6 research outputs found

    An immersed boundary method for computing heat and fluid flow in porous media

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    A volume-penalizing immersed boundary (IB) method is presented that facilitates the computation of fluid flow in complex porous media. The computational domain is composed of a uniform Cartesian grid, and solid bodies are approximated on this grid using a series of grid cells (i.e., a ''staircase'' approximation). Solid bodies are distinguished from fluid regions using a binary phase-indicator function: Taking the value of ''1'' in the solid parts of the domain and ''0'' in the fluid parts. The effect of solid bodies on the flow is modeled using a source term in the momentum equations. The source term is active only within solid parts of the domain, and enforces the no-slip boundary condition. Fluid regions are governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. An extension of the IB method is proposed to tackle coupled fluid-solid heat transfer. The extended IB method is validated for Poiseuille flow, which allows for a direct comparison of the numerical results against a closed analytical solution. We subsequently apply the extended IB method to flow in a structured porous medium and focus on bulk properties such as the gradient of the average pressure and the Nusselt number. Reliable qualitative results were obtained with 16-32 grid points per singly-connected fluid region

    Computing the apparent permeability of an array of staggered square rods using volume-penalization

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    In the present paper we uncover through numerical simulation the velocity and pressure fields inside a model porous medium composed of an infinitely extending array of staggered square rods. These microtransport simulations allow for the prediction of macrotransport parameters that are of value to the volume-averaged description of fluid motion in porous media. We focus on computing the macroscopic apparent permeability and investigate its dependence on the Reynolds number, the porosity, and the flow direction. For the microtransport simulations a volume-penalizing immersed boundary method is presented that facilitates the computation of fluid transport in porous media, accounting for the full geometrical complexity of the porous medium. We represent porous media on uniform Cartesian grids and separate solid from fluid domains using a binary phase-indicator function. The effect of solid bodies on the fluid motion is modeled using a source term in the momentum equation. This source term approximates the no-slip condition at the solid-fluid interface

    Fully-developed conjugate heat transfer in porous media with uniform heating

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    We propose a computational method for approximating the heat transfer coefficient of fully-developed flow in porous media. For a representative elementary volume of the porous medium we develop a transport model subject to periodic boundary conditions that describes incompressible fluid flow through a uniformly heated porous solid. The transport model uses a pair of pore-scale energy equations to describe conjugate heat transfer. With this approach, the effect of solid and fluid material properties, such as volumetric heat capacity and thermal conductivity, on the overall heat transfer coefficient can be investigated. To cope with geometrically complex domains we develop a numerical method for solving the transport equations on a Cartesian grid. The computational method provides a means for approximating the heat transfer coefficient of porous media where the heat generated in the solid varies 'slowly' with respect to the space and time scales of the developing fluid. We validate the proposed method by computing the Nusselt number for fully developed laminar flow in tubes of rectangular cross section with uniform wall heat flux. Detailed results on the variation of the Nusselt number with system parameters are presented for two structured models of porous media: an inline and a staggered arrangement of square rods. For these configurations a comparison is made with literature on fully-developed flows with isothermal walls

    Tomographic immersed boundary method for permeability prediction of realistic porous media: Simulation and experimental validation

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    In this paper we demonstrate the ability of a volume-penalizing immersed boundary method to predict pore-scale fluid transport in realistic porous media. A numerical experiment is designed that recreates the exact conditions of a real flow experiment through a fibrous porous medium. Under a constant volumetric flow rate air is forced through the porous sample and the pressure drop across its length is accurately measured. The exact pore geometry is obtained using highresolution micro-computed tomography, and the data is, after processing, directly inserted into the flow solver. Simulations are performed on a uniform Cartesian grid, spanning the entire physical domain (i.e., including both fluid and solid regions)— a feature which represents one of the major benefits of volume penalization. We demonstrate that the numerical results agree well with the experiment and that an error of approximately < 10% is attainable on a grid of 512×256×256 cells

    Evolution and function of the HLA system.

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    The authors summarize the data on HLA variation in the human population, including particularly associations between alleles at different loci due to linkage disequilibrium, and then try to explain the polymorphism and disease associations in terms of known mechanisms and HLA system functions. Finally, they consider the evolution of the HLA region and the functional significance of such a complex cluster of genes

    Modeling the pore level fluid flow in porous media using the immersed boundary method

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    This chapter demonstrates the potential of the immersed boundary method for the direct numerical simulation of the flow through porous media. A 2D compact finite differences method was employed to solve the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with fourth-order Runge-Kutta temporal discretization and fourth-order compact schemes for spatial discretization. The solutions were obtained in a Cartesian grid, with all the associated advantages. The porous media is made of equal size square cylinders in a staggered arrangement and is bounded by solid walls. The transverse and longitudinal distances between cylinders are equal to two cylinder diameters and at the inlet a fully developed velocity profile is specified. The Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter and maximum inlet velocity ranges from 40 to 80. The different flow regimes are identified and characterised, along with the prediction of the Reynolds number at which transition from steady to unsteady flow takes place. Additionally, the average drag and lift coefficients are presented as a function of the Reynolds number