201 research outputs found

    Mesotelioma Maligno Primário do Peritoneu Associado a Carcinoma de Células Renais. Revisão Concisa

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    O Mesotelioma peritoneal maligno é um tumor maligno relacionado frequentemente com exposição prolongada a fibras de amianto, de mau prognóstico, de diagnóstico geralmente tardio, face à pouca expressão clínica na fase inicial da doença. Como o mesotelioma evolui geralmente só na cavidade peritoneal, doentes seleccionados poderão ter maior sobrevivência se for possível a peritonectomia extensa e quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal intraoperatória. Os autores referem a sincronicidade ainda não descrita, de mesotelioma peritoneal maligno primário e carcinoma de Grawitz. São revistos concisamente: a clínica destes tumores, síndromes paraneoplásicos (disfunção bioquímica hepática, emagrecimento extremo); etiopatogenia da acção cancerígena das fibras de amianto; mecanismos de disseminação intraperitoneal; avaliação tomodensitométrica; importância da imunohistoquímica no diagnóstico histopatológico; estadiamento; importância do tratamento multidisciplinar destes tumores

    Endocardite Aguda Bi-Valvular Esquerda por Estafilococo Aureus Meticilino-Resistente com Complicações Cardíaca, Cerebral, Renal e Sepsis

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) is now rare in developed countries, but its prevalence is higher in elderly patients with prosthetic valves, diabetes, renal impairment, or heart failure. An increase in health-care associated IE (HCAIE) has been observed due to invasive maneuvers (30% of cases). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus are the most common agents in HCAIE, causing high mortality and morbidity. We review complications of IE and its therapy, based on a patient with acute bivalvular left-sided MRSA IE and a prosthetic aortic valve, aggravated by congestive heart failure, stroke, acute immune complex glomerulonephritis, Candida parapsilosis fungémia and death probably due to Serratia marcescens sepsis. The HCAIE was assumed to be related to three temporally associated in-hospital interventions considered as possible initial etiological mechanisms: overcrowding in the hospital environment,iv quinolone therapy and red blood cell transfusion. Later in the clinical course,C. parapsilosis and S. marcescens septicemia were considered to be possible secondary etiological mechanisms of HCAIE

    Design of an inclusive & interactive educational textile toy

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    The market for educational toys is scarce in products specifically developed for blind and low sighted children, aiming not only at their motor and cognitive development as well as to the non-stigmatization of these children. Considering the development of educational toys, and based in previous research work [1], we found that textile materials offer an enormous application capability in this regard due not only to their flexibility in use and maintenance of properties, but also because of our familiarity with these materials.The main goal of this project is the study of the emotional response to an interactive educational textile toy by children with visual impairments - blind or partially sighted. In this way the project is based on four main axes: knowing the user, identifying his specific needs; knowing the product-user relationship with a special focus on tactile and emotional perception; study textile structures to best fit the design; and, finally, evaluate the user's response to the developed product by evaluating the product experience.- This work is supported by FEDER funding on the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade-COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136 and UID/CTM/00264.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influência do processamento nas características sensoriais da água-de-coco.

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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo efetuar análise descritiva quantitativa de águas-de-coco e comparar o efeito de diferentes processamentos nas características sensoriais dos produtos. Foram utilizadas duas amostras de água-de-coco congeladas, uma pasteurizada por processo convencional e outra em microondas. Os resultados mostraram que a amostra pasteurizada em microondas apresentou (significativamente) os menores valores para as características típicas da água-de-coco verde, ao contrário das amostras congeladas. A amostra processada por pasteurização convencional apresentou maior intensidade dos atributos aroma e sabor de passado e aroma de ranço

    Testing and comparing two self-care-related instruments among older Chinese adults

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    Objectives The study aimed to test and compare the reliability and validity, including sensitivity and specificity of the two self-care-related instruments, the Self-care Ability Scale for the Elderly (SASE), and the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale-Revised (ASAS-R), among older adults in the Chinese context. Methods A cross-sectional design was used to conduct this study. The sample consisted of 1152 older adults. Data were collected by a questionnaire including the Chinese version of SASE (SASE-CHI), the Chinese version of ASAS-R (ASAS-R-CHI) and the Exercise of Self-Care Agency scale (ESCA). Homogeneity and stability, content, construct and concurrent validity, and sensitivity and specificity were assessed. Results The Cronbach's alpha (α) of SASE-CHI was 0.89, the item-to-total correlations ranged from r = 0.15 to r = 0.81, and the test-retest correlation coefficient (intra-class correlation coefficient, ICC) was 0.99 (95% CI, 0.99±1.00; P<0.001). The Cronbach's α of ASAS-R-CHI was 0.78, the item-to-total correlations ranged from r = 0.20 to r = 0.65, and the test-retest ICC was 0.95 (95% CI, 0.92±0.96; P<0.001). The content validity index (CVI) of SASE-CHI and ASAS-R-CHI was 0.96 and 0.97, respectively. The findings of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) confirmed a good construct validity of SASE-CHI and ASAS-R-CHI. The Pearson's rank correlation coefficients, as a measure of concurrent validity, between total score of SASE-CHI and ESCA and ASAS-R-CHI and ESCA were assessed to 0.65 (P<0.001) and 0.62 (P<0.001), respectively. Regarding ESCA as the criterion, the area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve for the cut-point of SASE-CHI and ASAS-R-CHI were 0.93 (95% CI, 0.91±0.94) and 0.83 (95% CI, 0.80±0.86), respectively. Conclusion There is no significant difference between the two instruments. Each has its own characteristics, but SASE-CHI is more suitable for older adults. The key point is that the users can choose the most appropriate scale according to the specific situation.publishedVersionNivå

    Self-organisation and psychotherapy

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    Neste artigo, resultado de uma pesquisa de tipo qualitativo, hermenêutico e documental, procuramos mostrar como as Ciências Cognitivas, desde a sua constituição, têm contribuído para a compreensão do ser humano. Fazemos referência às visões mais racionalistas da mente, que a entendem semelhante a um sistema computacional, até à visão menos (não) racionalista que lhe confere valor cognitivo, envolta em emoções e afetos, que numa visão mais construtivista – ou pós-racionalista – se diria que traduz significados, traduz uma vivência ou uma história narrativa (e) pessoal. Assim, apresentamos o modelo de terapia cognitiva pós-racionalista de Vittorio Guidano, refletindo sobre os fundamentos epistemológicos do Movimento da Auto-organização (MAO), nos quais ele se fundamenta. Descrevemos sumariamente os alicerces epistemológicos do MAO, os quais garantem a este modelo uma dimensão holista e explicativa do processo de construção da identidade humana, que pode ser descrita como processo de conhecimento, capaz de vivenciar e ao mesmo tempo perceber e avaliar a sua própria experiência (autoconsciência). O ser humano age na intersubjetividade, num mundo pluralista, com os seus congéneres, partilhando experiências e interpretando ações (complexificando-se através desses acoplamentos). Pretendemos, também, ilustrar que a matriz de funcionamento interno de cada ser humano, a qual lhe permite ordenar essa múltipla e facetada realidade, assim como formar/construir/ordenar significados pessoais, é o vínculo emotivo-afetivo.In this paper, which is the result of a qualitative, hermeneutical and documental research, we intend to show how the Cognitive Sciences, since their beginning, have contributed to the understanding of human beings. We refer to the rationalistic understanding of the mind (the mind is like a computer system), and also to the non-rationalistic understanding, which attributes to the mind a cognitive value, immersed in emotions and affections. In addition, according to a constructivist or post-rationalistic understanding, the mind translates meanings, an experience or a personal narrative story. Thus, we present the model of post-rationalistic cognitive therapy of Vittorio Guidano, reflecting on the epistemological foundations of the Self-Organization Movement, on which it is based. We describe briefly the epistemological principles of the Self-Organization Movement, which give to this model a holistic and explanatory dimension of the process of construction of human identity. This identity can be described as the human beings’ process of self-knowledge, as we are capable of experiencing and at the same time perceiving and evaluating, our own experiences (self-consciousness). The human being acts on intersubjectivity, in a pluralistic world with his peers, sharing experiences and interpreting actions. We also want to illustrate that the matrix of inner functioning of every human being, which allows us to sort this multi-faceted reality in a single personal order, is the emotional bond.(undefined

    From fuzzy to annotated semantic web languages

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    The aim of this chapter is to present a detailed, selfcontained and comprehensive account of the state of the art in representing and reasoning with fuzzy knowledge in Semantic Web Languages such as triple languages RDF/RDFS, conceptual languages of the OWL 2 family and rule languages. We further show how one may generalise them to so-called annotation domains, that cover also e.g. temporal and provenance extensions