9 research outputs found

    Wharton's jelly cells from sheep umbilical cord maintained with different culture media are permissive to in vitro infection by Small Ruminant Lentiviruses

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to isolate cells from the Wharton's jelly of umbilical cord (WJUC) of sheep collected during natural parturition using different culture media, in addition to reporting for the first time the permissiveness of these cells to in vitro infection by small ruminant lentiviruses. Ten umbilical cords were collected from healthy sheep. Each cord explants were grown in different media consisting of MEM, low glucose DMEM, M199, and RPMI-1640. The permissiveness of infection of sheep cells from WJUC was tested with CAEV-Cork and MVV-K1514 strains, inoculating 0.1 MOI of each viral strain. Four supernatants from each strain were obtained from WJUC sheep cell cultures infected in different media. The results demonstrated the presence of cytopathic effect after the in vitro infection by CAEV-Cork and MVV-K1514 with all of the tested culture media. Nested-PCR detected proviral DNA in all supernatants. Supernatants containing CAEV-Cork viruses had TCID50/ml titres of 105.5 in MEM, 104.0 in low glucose DMEM, 105.0 in M199, and 105.7 in RPMI-1640. Supernatants containing the MVV-K1514 virus had TCID50/ml titres of 104.3 in MEM, 103.5 in low-glucose DMEM, 104.7 in M199, and 103.5 in RPMI-1640. Sheep cells from WJUC are permissive to in vitro infection by small ruminant lentivirus

    Padronização do Elisa indireto e Western Blot para diagnóstico da artrite-encefalite caprina

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    Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is routinely diagnosed with the Agarose Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) technique, which is considered to have low sensitivity. The objective of this study was to standardize testing i-Elisa and Western Blot for early detection of antibodies against CAEV in goats and compare the results obtained in these tests with proof of AGID. For standardization of i-Elisa and WB, different concentrations and dilutions of antigen, sera and conjugate were used. In the i-Elisa, rigid microplate with 96 wells was adopted, and the combination that showed the best result was a concentration of 0.5µg/ well of antigen and dilutions of the serum of 1:100 and conjugate of 1:1500. In the WB nitrocellulose membranes were used, and the dilutions of the serum were defined at 1:50 and conjugate at 1:15000. To evaluate the performance of the techniques, 222 goat serum samples were tested and the data were compared with the AGID. The sensitivity and specificity of Elisa-i/IDGA, WB/AGID and WB/Elisa-i were 70% and 91%, 100% and 72.6%, 84.6% and 76.5%, concomitantly. The Kappa index of these tests was 0.35, 0.2 and 0.36, respectively. The i-Elisa and WB techniques were more sensitive than the AGID and can be used as tools for early diagnosis of CAE.A artrite-encefalite caprina (CAE) é diagnosticada rotineiramente pela técnica de imunodifusão em gel de agarose (IDGA), que é considerada pouco sensível. Objetivou-se com este estudo padronizar testes de Elisa-i e Western Blot (WB) para diagnóstico precoce de anticorpos em caprinos contra CAEV e comparar os resultados obtidos nesses testes com a prova de IDGA. Para a padronização dos testes Elisa-i e WB, utilizaram-se diferentes concentrações e diluições de antígeno, soros e conjugado. No Elisa-i, adotaram-se microplacas rígidas com 96 poços, sendo a combinação de concentração de 0,5µg/poço de antígeno e diluições de 1:100 de soro e 1:1500 de conjugado a que apresentou melhor resultado. No WB foram utilizadas membranas de nitrocelulose, definindo-se as diluições de 1:50 de soro e 1:15000 de conjugado. Para avaliar o desempenho das técnicas, 222 amostras de soro caprino foram testadas e os dados obtidos foram comparados com o IDGA. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do Elisa-i/IDGA, WB/IDGA e WB/Elisa-i foram de 70% e 91%, 100% e 72,6%, 84,6% e 76,5%, concomitantemente. O índice Kappa desses testes foi de 0,35, 0,2 e 0,36, respectivamente. As técnicas de Elisa-i e WB apresentaram-se mais sensíveis que a IDGA, podendo ser utilizadas como ferramentas para o diagnóstico precoce da CAE

    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as an inactivator of caprine lentivirus (CLV) in colostrum and milk

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo the effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on the caprine lentivirus (CLV) in colostrum and milk. This was performed to develop a practical and efficient method of blocking the lactogenic transmission of the virus. In the in vitro experiment, colostrum and milk were treated with 0.25%; 0.50% and 1% SDS. Then, somatic cells of colostrum and milk were submitted to co-culture with caprine synovial membrane cells (CSM). In the in vivo test, goats were fed with colostrum and milk provided from CLV-positive goats treated with SDS in the same concentrations used in the in vitro experiment. Animals were tested by nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) and Western blot (WB) assays. In the in vitro experiment, inhibitory activity against CLV without inactivation occurred in colostrum with all SDS concentrations. However, concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5% SDS presented only inhibitory activity against CLV in milk cells, and 1% concentration provided inactivation of the virus. In the in vivo tests, none of the three concentrations of SDS was effective in inactivating LVC in colostrum or goat milk, which was confirmed by seroconversion and presence of proviral DNA in animals afterwards

    Caprine lentivirus in sheep milk and semen

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    ABSTRACT With the objective of detecting the presence of caprine lentivirus (CLV) in ewe milk and in ram semen, ten matrixes and four reproducers experimentally infected with CLV were used. Samples of ewe milk were collected during the four months of lactation, five collections per animal, totaling 50 samples. Regarding the rams, eight semen collections were made per animal, during one year of experimentation, totaling 32 samples. The milk and semen samples were submitted to DNA extraction and the nested polymerase chain reaction test (nPCR) to detect CLV proviral DNA. Eight (16%) of the milk samples were positive in nPCR originating from two ewes. Only one (3.12%) semen sample was positive. The amplification products were sequenced, and were confirmed to be a CLV genomic sequence. Thus, the presence of CLV proviral DNA in sheep milk and semen was demonstrated, confirming the feasibility of infection between species, and alerting to the risk of spreading infections

    Pesquisa de alguns microrganismos em saladas com maionese adquiridas em restaurantes, lanchonetes e "rotisseries" Research into microrganisms in mayonnaise salad obtained in restaurants, snack bars and "rotisseries"

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    Em vinte amostras de saladas com maionese foram efetuadas as contagens de bactérias mesófilas e psicrófilas, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, bolores e leveduras, a determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de bactérias coliforme totais de Escherichia coli e de estreptococos fecais, bem como a pesquisa de salmonelas. A contagem de bactérias mesófilas variou de 2,64 x 10(4) a <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT>3 x 10(7)/g do produto. Quanto às bactérias psicrófilas, as contagens variaram de < 10 a <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 3 x 10(7)/g. Para S. aureus, as contagens oscilaram de < 10² a 4 x 10(5)/g do alimento, enquanto que para B. cereus os números mínimo e máximo foram < 10² e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 3 x 10(4)/g, respectivamente. Para bolores e leveduras, as contagens variaram de 7,1 x 10² a 3,7 x 10(6)/g. Com relação ao NMP de coliformes totais e estreptococos fecais, os resultados obtidos mostraram-se compreendidos entre < 0,03 e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 4,3 x 10(5)/g. Quanto ao NMP de E. coli os números mínimo e máximo obtidos foram respectivamente de < 0,03 e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 2,4 x 10(4)/g de salada com maionese. Tais constatações indicam a ocorrência de contaminação inclusive por microrganismos de origem fecal. Todas as amostras revelaram-se negativas para bactérias do gênero Salmonella.<br>Twenty samples of mayonnaise salads obtained in restaurants, snack bars and "rotisseries" were analysed for total plate count of mesophilic and psichrophilic bacteria, yeasts and molds, enumeration and isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, the MPN of totally coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci as well as for investigation into the occurrence of Salmonella. It was found, in total counts, of coliform and streptococci, that numbers were high in many samples, showing the occurrence of contamination probably during the handling of the food. All the analysed samples were positive to total coliforms as well as to Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci showing that the food had, at some point, suffered pollution of fecal origi n. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus in varying proportions were found in different samples. All the samples were showed to be negative for Salmonella

    Produção de antígeno e separação da proteína p28 por microfiltragem seriada para sorodiagnóstico da artrite encefalite caprina por ensaio imunoenzimático

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo produzir um antígeno (Ag) a partir de cultura de células de membrana sinovial caprina (MSC) infectadas com o vírus de artrite encefalite caprina (CAEV), pela técnica de microfiltração seriada, substituindo a ultracentrifugação em colchão de sacarose (UCCS) para utilização em ELISA indireto (ELISA-i). Amostras de 188 soros caprinos, que previamente foram testados pelo Western blot (WB) com Ag UCCS, foram submetidas à análise pelo ELISA-i com o novo antígeno produzido, que mostrou concordância de 92% em relação ao antígeno UCCS. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do ELISA em relação ao WB foram de 95,6% e 88,5%, respectivamente. A nova técnica, criada a partir de microfiltrações, mostrou-se efetiva e de baixo custo para o diagnóstico sorológico de anticorpos para CAEV em comparação ao antígeno ultracentrifugado, e constitui uma alternativa viável para produção de antígeno purificado de lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes