11 research outputs found

    Thermal Evolution and Magnetic Field Generation in Terrestrial Planets and Satellites

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    Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean orogeny and the Bolivian orocline

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    The building of the Andes results from the subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate underneath the South American continent1. However, how and why the Andes and their curvature, the Bolivian orocline, formed in the Cenozoic era (65.5 million years (Myr) ago to present), despite subduction continuing since the Mesozoic era(251.0–65.5 Myr ago), is still unknown. Three-dimensional numerical subduction models demonstrate that variations in slab thickness, arising from the Nazca plate’s age at the trench, produce a cordilleran morphology consistent with that observed. The age-dependent sinking of the slab in the mantle drives traction towards the trench at the base of the upper plate, causing it to thicken. Thus, subducting older Nazca plate below the Central Andes can explain the locally thickened crust and higher elevations. Here we demonstrate that resultant thickening of the South American plate modifies both shear force gradients and migration rates along the trench to produce a concave margin that matches the Bolivian orocline. Additionally, the varying forcing along the margin allows stress belts to form in the upper-plate interior, explaining the widening of the Central Andes and the different tectonic styles found on their margins, the Eastern and Western Cordilleras. The rise of the Central Andes and orocline formation are directly related to the local increase of Nazca plate age and an age distribution along the margin similar to that found today; the onset of these conditions only occurred in the Eocene epoch. This may explain the enigmatic delay of the Andean orogeny, that is, the formation of the modern Andes.Peer Reviewe

    Plume–slab interaction: The Samoa–Tonga system

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    Mantle plume behavior near subducting plates is still poorly understood and in fact varies significantly from the classical hotspot model. We investigate using 3D laboratory models how subduction-driven flow relates to the deformation and dispersal of a nearby plume. Results show slab-driven flow severely distorts plume-driven flow, entraining and passively advecting plume material despite its thermal buoyancy. Downdip sinking of the slab initially stalls vertical plume ascent while the combination of downdip and rollback sinking motions redistribute material throughout the system. As a consequence of the subduction-induced flow, surface expressions differ significantly from traditional plume expectations. Variations in slab sinking style and plume position lead to a range in head and conduit melting signatures, as well as migrating hotspots. For the Samoa–Tonga system, model predictions are consistent with proposed entrainment of plume material around the subducting plate

    Mantle dynamics - A case study

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    Solid state convection in the rocky mantles is a key to understanding the thermochemical evolution and tectonics of terrestrial planets and moons. It is driven by internal heat and can be described by a system of coupled partial differential equations. There are no analytic solutions for realistic configurations and numerical models are an indispensable tool for researching mantle convection. After a brief general introduction, we introduce the basic equations that govern mantle convection and discuss some common approximations. The following case study is a contribution towards a self-consistent thermochemical evolution model of the Earth. A crude approximation for crustal differentiation is coupled to numerical models of global mantle convection, focussing on geometrical effects and the influence of rheology on stirring. We review Earth-specific geochemical and geophysical constraints, proposals for their reconciliation, and discuss the implications of our models for scenarios of the Earth’s evolution. Specific aspects of this study include the use of passive Lagrangian tracers, highly variable viscosity in 3-d spherical geometry, phase boundaries in the mantle and a parameterised model of the core as boundary condition at the bottom of the mantle

    Thermal Evolution and Magnetic Field Generation in Terrestrial Planets and Satellites

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    Social Work Practice With Homeless Persons: State of the Art

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