12 research outputs found

    Ureaplasma urealyticum as a cause of pneumonia in preterm infants: analysis of the white cell response.

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    The tracheal isolation of Ureaplasma urealyticum from critically ill infants was investigated to determine if the organism was associated with an inflammatory response. Twenty nine neonates consecutively admitted for acute respiratory disease, with birthweights of < 1301 g and no evidence of viral, chlamydial, or bacterial infections, were identified. Culture results for ureaplasmas were correlated with white cell counts and clinical and radiographic features. Sixteen infants had tracheal aspirates and/or blood specimens positive for U urealyticum. Pneumonia was diagnosed more frequently in the U urealyticum positive infants than in the 13 who were negative for the organism. The mean total white cell count, absolute neutrophil, and band form counts were significantly higher in the U urealyticum positive group than in the negative group. These data suggest that U urealyticum can induce an inflammatory response in selected individuals who present with clinical, radiographic, and, in some instances, histological features of pneumonia

    Fontes de fibra de coprodutos agroindustriais protéicos para coelhos em crescimento Fiber sources of proteic agricultural co-products for growing rabbits

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a influência da fibra oriunda de diferentes fontes (feno de alfafa, farelo de linhaça e farelo proteinoso de milho) sobre o desempenho, coeficientes de digestibilidade e características da carne de coelhos em crescimento. Os animais foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e oito repetições, sendo uma ração referência e duas rações testes: FA - ração controle, com feno de alfafa; FL - substituição total do feno de alfafa por farelo de linhaça e FP - substituição total do feno de alfafa por farelo proteinoso de milho. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste Duncan (P<0,05). A maior quantidade de hemicelulose e a baixa capacidade de hidratação das dietas FA e FP proporcionaram maior peso vivo dos animais aos 89 dias (2123 e 1934 g, respectivamente) contra 1797 g da dieta FL e melhor coeficiente de digestibilidade da MS e MO (média de 80,80 para MS e 81,76% para MO, respectivamente) em relação à dieta FL (73,86 e 75,84%, respectivamente). A dieta FP apresentou maior coeficiente de digestibilidade para a FDN (56,59%) contra a média de 33,11% para as demais dietas. A força de cisalhamento foi menor para a carne dos animais alimentados com FA e FP (1,90 e 1,63 kgf) em comparação com a FL (2,33 kgf) (P<0,05), o que indica carne mais macia. O farelo proteinoso de milho proporcionou peso vivo dos animais aos 89 dias semelhante ao do feno de alfafa. O farelo de linhaça, pela grande quantidade de fibra solúvel e alta capacidade higroscópica, prejudicou o desempenho dos animais e a maciez da carne.<br>The objective of this paper was to study the influence of fiber fractions from different sources (alfalfa hay, linseed bran and corn gluten meal) on performance, digestibility coefficients and meat characteristics of growing rabbits. The animals were distributed into a completely randomized design with three treatments and eight replications, with one reference and two test diets: AH- control diet, with alfalfa hay; LB- total substitution of alfalfa hay by linseed bran and GM- total substitution of alfalfa hay by corn gluten meal. The data were submitted to variance analysis and the averages were compared by Duncan test (P<.05). The largest amount of hemicellulose and the low hydration capacity of the diets AF and GM proportioned greater animals live weight at 89 days of age (2123 and 1934 g, respectively) versus 1797 g of the animals fed with the diet LB and better digestibility coeficients of DM and OM (average of 80.80 for DM and 81.76% for OM, respectively) in relation to diet LB (73.86 and 75.84%, respectively). The diet GM showed a higher digestibility coefficient of NDF (56.59%) against the average of 33.11% for the other diets. The shear force was lower for meat from animals fed with AH and GM (1.90 and 1.63 kgf) compared to LB (2.33 kgf) (P<.05), which indicates meat tenderness. The corn gluten meal proportioned live weight to the animals at 89 days of age similar to the alfalfa hay. The linseed bran, due to large amount of soluble fiber and high hydration capacity, impaired animal performance and meat tenderness

    Effects of Community-Based Management on Amazon River Turtles: A Case Study of Podocnemis sextuberculata

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    Podocnemis sextuberculata is cited as "vulnerable" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List due to a decline in its population as a result of the intensive exploitation pressure throughout its range. Understanding the effects of environmental characteristics and human activities on turtle populations is essential to improve current conservation programs. We analyzed the abundance of Podocnemis sextuberculata in the lower Amazon, where a management experiment is under way, by comparing neighboring areas with and without community-based management (CBM) initiatives. In addition, we analyzed the influence of environmental variables on the species' abundance. Abundance was measured by captures per unit effort expressed in number of individuals (CPUEN) and biomass (CPUEB). The effects of CBM and environmental variables were tested by General Linear Model analysis. A total of 354 individuals were captured, 321 in the areas under CBM and 33 in areas without CBM. CPUEN and CPUEB were strongly correlated, and their values were about 10-fold higher in the areas carrying out CBM initiatives. The variable that best explained variation in CPUEN and CPUEB was CBM. Distance between the sampling point and the nearest nesting beach and river level also influenced capture rates. Results clearly show that local fishing restrictions can have a positive influence on turtle populations. © 2013 Chelonian Research Foundation