11 research outputs found

    Reduced turbophoresis in two-way coupled particle-laden flows

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    Reduced turbophoresis in two-way coupled particle-laden flows

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    Direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow is employed to show that two-way coupling effects in particle-laden flows leads to reduced preferential clustering and turbophoresis (Kuerten and Vreman, 2005) even for low values of volume and mass fraction. The effect of including two-way coupling on the phenomenon of turbophoresis and preferential clustering is studied for particles of different response times at a variety of loading ratios

    Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation X

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    Direct numerical simulation of biomass combustion in a turbulent particle-laden channel flow

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    Renewable energy is the key to meet the ever-increasing global energy needs in a climate-constrained world. Biomass, being the only carbon based renewable energy fuel, is gaining importance in order to satisfy environmental concerns about fossil fuel usage. Biomass co-firing with coal is one of the main methods in achieving the objectives of increasing sustainable energy production. The present paper is aimed at the development of a computational model for biomass pyrolysis and combustion in a compressible gas flow

    Comparison of DNS of compressible and incompressible turbulent droplet-laden heated channel flow with phase transition

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    Multiphase flows in which a large number of small droplets are dispersed in a gas, play an important role in a variety of applications. At sufficiently high mass and volume fraction the presence of the dispersed droplet phase directly modulates the flow through the exchange of momentum with the gas (Appl Sci Res 52, 309–329 (1994)) [ 1]. Dispersed multiphase flows may in addition show effects arising from phase transition. Turbulent spray cooling is an example in which the effect of phase transition is exploited to enhance the desired cooling rate (Int Heat Mass Transfer 41, 2601–2617(1997)) [ 2]. In this contribution we study turbulent flow in a differentially heated plane channel in which the dispersed droplet phase is treated as a discrete set of point particles whose motion in the carrier gas flow is tracked

    The implementation of 5-D FGM for LES of a gas turbine model combustor with heat loss

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    The interest in numerical simulation of combusting flows for industrial applications has gained a wide growth in the past decad

    Large-eddy simulation in hydraulics: Quo Vadis?

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    The method of large-eddy simulation (LES) is used increasingly to address research and engineering problems of modern hydraulics. LES simulates directly the large-scale motion of the flow and employs a model to account for the effects that small-scale turbulence imposes on large eddies. This paper summarizes recent hydraulic and hydro-environmental research in which LES has been used. It demonstrates a wide range of applicability of the method and highlights some important research contributions that have been made in studies of large-scale turbulence-dominated flows in which LES delivered accurate predictions. Despite its recent successes, LES is not yet considered to be a universal tool in hydraulics; it cannot (yet) simulate certain flows of hydraulic interest, either because of lack of adequate supergrid models to handle utterly complex flow physics or because current computing resources hinder its applicability to real-life flows at realistically high Reynolds numbers. The paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of the LES method in hydraulics that have to be addressed for LES to play a major role in hydraulic research in the near to medium future