547 research outputs found

    The use of Raman spectroscopy to differentiate between different prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines

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    Raman spectroscopy (RS) is an optical technique that provides an objective method of pathological diagnosis based on the molecular composition of tissue. Studies have shown that the technique can accurately identify and grade prostatic adenocarcinoma (CaP) in vitro. This study aimed to determine whether RS was able to differentiate between CaP cell lines of varying degrees of biological aggressiveness. Raman spectra were measured from two well-differentiated, androgen-sensitive cell lines (LNCaP and PCa 2b) and two poorly differentiated, androgen-insensitive cell lines (DU145 and PC 3). Principal component analysis was used to study the molecular differences that exist between cell lines and, in conjunction with linear discriminant analysis, was applied to 200 spectra to construct a diagnostic algorithm capable of differentiating between the different cell lines. The algorithm was able to identify the cell line of each individual cell with an overall sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 99%. The results further demonstrate the ability of RS to differentiate between CaP samples of varying biological aggressiveness. RS shows promise for application in the diagnosis and grading of CaP in clinical practise as well as providing molecular information on CaP samples in a research setting

    Label-free cell cycle analysis for high-throughput imaging flow cytometry

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    Imaging flow cytometry combines the high-throughput capabilities of conventional flow cytometry with single-cell imaging. Here we demonstrate label-free prediction of DNA content and quantification of the mitotic cell cycle phases by applying supervised machine learning to morphological features extracted from brightfield and the typically ignored darkfield images of cells from an imaging flow cytometer. This method facilitates non-destructive monitoring of cells avoiding potentially confounding effects of fluorescent stains while maximizing available fluorescence channels. The method is effective in cell cycle analysis for mammalian cells, both fixed and live, and accurately assesses the impact of a cell cycle mitotic phase blocking agent. As the same method is effective in predicting the DNA content of fission yeast, it is likely to have a broad application to other cell types

    Protective effects of solvent fractions of Mentha spicata (L.) leaves evaluated on 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide induced chromosome damage and apoptosis in mouse bone marrow cells

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    Spearmint leaves (Mentha spicata L.) contain high levels of antioxidants that are known to protect against both exogenous and endogenous DNA damage. In this study, the protective effects of the hexane fraction (HF), chloroform fraction (CF) and ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) in an ethanol extract from M. spicata were evaluated against 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO) induced chromosome damage and apoptosis in bone marrow cells of Swiss albino mice. Two (EAF; 80 and 160 mg/ kg body weight - bw) or three (HF and CF; 80, 160 and 320 mg/ kg bw) doses of solvent fractions or vehicle control (25% DMSO in water) were administered orally for five consecutive days. Upon the sixth day, 4-NQO was injected intraperitoneally. The animals were killed the following day. Other control groups were comprised of animals treated with either the vehicle control or the various doses of solvent fractions, but with no 4-NQO treatment. 4-NQO induced micro-nucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs) in all the test groups. However, pre-treatment of animals with the solvent fractions significantly reduced the 4-NQO-induced MnPCEs as well as the percentage of apoptotic cells. The reduction of both MnPCE and apoptosis was more evident following the pre-treatment of animals with 160 mg/kg bw EAF

    Apoptosis assays with lymphoma cell lines: problems and pitfalls

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    Much attention has been focused on the manner in which tumour cells die after treatment with cytotoxic agents. The basic question is whether cells die via apoptosis or via direct damage from the toxic agent. Various assays have been used to make this distinction. However, we show herein that some of the widely used assays for apoptosis do not in fact distinguish between apoptosis and other forms of cell death. More specifically: (1) A sub-G1 DNA content, identified by propidium iodide staining, does not distinguish between apoptotic and necrotic cells; (2) loss of mitochondrial membrane potential does not distinguish between apoptotic and necrotic cells, unless combined with an assay for an intact cell membrane; (3) subcellular fragments that arise from dead cells or from apoptotic bodies can interfere with some assays for apoptosis such as annexin V staining, as they may be close to the size of intact cells, making it difficult to decide where to set the size threshold; (4) irradiated cells display a large increase in nonspecific Ab binding. This may be partly due to an increase in cell size, but, regardless of the cause, it can lead to a mistaken conclusion that there is an increase in a particular antigen if appropriate control reagents are not tested; and (5) experiments utilising Ab crosslinking have neglected the role of cell aggregation, which can cause multiple problems including death from mechanical stress when cells are handled. Consideration of these factors will improve our ability to determine the mode of cell death
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