60 research outputs found

    Google matrix of business process management

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    Development of efficient business process models and determination of their characteristic properties are subject of intense interdisciplinary research. Here, we consider a business process model as a directed graph. Its nodes correspond to the units identified by the modeler and the link direction indicates the causal dependencies between units. It is of primary interest to obtain the stationary flow on such a directed graph, which corresponds to the steady-state of a firm during the business process. Following the ideas developed recently for the World Wide Web, we construct the Google matrix for our business process model and analyze its spectral properties. The importance of nodes is characterized by Page-Rank and recently proposed CheiRank and 2DRank, respectively. The results show that this two-dimensional ranking gives a significant information about the influence and communication properties of business model units. We argue that the Google matrix method, described here, provides a new efficient tool helping companies to make their decisions on how to evolve in the exceedingly dynamic global market.Comment: submitted to European Journal of Physics

    Kolmogorov turbulence, Anderson localization and KAM integrability

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    The conditions for emergence of Kolmogorov turbulence, and related weak wave turbulence, in finite size systems are analyzed by analytical methods and numerical simulations of simple models. The analogy between Kolmogorov energy flow from large to small spacial scales and conductivity in disordered solid state systems is proposed. It is argued that the Anderson localization can stop such an energy flow. The effects of nonlinear wave interactions on such a localization are analyzed. The results obtained for finite size system models show the existence of an effective chaos border between the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) integrability at weak nonlinearity, when energy does not flow to small scales, and developed chaos regime emerging above this border with the Kolmogorov turbulent energy flow from large to small scales.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figs, EPJB style

    Particle propagation in a random and quasiperiodic potential

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    We numerically investigate the Anderson transition in an effective dimension dd (3d113 \leq d \leq 11) for one particle propagation in a model random and quasiperiodic potential. The found critical exponents are different from the standard scaling picture. We discuss possible reasons for this difference.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Physica

    Dynamical Localization: Hydrogen Atoms in Magnetic and Microwave fields

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    We show that dynamical localization for excited hydrogen atoms in magnetic and microwave fields takes place at quite low microwave frequency much lower than the Kepler frequency. The estimates of localization length are given for different parameter regimes, showing that the quantum delocalization border drops significantly as compared to the case of zero magnetic field. This opens up broad possibilities for laboratory investigations.Comment: revtex, 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. A, Feb (1997

    Fractal Weyl law for Linux Kernel Architecture

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    We study the properties of spectrum and eigenstates of the Google matrix of a directed network formed by the procedure calls in the Linux Kernel. Our results obtained for various versions of the Linux Kernel show that the spectrum is characterized by the fractal Weyl law established recently for systems of quantum chaotic scattering and the Perron-Frobenius operators of dynamical maps. The fractal Weyl exponent is found to be ν0.63\nu \approx 0.63 that corresponds to the fractal dimension of the network d1.2d \approx 1.2. The eigenmodes of the Google matrix of Linux Kernel are localized on certain principal nodes. We argue that the fractal Weyl law should be generic for directed networks with the fractal dimension d<2d<2.Comment: RevTex 6 pages, 7 figs, linked to arXiv:1003.5455[cs.SE]. Research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/, Improved version, changed forma

    Nonlinearity effects in the kicked oscillator

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    The quantum kicked oscillator is known to display a remarkable richness of dynamical behaviour, from ballistic spreading to dynamical localization. Here we investigate the effects of a Gross Pitaevskii nonlinearity on quantum motion, and provide evidence that the qualitative features depend strongly on the parameters of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Low energy transition in spectral statistics of 2D interactingfermions

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    We study the level spacing statistics P(s)P(s) and eigenstate properties of spinless fermions with Coulomb interaction on a two dimensional lattice at constant filling factor and various disorder strength. In the limit of large lattice size, P(s)P(s) undergoes a transition from the Poisson to the Wigner-Dyson distribution at a critical total energy independent of the number of fermions. This implies the emergence of quantum ergodicity induced by interaction and delocalization in the Hilbert space at zero temperature.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 4 figures; new data for eigenfunctions are adde

    Magnetic Field Effect for Two Electrons in a Two Dimensional Random Potential

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    We study the problem of two particles with Coulomb repulsion in a two-dimensional disordered potential in the presence of a magnetic field. For the regime, when without interaction all states are well localized, it is shown that above a critical excitation energy electron pairs become delocalized by interaction. The transition between the localized and delocalized regimes goes in the same way as the metal-insulator transition at the mobility edge in the three dimensional Anderson model with broken time reversal symmetry.Comment: revtex, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Relaxation process in a regime of quantum chaos

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    We show that the quantum relaxation process in a classically chaotic open dynamical system is characterized by a quantum relaxation time scale t_q. This scale is much shorter than the Heisenberg time and much larger than the Ehrenfest time: t_q ~ g^alpha where g is the conductance of the system and the exponent alpha is close to 1/2. As a result, quantum and classical decay probabilities remain close up to values P ~ exp(-sqrt(g)) similarly to the case of open disordered systems.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 4 figures discussion of the relations between time scale t_q and weak localization correction and between dynamical and disordered systems is adde

    Two interacting Hofstadter butterflies

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    The problem of two interacting particles in a quasiperiodic potential is addressed. Using analytical and numerical methods, we explore the spectral properties and eigenstates structure from the weak to the strong interaction case. More precisely, a semiclassical approach based on non commutative geometry techniques permits to understand the intricate structure of such a spectrum. An interaction induced localization effect is furthermore emphasized. We discuss the application of our results on a two-dimensional model of two particles in a uniform magnetic field with on-site interaction.Comment: revtex, 12 pages, 11 figure