2,159 research outputs found

    Black hole variability and the star formation-active galactic nucleus connection : do all star-forming galaxies host an active galactic nucleus?

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    We investigate the effect of active galactic nucleus (AGN) variability on the observed connection between star formation and black hole accretion in extragalactic surveys. Recent studies have reported relatively weak correlations between observed AGN luminosities and the properties of AGN hosts, which has been interpreted to imply that there is no direct connection between AGN activity and star formation. However, AGNs may be expected to vary significantly on a wide range of timescales (from hours to Myr) that are far shorter than the typical timescale for star formation (gsim100 Myr). This variability can have important consequences for observed correlations. We present a simple model in which all star-forming galaxies host an AGN when averaged over ~100 Myr timescales, with long-term average AGN accretion rates that are perfectly correlated with the star formation rate (SFR). We show that reasonable prescriptions for AGN variability reproduce the observed weak correlations between SFR and L AGN in typical AGN host galaxies, as well as the general trends in the observed AGN luminosity functions, merger fractions, and measurements of the average AGN luminosity as a function of SFR. These results imply that there may be a tight connection between AGN activity and SFR over galaxy evolution timescales, and that the apparent similarities in rest-frame colors, merger rates, and clustering of AGNs compared to "inactive" galaxies may be due primarily to AGN variability. The results provide motivation for future deep, wide extragalactic surveys that can measure the distribution of AGN accretion rates as a function of SFR

    A geometric study of the dispersionless Boussinesq type equation

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    We discuss the dispersionless Boussinesq type equation, which is equivalent to the Benney-Lax equation, being a system of equations of hydrodynamical type. This equation was discussed in . The results include: a description of local and nonlocal Hamiltonian and symplectic structures, hierarchies of symmetries, hierarchies of conservation laws, recursion operators for symmetries and generating functions of conservation laws (cosymmetries). Highly interesting are the appearances of operators that send conservation laws and symmetries to each other but are neither Hamiltonian, nor symplectic. These operators give rise to a noncommutative infinite-dimensional algebra of recursion operators

    The Method of Ion Mobility TOF Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Identification of Triphenylmethane Ball Point Pen Dyes

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    AbstractIn this work ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry is preliminarily studied as a method for identification of the composition for triphenylmethane ball point pen dyes by their traces on paper. Components were identified as Basic violet 2, Methyl violet 6B, Methyl violet 2B, Crystal violet. All the compounds were shown to form excellent individual mass selective mobility peaks. Short time of analysis allow one to consider IMS/TOFMS as a perspective alternative for traditional methods of identification

    Transmission of a Drift Tube Ion Mobility Spectrometer, Connected with a Mass Spectrometer

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    AbstractIn this work it is experimentally showed that transmission of atmospheric drift tube ion mobility spectrometer (DT-IMS), connected with mass spectrometer (MS), depends on ion mobility of investigated compounds, because of depletion effect of Bradbury-Nielson ion gate (IG), which previously has been approved only by standalone DT-IMS. Theoretical estimation of depletion width of IG is in good agreement with experimental data. Also it is found, that ion lost due to its pulsing work of IG are few times smaller, than its duty cycle. It's explained by difference in influence of coulomb repulsion at 100% and 1% duty cycle – in first case it's significant versus second case, when coulomb repulsion become negligibly small, that reduces lost of ions on entrance of MS interface

    String Field Theory Projectors for Fermions of Integral Weight

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    The interaction vertex for a fermionic first order system of weights (1,0) such as the twisted bc-system, the fermionic part of N=2 string field theory and the auxiliary \eta\xi system of N=1 strings is formulated in the Moyal basis. In this basis, the Neumann matrices are diagonal; as usual, the eigenvectors are labeled by \kappa\in\R. Oscillators constructed from these eigenvectors make up two Clifford algebras for each nonzero value of \kappa. Using a generalization of the Moyal-Weyl map to the fermionic case, we classify all projectors of the star-algebra which factorize into projectors for each \kappa-subspace. At least for the case of squeezed states we recover the full set of bosonic projectors with this property. Among the subclass of ghost number-homogeneous squeezed state projectors, we find a single class of BPZ-real states parametrized by one (nearly) arbitrary function of \kappa. This class is shown to contain the generalized butterfly states. Furthermore, we elaborate on sufficient and necessary conditions which have to be fulfilled by our projectors in order to constitute surface states. As a byproduct we find that the full star product of N=2 string field theory translates into a canonically normalized continuous tensor product of Moyal-Weyl products up to an overall normalization. The divergent factors arising from the translation to the continuous basis cancel between bosons and fermions in any even dimension.Comment: LaTeX, 1+23 pages, minor improvements, references adde

    Open Superstring Star as a Continuous Moyal Product

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    By diagonalizing the three-string vertex and using a special coordinate representation the matter part of the open superstring star is identified with the continuous Moyal product of functions of anti-commuting variables. We show that in this representation the identity and sliver have simple expressions. The relation with the half-string fermionic variables in continuous basis is given.Comment: Latex, 19 pages; more comments added and notations are simplifie

    QFT on homothetic Killing twist deformed curved spacetimes

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    We study the quantum field theory (QFT) of a free, real, massless and curvature coupled scalar field on self-similar symmetric spacetimes, which are deformed by an abelian Drinfel'd twist constructed from a Killing and a homothetic Killing vector field. In contrast to deformations solely by Killing vector fields, such as the Moyal-Weyl Minkowski spacetime, the equation of motion and Green's operators are deformed. We show that there is a *-algebra isomorphism between the QFT on the deformed and the formal power series extension of the QFT on the undeformed spacetime. We study the convergent implementation of our deformations for toy-models. For these models it is found that there is a *-isomorphism between the deformed Weyl algebra and a reduced undeformed Weyl algebra, where certain strongly localized observables are excluded. Thus, our models realize the intuitive physical picture that noncommutative geometry prevents arbitrary localization in spacetime.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; v2: extended discussion of physical consequences, compatible with version to be published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    The cosmic history of hot gas cooling and radio active galactic nucleus activity in massive early-type galaxies

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    We study the X-ray properties of 393 optically selected early-type galaxies (ETGs) over the redshift range of z≈ 0.0–1.2 in the Chandra Deep Fields (CDFs). To measure the average X-ray properties of the ETG population, we use X-ray stacking analyses with a subset of 158 passive ETGs (148 of which were individually undetected in X-ray). This ETG subset was constructed to span the redshift ranges of z= 0.1–1.2 in the ≈4 Ms CDF-South and ≈2 Ms CDF-North and z= 0.1–0.6 in the ≈250 ks Extended-CDF-South where the contribution from individually undetected active galactic nuclei (AGN) is expected to be negligible in our stacking. We find that 55 of the ETGs are detected individually in X-ray, and 12 of these galaxies have properties consistent with being passive hot-gas-dominated systems (i.e. systems not dominated by an X-ray bright AGN). On the basis of our analyses, we find little evolution in the mean 0.5–2 keV to B-band luminosity ratio (LX/LB∝ [1 +z]1.2) since z≈ 1.2, implying that some heating mechanism prevents the gas from cooling in these systems. We consider that feedback from radio-mode AGN activity could be responsible for heating the gas. We select radio AGN in the ETG population using their far-infrared/radio flux ratio. Our radio observations allow us to constrain the duty cycle history of radio AGN activity in our ETG sample. We estimate that if scaling relations between radio and mechanical power hold out to z≈ 1.2 for the ETG population being studied here, the average mechanical power from AGN activity is a factor of ≈1.4–2.6 times larger than the average radiative cooling power from hot gas over the redshift range z≈ 0–1.2. The excess of inferred AGN mechanical power from these ETGs is consistent with that found in the local Universe for similar types of galaxies

    A deficit of ultraluminous X-ray sources in luminous infrared galaxies

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    We present results from a Chandra study of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) in a sample of 17 nearby (DL < 60 Mpc) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), selected to have star formation rates (SFRs) in excess of 7 M⊙ yr−1 and low foreground Galactic column densities (NH ≲ 5 × 1020 cm−2). A total of 53 ULXs were detected and we confirm that this is a complete catalogue of ULXs for the LIRG sample. We examine the evolution of ULX spectra with luminosity in these galaxies by stacking the spectra of individual objects in three luminosity bins, finding a distinct change in spectral index at luminosity ∼2 × 1039 erg s−1. This may be a change in spectrum as 10 M⊙ black holes transit from an ∼ Eddington to a super-Eddington accretion regime, and is supported by a plausible detection of partially ionized absorption imprinted on the spectrum of the luminous ULX (LX ≈ 5 × 1039 erg s−1) CXOU J024238.9-000055 in NGC 1068, consistent with the highly ionized massive wind that we would expect to see driven by a super-Eddington accretion flow. This sample shows a large deficit in the number of ULXs detected per unit SFR (0.2 versus 2 ULXs, per M⊙ yr−1) compared to the detection rate in nearby (DL < 14.5 Mpc) normal star-forming galaxies. This deficit also manifests itself as a lower differential X-ray luminosity function normalization for the LIRG sample than for samples of other star-forming galaxies. We show that it is unlikely that this deficit is a purely observational effect. Part of this deficit might be attributable to the high metallicity of the LIRGs impeding the production efficiency of ULXs and/or a lag between the star formation starting and the production of ULXs; however, we argue that the evidence – including very low NULX/LFIR, and an even lower ULX incidence in the central regions of the LIRGs – shows that the main culprit for this deficit is likely to be the high column of gas and dust in these galaxies, that fuels the high SFR but also acts to obscure many ULXs from our view

    Variable Hard-X-Ray Emission from the Candidate Accreting Black Hole in Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2-10

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray spectrum and long-term variability of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2–10. Recent observations suggest that this galaxy hosts an actively accreting black hole (BH) with mass ~106 M{{M}_{\odot }}. The presence of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) in a low-mass starburst galaxy marks a new environment for AGNs, with implications for the processes by which "seed" BHs may form in the early universe. In this paper, we analyze four epochs of X-ray observations of Henize 2–10, to characterize the long-term behavior of its hard nuclear emission. We analyze observations with Chandra from 2001 and XMM-Newton from 2004 and 2011, as well as an earlier, less sensitive observation with ASCA from 1997. Based on a detailed analysis of the source and background, we find that the hard (2–10 keV) flux of the putative AGN has decreased by approximately an order of magnitude between the 2001 Chandra observation and exposures with XMM-Newton in 2004 and 2011. The observed variability confirms that the emission is due to a single source. It is unlikely that the variable flux is due to a supernova or ultraluminous X-ray source, based on the observed long-term behavior of the X-ray and radio emission, while the observed X-ray variability is consistent with the behavior of well-studied AGNs