7 research outputs found

    Ricerca EUROMED HERITAGE II: Patrimoine Partagé

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    Ricerca EUROMED HERITAGE II: Patrimoine Partagé committente: Unione Europea, direzione: URBAMA-Cnrs, Universitè Tours,Francia. Progetto iniziato nel 2002 e terminato nel 2005. Principali partner: Univ. di Ferrara-Dip. di Architettura; Univ. Di Firenze- Dip. di Storia dell’Architettura; Univ. Mouloud Manner,Algérie; Univ. de Malaga ; Institut d’études méditerranéennes, Rethymnon Creta; Ecole nationale d’Architecture de Rabat, Marocco ; Institute Nationale du Patrimonie, Tunisi, Facoltà di Architettura di Lattaquié, Siria ; National Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Il Cairo. Resp.nazionale: prof. Daniele Pini, Università di Ferrara; ruolo del sottoscritto: coordinatore nazionale sottoprogetto 4

    A density-functional study of microphase formation in binary gaussian mixtures

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    We use density-functional theory to study the formation of inhomogeneous phases in a binary mixture of particles interacting by repulsive, athermal Gaussian potentials with suitably chosen strengths and ranges. Both the potential parameters and the free-energy functional are the same as those adopted in a previous investigation by other authors (Archer A J, Likos C N and Evans R 2004 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16 L297), but here a fully numerical minimization of the functional is performed, without any assumption about the functional form of the density profile. We find lamellar, rod and cluster phases. In the lamellar phase, the two species arrange into intercalating stripes; in the rod and cluster phases, the minority species is localized at the site of a periodic lattice, either triangular (for rods) or body-centred cubic (for clusters), while the other species is distributed non-uniformly in the remaining region, so that it forms a percolating network. The order of the transition from the homogeneous to the inhomogeneous phase and the phase diagram of the mixture are also discussed

    Concorso internazionale ad inviti su preselezione per la sistemazione urbanistica e paesaggistica del Parco Archeologico del Daming Palace a Xian (Cina). 3° premio (1° premio non assegnato).

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    sistemazione urbanistica e paesaggistica di una vasta area urbana (circa 6 kmq), adiacente al centro cittĂ , dove sono previsti importanti scavi archeologici, per la formazione di un parco archeologico di richiamo nazionale e internazional