5 research outputs found

    The Possibility Assessment of Complex Processing of Technogenic Formations Containing Zinc Sulfide

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    The comprehensive methodology for the zinc extraction from sulfide compounds into the oxide form with possible further reduction to metal is presented in this study. It was demonstrated in laboratory conditions during sludge treatment with Zn and ZnO obtaining. The remaining silicate products. It is proposed to recycle this material into Portland cement clinker to ensure a waste-free process. Keywords: zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, sludge recycling, Portland cement clinker, waste-free recyclin

    Metal Oxidation Control at the Stage of Refining Steel Smelting in Electric Arc Furnaces

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    The mathematical processing results of a number of EAF-135 melts electrical parameters are presented. The influence of the foamy slag formation, molten metal carburization and the harmful impurities oxidation on the change in electrical parameters is analyzed. The methodology for determining the metal oxidation from the electrical melt parameters is characterized. In the presented form, the technique is cumbersome for the rapid assessment of the oxidation process intensity and requires refinement. Keywords: Metal oxidation, electric parameters, electric arc furnac

    Chemical Stabilization Features Of Ladle Furnace Slag In Ferrous Metallurgy

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    Nowadays due to the application expansion of secondary steel processing methods, which provide high-degree metal desulfurization, a problem of the ladle furnace slag (or high-calcium refining slag) stabilization arose in the ferrous metallurgy. This slag cannot be stabilized because of its self-disintegrating properties. Keywords: ladle furnace slag, secondary alumina production wastes, slag stabilization, belite, mayenit

    Limestone Addition Effect on Phase Composition of Red Mud Reduction Roasting Products

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    There are millions of tons of solid waste residues accumulated in present-day alumina industry.  Those solid waste residues contain red mud and belit mud. The creation of sludge depository, its keeping and taking environmental protection measures cost up to $8-12 million a year.  However, red mud is a valuable raw material. The extraction of some useful elements from red mud makes it possible to obtain such valuable products as pig iron, iron-bearing concentrate, rare-earth elements, alumina concrete, constructional materials, etc.  Keywords: red mud, pig iron, cement clinker, gelenite slag, phase composition, chemical compositio

    Unit Ladle-Furnace: Slag Forming Conditions And Stabilization

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    Nowadays almost all smelted steel is processed in "ladle-furnace" (LF), where the steel is processed under refining conditions and brought to the desired temperature and chemical composition. Therefore, large amounts of refining slag are formed. Only in Russia there is about 1.4 million tons of slag exported to dumps annually. This slag cannot be processed by the schemes implemented in the industry, since the slag quickly turns into the tiniest dust during solidification and cooling. Such dust is easily aerated and carried by the wind for long distances; it pollutes soils, dissolves in ground, sedimentary and sewage waters. It also pollutes slag dumps that are suitable for processing for crushed stone. Keywords: ladle furnace slag, EAF slag, chemical composition, phase composition, secondary alumina production wastes, slag stabilizatio