45 research outputs found

    Quality evaluation of naturally fermented alcoholic beverages, microbiological examination of source of fermentation and ethanol productivity of the isolates

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    The naturally fermented alcoholic (NFA) beverages collected from tribal areas contained higher quantity of methanol, with wide variations in ethanol, pH and volatile acidity. The NFA beverages were also found to be contaminated with Brettanomyces spp. and coliform bacteria indicating a potential danger of their consumption. The examination of natural sources of fermentation (NSF), frequently used in such fermentations, revealed the presence of fungi viz., Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus oryzae, Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp.: the yeast included Saccharomyces spp., Scytalidium thermophilus (Torula) and Rhodotorula and bacteria viz., Pediococcus, Leuconostoc and Pseudomonas. Except for a few, the general ethanol productivity of the isolates from NSF was low. Saccharomyces spp. had higher population and was predominant among the yeasts isolated from NSF. The abnormal characteristics of the NFA beverages could be correlated with the raw materials, source and method of fermentation and distillation. Use of pure yeast and proper distillation method could improve the quality of such beverages

    Adoption of Information Technology Policies in the Tourism Sector in the Era of WEB2.0

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    In this work we look at the impact of information technologies in tourism SMEs and how they can benefit from the exploitation of information technology in their operations without violating privacy, with a special focus in hotel sector. We discuss how current technologies have shaped the new era of tourism and we discuss the travel 2.0 challenges, the transformation that the Web 2.0 and social networking brought to tourism sector, their applications to the domains such as the wikitravel, travel blogs, social networking communities, as well as the underlying technologies for these applications. More specifically, we discuss how the use of internet has transformed the hotel sector and we highlight the importance of the adoption of user friendly policies for the protection of user data. Finally, we propose a model for the protection of privacy that tourism companies need to consider when adopting these technologies in order to comply with the legislation and adopt user friendly trust policies

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    Not AvailableIndia has witnessed a spectacular advancement in agricultural production and productivity during the last four decades. Foodgrains production registered more than five-fold increase, from 50 million tonnes in 1950-51 to 265 million tonnes in 2013-14, and productivity also increased by more than five times, from 522 kg/ha in 1950-51 to 2,100 kg/ha in 2013-14. Since the early eighties, this has enabled the country in achieving and sustaining self-sufficiency in grains production along with the adequate buffer stock to meet contingencies, and more recently for exports. This transformation is attributed to the development and adoption of high-yielding varieties/hybrids of several crops. The pace with which the country has progressed in the crop improvement programme would have not been possible without the simultaneous evolution of institutional system for crop breeding research and seed production. Crop improvement research immediately after independence was augmented in phases through the establishment of commodity-oriented National Institutes, National Research Centres and Project Directorates under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. At present, there are 17 Crop Research Institutes, 5 Project Directorates, 3 National Network Projects, one National Research Centre, one deemed to be University for improvement of different field crops and one Institute for germplasm conservation. Another major step of the ICAR was to launch crops oriented All- India Coordinated Crop Improvement Projects, starting with maize in 1957; followed by wheat and rice in mid -sixties. Presently, there are 20 All-India Coordinated Crop Improvement Projects, ear-marked to research needs of different crops. In addition, there are 44 State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and three Central Agricultural Universities (CAUs) contributing towards crop improvement research in the country. A multi-disciplinary approach for varietal improvement and crop production-related problems; collective planning and testing; exchange of germplasm and breeding material; flexibility in operations, cutting-across administrative and other boundaries and linkages with the International Research Centres are some of the characteristics features of the AICCIPs. Conceptually, this testing system facilitates generation of multilocation data within the shorter period of a few years. This unique model of multi-disciplinary approach based on the multilocation testing facilitated rapid generation and identification of appropriate high-yielding varieties and development of improved package of practices for different agro-ecologies. More than 3,000 high-yielding varieties/hybrids of field crops have been developed till 2014; combining desired levels of resistance to biotic/abiotic stresses, adaptation to diverse agronomic variables and cropping systems. Meeting the prescribed quality standards in testing and production have helped in revolutionizing crop production. The international nurseries and trials, being organized worldwide by the CGIAR institutes, are basically modeled on the lines of AICCIPs. In spite of the impressive mileage, the system has given across crops since 1957, there has been an apprehension regarding its continued utility in the present form. There is a considerable scope to bring in changes in view of the new technological advancements, changing production conditions and evolving national and international policies and procedures. A set of uniform guidelines for plant variety testing, identification, release and notification of crop varieties in the country was developed and published in 2002 as “Guidelines for Crop Variety Testing under All- India Coordinated Crop Improvement Projects”. The system of identification and release of varieties as well as for the production of nucleus/breeder Preface seed and for on-farm verification trials are very well developed and standardized in crops like wheat and pearl millet. However, in several other crops, the situation is not the same. In some of the projects, for instance, the entries are subjected to specific zonal testings only without exposing them to other potential zones. Very often plot sizes and number of replications do not commensurate with the minimum requirements to properly assess genotypes for their yielding ability. In some cases, the number of testing locations are also not adequate, while in some crops, sufficient information is not generated even on the key components of yield, reaction to major diseases and insect-pests. In some cases no attempts are made to study responses to agronomic variables and adaptation to abiotic stresses. Details of weather parameters, and even occurrence and severity of stresses are not reported. Appropriate morphological descriptors to establish distinct identity of the test material are also not developed. The existing testing system is considered too rigid for variety identification and release with regard to the criterion of a number of years of testing before a strain becomes eligible for consideration for identification, release and notification. Although the AICCIP system is a proven success, there is unanimity that there is much potential to give more mileage by taking into consideration new developments due to globalization of agriculture and trade. Large-scale adoption of new breeding techniques such as marker -aided selection, requires appropriate consideration in varietal testing procedures. Genetically engineered varieties have become a reality in several crops. Their development and introduction necessitate appropriate testing procedures for ensuring bio-safety. The development of export-oriented agricultural produce, including foodgrains, is likely to increase considerably with globalization of economy and trade. Another important development is increasing role of private sector involvement in crop breeding, seed production and supply. This demands for creation of a reliable and a transparent testing and evaluation system. A Committee was constituted by the Council to critically review the existing guidelines and update these by incorporating the present needs. A series of meetings were held by the Committee and suggestions/ comments from Directors/Project Directors/Coordinators were also sought. The draft was circulated among all concerned, and it was discussed under the Chairmanship of Deputy Director General (Crop Science) to bring out this document to its present form. The Committee acknowledges the support rendered by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Dr S. K. Datta, Deputy Director General (Crop Science) consistently facilitated in collection of information and Dr J. S. Chauhan, Assistant Director General (Seeds) also supported in getting appropriate inputs from all the Project Directors/Coordinators, which helped in bringing out this document in its form. All the PD/PCs suggestions for improving this document are also thankfully acknowledged. The Committee is also grateful to the Director, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, for facilitating in logistics and in conducting meetings.Not Availabl

    T.: Fine-grained access control with objectsensitive roles

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    Abstract. Role-based access control (RBAC) is a common paradigm to ensure that users have sufficient rights to perform various system operations. In many cases though, traditional RBAC does not easily express application-level security requirements. For instance, in a medical records system it is difficult to express that doctors should only update the records of their own patients. Further, traditional RBAC frameworks like Java’s Enterprise Edition rely solely on dynamic checks, which makes application code fragile and difficult to ensure correct. We introduce Object-sensitive RBAC (ORBAC), a generalized RBAC model for object-oriented languages. ORBAC resolves the expressiveness limitations of RBAC by allowing roles to be parameterized by properties of the business objects being manipulated. We formalize and prove sound a dependent type system that statically validates a program’s conformance to an ORBAC policy. We have implemented our type system for Java and have used it to validate fine-grained access control in the OpenMRS medical records system.