38 research outputs found

    Total Prompt Energy Release in the Neutron-Induced Fission of 235-U, 238-U, and 239-Pu

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    This study addresses, for the first time, the total prompt energy release and its components for the fission of 235-U, 238-U, and 239-Pu as a function of the kinetic energy of the neutron inducing the fission. The components are extracted from experimental measurements, where they exist, together with model-dependent calculation, interpolation, and extrapolation. While the components display clear dependencies upon the incident neutron energy, their sums display only weak, yet definite, energy dependencies. Also addressed is the total prompt energy deposition in fission for the same three systems. Results are presented in equation form. New measurements are recommended as a consequence of this study.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Calculating the Fierz Transformation for Higher Orders

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    We consider the higher-order Fierz transformation, which corresponds to expanding a product of ψˉΓψ\bar\psi\Gamma\psi terms into a sum of products of Dirac densities and currents. It is shown that the Fierz transformation can be obtained by solving a large system of linear equations with fractional complex coefficients, which is practical at least up to fourth power.Comment: 6 pages, 3 table

    On the Isovector Channels in Relativistic Point Coupling Models within the Hartree and Hartree-Fock Approximations

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    We investigate the consequences of Fierz transformations acting upon the contact interactions for nucleon fields occurring in relativistic point coupling models in Hartree approximation, which yield the same models but in Hartree-Fock approximation instead. We find for four-fermion interactions occurring in two existing relativistic point coupling phenomenologies that whereas in Hartree the isovector-scalar strength, corresponding to delta-meson exchange, is unnaturally small, indicating a possible new symmetry, in Hartree-Fock it is instead comparable to the isovector-vector strength corresponding to rho-meson exchange, but the sum of the two isovector coupling constants appears to be preserved in both approaches. Furthermore, in Hartree-Fock approximation, both QCD-scaled isovector coupling constants are natural (dimensionless and of order 1) whereas in Hartree approximation only that of the isovector-vector channel is natural. This indicates that it is not necessary to search for a new symmetry and, moreover, that the role of the delta-meson should be reexamined.Comment: 10 pages; accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Adjustment studies in self-consistent relativistic mean-field models

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    We investigate the influence of the adjustment procedure and the set of measured observables on the properties and predictive power of relativistic self-consistent mean-field models for the nuclear ground state. These studies are performed with the point-coupling variant of the relativistic mean-field model. We recommend optimal adjustment algorithms for the general two-part problem and we identify various trends and dependencies as well as deficiencies of current models. Consequences for model improvements are presented.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Pairing correlations. Part 1: description of odd nuclei in mean-field theories

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    In order to extract informations on pairing correlations in nuclei from experimental mass differences, the different contributions to odd-even mass differences are investigated within the Skyrme HFB method. In this first paper, the description of odd nuclei within HFB is discussed since it is the key point for the understanding of the above mentioned contributions. To go from an even nucleus to an odd one, the advantage of a two steps process is demonstrated and its physical content is discussed. New results concerning time-reversal symmetry breaking in odd-nuclei are also reported. PACS: 21.10Dr; 21.10.Hw; 21.30.-x. Keywords: Mean-field theories; Pairing correlations; odd nuclei;Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Shape and blocking effects on odd-even mass differences and rotational motion of nuclei

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    Nuclear shapes and odd-nucleon blockings strongly influence the odd-even differences of nuclear masses. When such effects are taken into account, the determination of the pairing strength is modified resulting in larger pair gaps. The modified pairing strength leads to an improved self-consistent description of moments of inertia and backbending frequencies, with no additional parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, subm to PR