15 research outputs found

    Diurnal Variation in Urodynamics of Rat

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    In humans, the storage and voiding functions of the urinary bladder have a characteristic diurnal variation, with increased voiding during the day and urine storage during the night. However, in animal models, the daily functional differences in urodynamics have not been well-studied. The goal of this study was to identify key urodynamic parameters that vary between day and night. Rats were chronically instrumented with an intravesical catheter, and bladder pressure, voided volumes, and micturition frequency were measured by continuous filling cystometry during the light (inactive) or dark (active) phases of the circadian cycle. Cage activity was recorded by video during the experiment. We hypothesized that nocturnal rats entrained to a standard 12:12 light:dark cycle would show greater ambulatory activity and more frequent, smaller volume micturitions in the dark compared to the light. Rats studied during the light phase had a bladder capacity of 1.44±0.21 mL and voided every 8.2±1.2 min. Ambulatory activity was lower in the light phase, and rats slept during the recording period, awakening only to urinate. In contrast, rats studied during the dark were more active, had a lower bladder capacities (0.65±0.18 mL), and urinated more often (every 3.7±0.9 min). Average bladder pressures were not significantly different between the light and dark (13.40±2.49 and 12.19±2.85 mmHg, respectively). These results identify a day-night difference in bladder capacity and micturition frequency in chronically-instrumented nocturnal rodents that is phase-locked to the normal circadian locomotor activity rhythm of the animal. Furthermore, since it has generally been assumed that the daily hormonal regulation of renal function is a major driver of the circadian rhythm in urination, and few studies have addressed the involvement of the lower urinary tract, these results establish the bladder itself as a target for circadian regulation

    Management of hydrocele in adolescent patients

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    Hydrocele is defined as an abnormal collection of serous fluid in the potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis. In the majority of affected adolescents, hydrocele is acquired and is idiopathic in origin. The pathogenesis of idiopathic hydrocele is thought to be an imbalance in the normal process of fluid production and reabsorption. The diagnosis is usually clinical. Taking a thorough history is essential to rule out any fluctuation in size, which is an indication of a patent processus vaginalis. Scrotal ultrasonography is mandatory in nonpalpable testicles to rule out a subtending testicular solid mass requiring inguinal exploration. Otherwise, open hydrocelectomy via a scrotal incision is the standard treatment of idiopathic hydroceles. The second most common cause of hydrocele in adolescents is varicocelectomy. The risk of hydrocele formation is higher with non-artery-sparing procedures or those performed without microsurgical aid, and in surgery requiring cord dissection. If hydrocele occurs after varicocelectomy, initial management should include observation with or without hydrocele aspiration. Large persistent hydroceles are best served by open hydrocelectomy

    Bladder Exstrophy

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    Quality of life of patients using intermittent urinary catheterization

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    Objectives: measure and compare the quality of life of neurogenic bladder patients using intermittent urinary catheterization who were going through rehabilitation in Brazil and Portugal. Method: multicenter, quantitative, cross-sectional, observational-analytic and correlational study executed in Brazil and Portugal. Two data collection tools were used, being one questionnaire with sociodemographic and clinical data and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref. Patients were included who were over 18 years of age, suffering from neurogenic urinary bladder and using intermittent urinary catheterization. Results: in the sample of Brazilian (n = 170) and Portuguese (n = 52) patients, respectively, most patients were single (87-51.2%; 25-48.1%), had finished primary education (47-45.3%; 31-59.6%) and were retired (70-41.2%; 21-40.4%). Spinal cord injury was the main cause of using the urinary catheter in both countries. The Brazilian patients presented higher mean quality of life scores in the psychological domain (68.9) and lower scores in the physical domain (58.9). The Portuguese patients presented higher scores in the psychological domain (68.4) and lower scores in the environment domain (59.4). The execution of intermittent urinary self-catheterization was significant for both countries. Conclusions: in the two countries, these patients’ quality of life can be determined by the improvement in the urinary symptoms, independence, self-confidence, social relationships and access to work activities.Objetivos: mensurar y comparar la calidad de vida de pacientes con vejiga neurogénica en uso de cateterismo vesical intermitente durante el proceso de rehabilitación en Brasil y en Portugal. Método: estudio multicéntrico, Brasil y Portugal, cuantitativo, trasversal, observacional-analítico y correlacional. Fueron utilizados dos instrumentos de recolecta, un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y clínicos y el World Health Organization Quality Life-bref. Fueron inclusos pacientes mayores de 18 años, con vejiga urinaria neurogénica, y usuarios de cateterismo vesical intermitente. Resultados: en la muestra de pacientes brasileños (n = 170) y portugueses (n = 52), respectivamente, la mayoría era soltera (87-51,2%; 25-48,1%), con educación fundamental (47-45,3%; 31-59,6%), jubilada (70-41,2%; 21-40,4%). La lesión medular fue la principal causa del uso del catéter urinario en los dos países. En promedio, los pacientes brasileños presentaron scores de calidad de vida superiores en el dominio psicológico (68,9) e inferiores en el dominio físico (58,9). Los pacientes portugueses presentaron scores superiores en el dominio psicológico (68,4) y inferiores en el dominio ambiente (59,4). La ejecución del autocateterismo vesical intermitente fue significativa para los dos países. Conclusiones: en los dos países, la calidad de vida de esos pacientes puede ser determinada por la mejora de los síntomas urinarios, de la independencia, autoconfianza, relaciones sociales y acceso a actividades laborales.Objetivos: mensurar e comparar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com bexiga neurogênica em uso do cateterismo urinário intermitente em processo de reabilitação, no Brasil e em Portugal. Método: estudo multicêntrico, Brasil e Portugal, quantitativo, transversal, observacional-analítico e correlacional. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta, um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e World Health Organization Quality Life-bref. Foram inclusos pacientes maiores de 18 anos, com bexiga urinária neurogênica, e usuários do cateterismo urinário intermitente. Resultados: na amostra de pacientes brasileiros (n = 170) e portugueses (n = 52), respectivamente, a maioria era solteira (87-51,2%; 25-48,1%), com ensino fundamental (47-45,3%; 31-59,6%), aposentada (70-41,2%; 21-40,4%). A lesão medular foi a principal causa do uso do cateter urinário nos dois países. Os pacientes brasileiros apresentaram média de escores mais elevados de qualidade de vida no domínio psicológico (68,9) e menos elevados no domínio físico (58,9). Os pacientes portugueses apresentaram escores mais elevados no domínio psicológico (68,4) e menos no domínio ambiente (59,4). A realização do autocateterismo urinário intermitente foi significativa para os dois países. Conclusões: nos dois países, a qualidade de vida desses pacientes pode ser determinada pela melhora dos sintomas urinários, da independência, autoconfiança, relações sociais e acesso a atividades laborais