take over the construction of knowledge, update knowledge as well as advice or inference process. Procedure own certainty factor on the symptoms of pests or diseases taking into account the weighting process used to provide from the weighting process result in the form of pests or diseases to the value of the trust of the system. The location of this research is located in Rote Ndao Regency. Data used in this application testing of 28 case data sourced from an expert or agricultural expert. Accuracy in this study was 100 %. The results showed that the method variable centered intelligent rule system and certainty factor can be applied in the application of expert system for the diagnosis of plant pests and diseases chili

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Koopeartif Tipe Cooperative, Integrated, Reading And Composition (CIRC) pada Materi Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur Kelas X SMAN 1 Pasangkayu

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    Reaserch was conducted on the atomic structure subject and the periodic table with implementing cooperative learning model type of coopeative, integrated reading and composition (CIRC) in SMAN 1 Pasangkayu is applied to the learning model with the conventional lecture method. This study aims to implement cooperative learning model of CIRC towards the chemical learning outcomes. The population in this study is a class X student of SMAN 1 Pasangkayu academic year 2013/2014 the number of students 300 people, and the study sample X.4 class as experiment class with (n = 30) applying cooperative learning model CIRC and class X.3 as class control the number of students (n = 32) whithout using cooperative learning model CIRC. Testing the hypothesis t-test of the right-hand side. The results of the analysis of data obtained average scores on the experimental class = 76.90 and 60.81 for the control class normaly distibuted both classes and has variance (F test) are homogeneous. Tesing hypothesis obtained tcount t-test = 4.73 > ttabel = 1.67 with a significance level (α) = 0.05. The results showed that the application of cooperative learning model CIRC gives the positive effect on student learning outcomes in the atomic structure subject and the periodic table of elements (H0 rejected H1 is accepted)

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share (Tps) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 022 Rtp. Kiri Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The problem this research is the students achievement of IPA fourth graderst studies still low with an average value of 59,3 and minimum completeness criteria (KKM) IPA studies is 65. Between students, amounting to 22 people only 9 students who achieve classical KKM with 41%. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which aims to improve the student achievement of IPA studies class IV at SDN 022 Rantau Panjang Kiri with implementation cooperative learning model with tipes TPS. Formulation of the problem: is the implementation of cooperative learning model with tipes TPS can improve students achievement of IPA studies at SDN 022 Rantau Panjang Kiri. Subjects were students of SDN 022 Rantau Panjang Kiri, totaling 22 people who use the data source. The data collection instruments in this thesis is a teacher and students activities sheets and students achievement. This thesis presents the results obtained each day before the action an improve in base score cycle with the average being 59,3. In the first cycle improve an average of 69,5 and an improved in the second with an average of 78,8. Results in the class IV at SDN 022 Rantau Panjang Kiri that the implementation of cooperative learning model with tipes TPS can improved the student achievement of IPA studies at fourth graders SDN 022 Rantau Panjang Kiri

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) Dikombinasikan dengan Media Animasi pada Materi Laju Reaksi Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Palu

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    Students have difficulties in understanding chemistry subject contained mathematical calculation like on reaction rate topic. Cooperative learning model STAD type can be an alternative for the material contained calculation whereas animation media is for conceptual understanding. The objective of the research was to determine the influence of cooperative learning model STAD type combined with animation media for the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palu in academic year 2012/2013 toward the students' learning outcome on reaction rate material. This research was quasy experimental using posttest-only control group design. The population was the whole eleventh grade students of science program with the sample determination using purposive sampling method. The sample were class of science program 2 as the experimental class which using cooperative learning model STAD type with animation media whereas class of science program 4 as the control one which using convensional learning method. The research results showed that cooperative learning model STAD type combined with animation media at reaction rate material gave students' learning outcome higher than convensional method
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